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countering an operative in WZs?


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Any hints on dealing with operatives in a lvl 50 WZ? When I play my gunnery spec'd commando, I'm dead meat when one of those little suckers starts running circles around me. I hit "Concussion Charge", but he comes right back. Can't draw a bead on him, shots get interrupted, all I can do is a painfully slow walk while waiting to die, listening to the knives plunge into my back and the dude's annoying giggle.


Maybe do a "Mortar Volley" right on my head, prefaced with "Tech Override"?

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Honestly a stabby operative isn't something you can really counter on your own. They have plenty of stuns and their opener leaves you wide open to get rocked by their assortment of knives. You really just need to run with a buddy who'll save you backside when one gets on you.


You can try using tech override to set up mez them, then heal up and pop Reserve Power Cell to get ammo back, stun them again, then start wailing on them with your casts before they can get in close enough. Really just do your best to negate their opener, because thats what hurts like a whore. And to be honest, chances are without buddy saving you your gonna die, its just how commando works. We're class cannon DPS, and out cannon often gets gummed up with other peoples inturrupts.

Edited by Senscith
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...You can try using tech override to set up mez them, then heal up and pop Reserve Power Cell to get ammo back, stun them again, then start wailing on them with your casts before they can get in close enough. Really just do your best to negate their opener, because thats what hurts like a whore. ..

Ain't that a lot of stuff do deal with one little mofo?


The only time I've killed one of these suckers was when he was attacking someone else. As you noted, a Commando needs a buddy.

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Commandos are not the 1v1 type at all (Only in cases of bad players) so don't try to brave killing one person alone it won't work out as much as you think it will. You do have some utility to keep the person away (for a short bit) and call for help. In cases like Alderran, Commando's can defend a node long enough, if you use LoS to your advantage, to call for help.
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Well as a Gunnery commando you might as well bend over.


As an Assault Commando I don't actually fret about being 1v1'd, the issue is actually that it's almost never a 1v1 (bloody team game).


So assuming an operative jumps you at full health by himself - in which case he's a moron so you've got a head start. If he was any good he'd be jumping weakened players and a weakened player vs a full health player generally loses no matter what.


Spam knockback til the initial stun wears off.


Once he's tossed off,

Shield, Adrenaline Rush, maybe medpack, maybe a WZ adrenal if you have it

TO+RP+Plasma Grenade

Incendiary Round

Cryo Grenade

Charged Bolts + Charged Bolts + queue a HiB immediately behind it

Assault Plastique

Default Attack


Full Auto for the 75% chance to proc a free HiB (doesn't matter if you finish the cast, the proc happens at the start)

Make distance by spamming default attack to slow him as you move away, use instants and casts as and when you can.



And no you can't use Mortar Volley defensively.


1) it relies on you casting all through it

2) can't drop it on yourself

3) horribly easy to just walk out of the targeted area

Edited by Gyronamics
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...And no you can't use Mortar Volley defensively.


1) it relies on you casting all through it

2) can't drop it on yourself

3) horribly easy to just walk out of the targeted area

I empirically validated the above early this AM, at least as far as the first point. The second and third never came up. :(


My take-home lesson is that the way for my Gunnery spec'd Commando to kill Operatives is to attack them when they are on top of a teammate. If one focuses on me, it's not something I can fix by myself.

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I have a 50 Concealment Operative and a 50 Assault Commando. I can tell you that on my Operative, I will frequently jump Commandos because they like to stand outside the fray and, when unmolested, do significant damage. Also, as they tend to be outside looking in, I am less likely to be jumped by their teammate while I do my stabby stabby.


You really have only three choices when jumped by a Concealment Op with their Acid blade/hidden strike opener:

1) Best option - a teammate notices you getting bent over and starts pounding on the Op. This will force them to either sacrifice themselves for killing you or vanish and try again later.

2) Pop any defensive cooldowns you have along with medpacks, adrenaline rush, etc. Tech override to insta medical probe yourself, and attempt to damage the Operative enough that they give up and vanish. Do this while running towards nearby teammates for aid (Gunnery spec...I don't know...just throw foul language at them while you run).

3) Die. On my Operative, if 1-v-1 against even a full health Commando, if no one comes to help, I'll kill them 80% of the time. Concealment Ops have too much burst and too many stuns. About 3 out of 10 times the Commando will only have a chance for a couple GCDs. It just isn't a good match-up. Operatives excel at 1-v-1 while Commandos excel at being a support class. I "feel your pain". I put up pretty decent numbers on my Commando and find myself in WZs where the Op hunts me down the entire time and effectively shut me down. Does it suck? Absolutely. But if they are looking for you, they are ignoring a healer somewhere (unless you are a CM - then just pound your head on your keyboard).

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