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Arsenal in Need of Help w/ DPS


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I'm Arsenal Build



I am having problems with my DPS in Ops/Raids. I only PvE as well, so I don't need anything to help with PvP.


My stats are:

(These stats are all unbuffed and no stims added)


Aim - 1938

End - 1860

Power - 364

Surge Rating- 264

Crit Rating - 312

Crit Mult - 74.11%

Crit Chance - 31.52%

Acc - 101.10%

Dmg (Pri) - 739-968

Dmg (sec) - 80-149

Tech Acc - 111.10%

Tech Power - 1224


I have Full Rakata, Campaign Leggings and black hole ear, 1 implant and gloves, rakata pistols. Everything is modded mk-6 purples aim and surge.


Durring Denova HM I'm 4 on MOX around 900 or so dps (almost 1k with overheating alot) and up against two marauders and a sorc.


I'm not sure what is going on and what could I do to ramp up my dps? :confused:

Also my Rotations are usually: Tracer x3, unload, heatseeker, tracer x2, railshot (I'll switch it up sometimes). Also I throw in Thermal Sensor Override + Power Surge with a Fusion Missile.

Using heatseeker, railshot, and rapid shots when I have to run around and can't stand in one spot. Using my relic surge and crit rating 165 for 30sec whenever i can.


If anyone can help I'd appreciate it Alot.

Thank you in advance.

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When it comes to you build i say pick up the 4% alacrity.


For your rotation get into the habit of using railshot almost every time you use HSM, only time you will come across that you dont have 5 tracer lock's is where you have used unload twice of maybe 3 times (cant quite remember) before the cooldown on rail shot is up.


For gear, get at least 2 battle master power relics, if you have the time, and dont mind PvPing get the war hero ones.

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You could afford to drop a tad of your accuracy for either power or crit/surge.


My gear is all rakata except:

black hole ear and helmet

campaign power relic (this was a very nice addition)

war hero mainhand

my gloves, relic, belt bracers and blasters are all I have augmented right now. (aim)


I have switched out some enhancements dropping accuracy to around 99/109% in favor of crit/surge.


For rotation, I just keep in mind that a processed unload is our biggest damage dealer. Any time it's up I hit it as my next attack regardless of stacks, and I try to only Railshot with 5 stacks. And I only fusion missile on groups the damage isn't that great on a single target. I like to use thermal sensor override with unload occasionally, with it venting heat on crits and being free as a channel it can drop some nice amounts of heat.


HM denova last night I averaged 1100-1200dps (vs Kephess). On par with the sniper and jugg dps who were both slightly better geared then me.

Edited by TroyBerg
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Most of my Surge comes from Surge Augments I've added, I keep thinking what I need is more power and/or crit rating. I can't seem to find what to swap out since my stats so far seem to be avarage. I'm wondering if I should swap out some End since I'm sitting at 21,306 Unbuffed. I feel like I'm lacking something somewhere, I'm getting 900-970ish dps on mox just a while ago.

It's gotta be a stat, I tried alot of different rotations and keep ending up short. I think it comes down to just losing one stat to gain another. I shouldn't be coming up short with everything augmented... :confused:

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I'm in an almost identical mix of gear to you although a tiny bit below. BH Ear/Implant/Legs, Rakata everything else, still 1 columi weapon. I however, do significantly more DPS than that and do quite a few things different than you to achieve it.



I use My Build for the extra alacrity, you can even go the whole way and take 9% alacrity and boost your APM from 28 to 32. I prefer 4% as its easier on my heat management and less RNG reliant (crit dependant)


My stats are:

(These stats are all unbuffed and no stims added)


Aim - 1938

End - 1860

Power - 364

Surge Rating- 264

Crit Rating - 312

Crit Mult - 74.11%

Crit Chance - 31.52%

Acc - 101.10%

Dmg (Pri) - 739-968

Dmg (sec) - 80-149

Tech Acc - 111.10%

Tech Power - 1224


I have Full Rakata, Campaign Leggings and black hole ear, 1 implant and gloves, rakata pistols. Everything is modded mk-6 purples aim and surge.


Your Crit, Surge and Accuracy are all pretty high although acceptable. You could reitemize quite easily to boost your numbers.


  • Swap out an accuracy enhancement for power/surge, get as close to 100% accuracy as possible.
  • Replace all surge augments with aim. Scales with Sorc buff and is superior.
  • Get crit closer to 30% unbuffed by swapping out crit for power (either enhancements or mods) We no longer rely on crit for heat venting. You vent 8 heat every 6sec irrespective of cirt %.
  • Ditch your relics and buy 2 x Campain relics of the boundless ages from the PVP vendor (11200 creds)


You wont loose much surge with the enhancement changes making up for the augment losses.


