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why do peopel brag so much


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so i play swtor to socialise and have fun


but i hate how EVERYONE just puts each other down, and brags about stuff like, "oh i got lvl 50 in 5 days" and "im actually a professor at UT, but thinking of going back to research"


its annoying, how is it that everyone i meet in this game is a elder jedi from swg, a marine deployed in iraq, or a CEO of a software company...srs?


and even if they are, its w/e i accept my life ofr what it is, but why do people brag so much and put each otehr down?


go to any planet or fleet and just look at the general channel

its annoying as hell to me, even in my own guild people are nice but always have that passive agressiveness and start bragging and showing off stuff

Edited by AneeshS
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It's because they think that their pixels are better than your pixels. Also by making these claims they think their argument will be much more persuasive. Enjoy the game and ignore the chat. In extreme cases (about 5 so far) I just put the people on my /ignore list and never hear from them again.
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Happens in every game...


Came out of playing World of Tanks to this. It was much worse there. People constantly used their win/loss ratio to give their argument more weight and some (not all) were eagre to use that figure to knock down new players and insult them.


Don't let it bother you. If it gets bad use the ignore button. Some people will never change and never grow up

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Anyone can say what ever they want to about who, what, where, and how "special" they are. They are anonymous and there is no one to call them out, and there is no reason to bother to call them out on it, but just take it all with a grain of sand from Tatooine.


Make your friends and mates, guild or not, by how the person acts, how they "do their job" (as in a party), and how they treat their fellow players. Not much else matters, and their is always Ignore.


Happy Hunting :)

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A lot of people have low self-esteem and put down others as a way of feeling better about themselves. They aren't confident in themselves, and so look to outside sources for means of acknowledgement. One way of achieving this is to just proclaim how amazing they are (bragging), and all the great things they have done, similar to a child looking for their parents' praise. And another way is to directly insult others, as a way of putting themselves above those people. Whether or not the community at large would agree seems largely irrelevant, since to them they've won.


And of course, the anonymity only makes this easier.

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A lot of people have low self-esteem and put down others as a way of feeling better about themselves. They aren't confident in themselves, and so look to outside sources for means of acknowledgement. One way of achieving this is to just proclaim how amazing they are (bragging), and all the great things they have done, similar to a child looking for their parents' praise. And another way is to directly insult others, as a way of putting themselves above those people. Whether or not the community at large would agree seems largely irrelevant, since to them they've won.


And of course, the anonymity only makes this easier.




Take out the anonymity aspect in online games and things would be way different.

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stating your job isn't bragging.


Telling people what you do for a living is not bragging. Lying about what you do for a living to impress someone else is not bragging either, its just sad and pathetic.


Someone who legitimately is a millionaire CEO would probably not want to let too much of that information get out. That person would probably want to stay as anonymous and low key as possible while playing online. So when someone tells me "I am a senior VP at a fortune 100 company", I assume they are lying.


If I were an M.D. playing SWTOR, no one would know that. I'd tell them I was a pizza dude just so I wouldn't be asked to make a diagnosis of the strange rash your butt over general chat.

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here's my theory, and yes its 'sexist' the majority of the subscribers are all male, and bragging being a typical male reaction to show off ego, and macho attitudes, they have to prove themselves to their peers.


(No offence guys) ! :D

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Welcome to the internet. Land of lies and E-peen


This^^ I joined a new guild and we played a ranked WZ last night against my former guild (not mentioning names on purpose) Any who, we got stomped pretty bad. Of course they had to rub it in but we used it as an opportunity to improve. All in how you take it my friend. In other words don't let it bother you, game on.

Edited by Mancer
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Why even make a thread about this? If you have ever played any online game before you know to expect this. It is one of the many annoyances that comes with being online.

It's not that different from real life, tbh. People tend to compensate, if not with actions, then with words.

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