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You Need To Reward Open World PvP - ASAP!


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Could you be more mad? Seriously.


Seriously, if you get back to leveling you'll hit 50 sometime this month and then you can join the rest of us.


Thanks for the advice. You are truly an inspiration.

Edited by -kobie-
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Open world PVP is Ganking and casual. I do it when I want to kill noobs. Open world PVP killed itself not BW...It shot itself in the head when it fig out it was a waste of time!




Then why waste your time in this thread? Why even waste your time in this section of the forums?


If you DO NOT appreciate Open World PvP - you will NOT appreciate this thread. So, get. out.

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Then why waste your time in this thread? Why even waste your time in this section of the forums?


If you DO NOT appreciate Open World PvP - you will NOT appreciate this thread. So, get. out.


OK sorry, just giving my opinion......


I heard it didn't even die on the first shot, It had to fire 2 shots because Open World PVPer (aka Casual PVPer) tried to revive it OVER AND OVER AGAIN!

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Agreed. I am level 50 and about ready to quit this game. There is nothing left to do. Sure my guildies will be high enough to raid soon.. but are you telling me that is all we are going to get? Incentives to raid and hutball? Yah.. F*ck that. Fix this or I'm done. You can verify my account that I am level 50.


Don't even get me started on Ilum. No incentive to kill any one on that map. I would rather follow around an enemy and capture his objectives so I get my weekly/daily. Why kill him? I get nothing from it other than having to wait for him to respawn and take an objective so I can retake it for my commendations.


End game content? There is zilch.

Edited by DeadSins
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Agreed. I am level 50 and about ready to quit this game. There is nothing left to do. Sure my guildies will be high enough to raid soon.. but are you telling me that is all we are going to get? Incentives to raid and hutball? Yah.. F*ck that. Fix this or I'm done. You can verify my account that I am level 50.



Classic CareBear! Give it to me or else....You people are the only reward I need to World PVP (aka Casual PVP) it really should be enough for and REAL PVPer!

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Classic CareBear! Give it to me or else....You people are the only reward I need to World PVP (aka Casual PVP) it really should be enough for and REAL PVPer!


Ya meet me there I would be glad to kill you easily. Oh wait I get no rewards for it LOL so have fun meeting me there.. wait I won't be there. Nobody will be, nobody is.. why would they be when you get nothing for it. Have fun walking around a baron wasteland.

Edited by DeadSins
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Full discloser i have not read all twenty pages yet but have not seen an answer to my question so..


Why does world pvp need a reward, do you not pvp for the fun of it, to prove you are better or to be a jerk? (i think those are the three types). Me my self i pvp for the fun of it.

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Full discloser i have not read all twenty pages yet but have not seen an answer to my question so..


Why does world pvp need a reward, do you not pvp for the fun of it, to prove you are better or to be a jerk? (i think those are the three types). Me my self i pvp for the fun of it.


I fit all three...


It's fun...


I'm better then you (Until you beat me) Then it was LAG! You all seen it!


and I'm a JERK!


Do I win anything for hitting the trifecta?

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Open world PVP is Ganking and casual. I do it when I want to kill noobs. Open world PVP killed itself not BW...It shot itself in the head when it fig out it was a waste of time!


you have NO idea what you're talking about. stop posting. oh wait, you're a troll.

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I plan on doing world PVP regardless of rewards, although even a very small reward would be greatly appreciated.


I don't even necessarily want 'rewards' (as I think this can be unbalancing.) I want stats!!! I've killed X number of X, been killed by 10BH, 12 SA, etc. I've dealth X amount of damage, received X amount of damage. Dealt X killing blows. Assisted X amount of kills. SOMETHING ANYTHING.


Personally, I love the DAoC system (pre New Frontiers.) Realm Points (with a great formula/algorithm on how it worked, I don't think anyone ever had an issue on how the RP system worked, though people have problems with everything, so there were probably some), these points simply accumulated over time, at the beginning of the game they were essentially meaningless, but as more people got more viable PvP experience under their belt, it became something very interesting, and they did stuff with it. They opened up skills for each individual class, nothing overpowering, just new, useful stuff that added flavor to the game (and PvP.) It also worked as a ladder system, they had extensive data online, most RPs earned this week, over all time, least death ratio, most death ratio, you could search by guild, realm (of the 3), server, stat significance, etc.