By adding aim augments you will get a little crit as well as almost as much power as an overkill augment. With the sorc buff you come out ahead.


The PVP relics are seriously overpowered for PVE DPS. When comparing 97 power passive (lowest level PVP bought with 11200 credits) to the best possible PVE version (Warstalker Relic of boundless ages) 350 power for 30 secs, 2min CD, the base PVP model comes out ahead by 12.5% power over time and doesn't ever need to be activated. Get the BM version for 550 comms if you pvp, it's even better :)


My stats completely unbuffed look more like this..


Aim 1971

Power 614

Accuracy 100.03%

Crit 29.11%

Surge 72.93%


I'm not sure what is going on and what could I do to ramp up my dps? :confused:

Also my Rotations are usually: Tracer x3, unload, heatseeker, tracer x2, railshot (I'll switch it up sometimes). Also I throw in Thermal Sensor Override + Power Surge with a Fusion Missile.

Using heatseeker, railshot, and rapid shots when I have to run around and can't stand in one spot. Using my relic surge and crit rating 165 for 30sec whenever i can.


Rotation if its not a typo is part of your heat and DPS problems. Using that rotation can bring you over 40 heat by the time you hit your first HSM. Try Tracer x 3, HSM, Railshot, Unload, Tracer..... always use railshot on CD (you should have the 4pce bonus, if not you are gimping your DPS to the extreme) Use rapid shots before you go over 40 heat.. not after. Its a DPS gain in the long run as your diminished heat dissipation above 40 hurts you more.


Using Thermal Sensor Override + Power Surge with a Fusion Missile is good for damage, but if you find yourself high on heat use it with unload to help claw some heat back over the channel time.


I start a boss encounter with the rotation above and then go hell for leather with disregard for heat until I hit 75 heat. Then I pop vent heat and go back to the normal rotation making sure to stay under 40 for the next 1min50sec. I then ramp up again to 75 and blow vent heat on CD.. this way you can get an extra 200 heat usage over a 5min fight.


Although MOX doesn't take downtime into account a 900DPS figure seems very low and strikes me as a heat management problem more than anything else. Reworking your gear to carry less accuracy, crit and more power will give another 100DPS but it wont help if you constantly overheat. Spend some time on the dummys at fleet working on staying below 40 and you should see a marked increase in the numbers you put out. For a better idea of constant DPS use SWmoniTOR as a parser.


If anyone can help I'd appreciate it Alot.

Thank you in advance.


You're welcome.

Edited by Phottek
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Heya, I didn't bother reading the thread besides the OP, so if i repeat anything, my bad.


Right now my main is a merc arsenal, and when he's fully buffed and stimmed, he has about 2360 aim. Without the buffs and stims he's about 21xx aim. Forget how much exactly. A good thing to do is augment ALL of your gear. That gives you a great boost in aim. Secondly, black hole gear isn't necessarily better for dpsing. You end losing a lot of both aim and power when you switch to it, while gaining endurance. Thing is, we already have a butt load of HP, atleast for a ranged DPS advanced class. What I've been doing is mixing and matching my rakata and blackhole mods, using the ones with the most aim/power in them. Right now I'm the top ranged dpser in my guild, beating out sorcs and snipers with around the same gear as me by a marginal lead.


It's also good to make sure you pick up all the datacrons you can,and get your matrix cube as well. Don't forget you augment your matrix cube and relics as well.


One more thing is I've made sure no matter what mods I'm using, I'm using my rakata gear shells to get the two set bonus's. They end up helping as well. :)


All in all, I pretty much went the glass cannon route, pouring all I could into causing damage. I really enjoy the heck out of playing him. Hope any of this info helps you.

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Take a look at my guide. It has helped plenty of others, and could possibly do the same with you. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions in that thread- I as well as other members are quick to give you the answers you need.


You should be able to pull A LOT more DPS with your current gear setup.


My stats buffed are:


2421 Aim

34.5% crit

995 Power

73% Surge

100.32% Ranged / 110.32% Tech Accuracy

Edited by Aerro
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This is clearly a heat management issue so practice on the training dummy, most fights last about 6 mins..... ALSO I am assuming you are using your set bonuses?.... if you are not using your set bonuses... well..... maybe you should change games.....











ACCURACY:111.32% ~ 342 RATING


Fully buffed on EC HM kephess I usually do around 1400dps and +700k dmg done

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