Then there were realmfronts, realm gates, keep raids, and relic raids, truly awesome and I can't understand how SWTOR didn't get that right considering the team they put together for PvP aspects of the game. Each "realm" (world) had two zones, one was 100% safe from enemy factions(this is where you began, you could stay in this area through the whole game if you wanted), one was open PvP (with mobs, quests, NPCs), as well as the keeps, gates, and relics (held within a special type of keep.) Each realm could travel to the other 2 realms' frontier area, or simply exit out into their own (where the other 2 factions would port in). The two factions that would port in had realm gates a distance from their port in entrance. Realm gates were throttle points, there was stuff behind the gate (between the port in and the gate), but to get out into the main of the frontier, you had to come through the gate, this meant you knew, eventually, someone would be coming here specifically. These were the main areas for a lot of big battles, mini battles, 1v1s, anything, you knew PvP would happen there, when I was desperate, I'd simply sit at a gate and wait for enemies to come, see too many coming? Run away! Have the numbers to defend? Stop the enemies from coming through the gate into your frontier kind of idea. Set a stealthed scout at the gate so you know when a giant zerg is coming through to start raiding your keeps, spot which keep they are going to with your scout so guilds could deploy to the keep to defend (cause good luck trying to defend a keep if you're not in it...of course, you can always help from behind, or do a suicide run up to the doors and try to enter before the enemy faction killed you.) To take over a keep you had to bash down the door, kill waves of guards, kill the PCs, then kill a Lord of the Keep (meanwhilst fending off the PC attackers.) Get enough keeps? Still have a strong force? Go for your enemy factions relic keep and steal their relic, capture it and run it back to your relic keep (while trying not to die.) Relics gave bonuses to the faction that controlled them, never overpowering enough to be overpowered, but worthwhile enough to covet them. Truly epic.


BW: do this^

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Full discloser i have not read all twenty pages yet but have not seen an answer to my question so..


Why does world pvp need a reward, do you not pvp for the fun of it, to prove you are better or to be a jerk? (i think those are the three types). Me my self i pvp for the fun of it.


I've answered this multiple times.


Instead of posting your question over and over, why don't you actually go do what you admit you haven't done.



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Lol. you guys really thought this game would be worth playing? Bioware made this game to compete with WoW. Theyre trying to steal their player base. Anyone who played WoW and thought it was good post BC doesn't know what a real MMO is. They're aiming to please the masses which usually aren't skilled and 'real' gamers.


SWTOR is WoW + star wars lore + voice dialogue - arena. lol. Voice dialogue hardly makes up for the boring quest grind, especially when they simply try to add a story to the objective of "go kill peeps for an item". Yes, the main quest line is pretty intriguing, but MMO's arent about story. thats what single player games are for.


MMO's are about gameplay. Yes, it's fun shooting people with lightning. But, after the story is over, there isn't going to be ANYTHING left.


PVP is so subpar in this game its ridiculous. For all of you who think instanced pvp is fun, i am so sorry. you must be ignorant to a much better alternative. the alternative being open world, but designated, and objective based PVP.


Here's a breakdown to GW2 PVP. Anyone interested in PVP, REAL PVP (like dark age of camelot awesome pvp) will aw at this video, and instantly become eager for the games release.



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Personally, I love the DAoC system



Haha. Sorry bro, I didn't see your post. much respect for liking daoc. i actually just commented on this forum talking about daoc's awesomeness. anyway, looks like you want to play guild wars 2 instead of swtor. gw2 pvp was actually inspired by daoc. look at the video i posted in the post above this one. theres open designated world pvp with objectives (similar to daoc and i believe theres a 'relic' type deal too. theres also competitive play which is much like wow arena expect stats, level, and skills are all equalized for a level playing field. Note the equalization of characters only takes place in competitive 5v5 (or a similar number) structured pvp game types, not open world PVP.


much love.

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Open world PvP WITHOUT rewards is only really acceptable when there are no rewards for PvP at all. This is not the case in SWTOR. You are rewarded for participating in the official venues (Warzones, Ilum etc) yet no rewards are forthcoming for spontaneous, player owned and created PvP in the open.


No matter how vigorously you claim that open world PvP is for the lulz and thrill of the chase alone, the lack of rewards for open PvP when rewards are available (freely available I may add) for participation in official PvP is wrong, it's bad for the game.


Get rid of the petty valour/badge grind altogether or add the same rewards to open PvP whereever it occurs.

Edited by Gryffin
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Yep..still don't see why there can't be rewards for both world pvp and wz's, giving people options and a change of pace. I really do like the over all feel of this game. If i'm bored of one thing it has a few ways to switch things up when it comes to pve..questing,flashpoints,space battles, etc but when it comes to pvp you're pretty much stuck with huttball it seems (i mean really, how hard would it be to increase the chance of getting other wz's...). There are 0 rewards for world pvp wich will inevitably lose a ton of pvp'rs. Lack of communication with the community will lose a bunch more. I haven't seen many posts at all concerning some pretty major issues which imo should have been dealt with in beta/testing in the gd first place.
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Coming from EVE: Online to this was such a huge disappointment PVP-vise. Story wise this game is very good with it's dialogue and dark/light choices but at the end of the day I'm here to dominate and and express my dark side in real combat against other players. If I can make them rage at home, if I cause them losses of credits and gear and if I can make them rage quit the game then I'm content.


I'm not expecting this game to let me destroy players assets worth hundreds of man-hours in a fight that took two hours with my fleet, i don't expect the audience of this game being capable of handling that because most ppl in World of Whorecraft and this game don't know about HTFU and taking it like man in combat games but OP is incredibly right. There is no gain in open world pvp and there should be.


There should be a sense of "with great risk comes great reward"

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I agree but I think faction wide bonuses for controlling more than the other faction is a better way to reward players. If you only reward gear when players have the best gear they will feel like there is nothing to do and stop pvping. At least with bonuses there will be an incentive to keep fighting and it will help the greater good of the faction.
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