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Analyzing PvP classes


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er... regarding point 2... I am forced to ask, do you have any idea what you are talking about? hardest hitting skill is assassinate which is on a 6 sec cd, alternatively shock/project with recklessness. Base cd on recklessness is 1 min 30 sec I think, and shock has also a 6 sec cd, but that is moot because you want to wait for an energize proc to make it force efficient enough to use... 4.5 shock folowed by 2.75 from chain shock is not uncommon if you mod your gear right.

The real tip against darkness/balance is to get the **** out of there when they pop recklessness/have 3 harness darkness stacks.


Darkness is not the imp counterpart to balance. Darkness is the tank spec, same as kinetic. Madness and Balance are the dot specs (tree on the right). I'm guessing you talking about Kinetic instead of Balance since you mention energize, which would explain why you've confused the guy you're arguing with. He is right, Infiltration/Deception has way more burst than Balance/Madness.

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1. Any Marauder/Sent worth a damn will use his CC break, sorry but 'stun lock' isnt a counter

2. Stunlock implies you have more than one stun, most classes dont.



1. Same as above

2. Kite a class with 2 stuns, chain slow and a grapple and multiple 4k critting 30m ranged abilities? Really?


Really? Prevent Bunker down? How?

Unless this is the worst Gunslinger in the world, im pretty sure he will be able to use it.



Most of your 'solutions' dont work, so no.


Some classes do have two stuns, but even if they don't depending on the class they should be able to kite/out dps said class. There is no chain slow unless you are referring to tank specced vanguards. 4k crits primarily occur when you use assault plastic which is on a 15 second Cd. Marauders/Sents can have heavy hitters like ravage interrupted by stun, Prevent hunker down by stunning on initiation of the fight, if not los.


If you have constructive criticism so I can modify/add/edit descriptions and solutions please explain them.

Note: If you are a commando or merc posting in the thread it is my personal opinion that the class is broken due to the lack of protection against mobile classes (i.e. no roots, only one blowback). I believe commandos should get a buff to make some of their heavy hitters like grav round apply a slow or instead of full auto slowing a target, have it root the target


And for the last time: The vanguard slow is OP I have acknowledged this multiple times throughout the thread. An internal CD on the slow will fix that.

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er... regarding point 2... I am forced to ask, do you have any idea what you are talking about? hardest hitting skill is assassinate which is on a 6 sec cd, alternatively shock/project with recklessness.


Yes actually, i do have an idea of what im talking but clearly you dont.


1. Assassinate is technically the hardest hitting skill of Balance Assassin, but seeing as its only useable at 30% or less, as it is an execute. Meaning its not something you can consistently use throughout a fight, thus i did not include it.

2. Shock is crits for 2-2.5k, Death Field crits for 3-3.5k. So no, Shock isnt the hardest hitting ability. On a full WH target, even with proc you will probably get 3k total damage.

Base cd on recklessness is 1 min 30 sec I think, and shock has also a 6 sec cd, but that is moot because you want to wait for an energize proc to make it force efficient enough to use... 4.5 shock folowed by 2.75 from chain shock is not uncommon if you mod your gear right.

Umm... last time i checked Madness/Balance didnt have energize....... so ya basically you're clueless.

Edited by Gidoru
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Some classes do have two stuns, but even if they don't depending on the class they should be able to kite/out dps said class. There is no chain slow unless you are referring to tank specced vanguards. 4k crits primarily occur when you use assault plastic which is on a 15 second Cd. Marauders/Sents can have heavy hitters like ravage interrupted by stun, Prevent hunker down by stunning on initiation of the fight, if not los.


If you have constructive criticism so I can modify/add/edit descriptions and solutions please explain them.

Note: If you are a commando or merc posting in the thread it is my personal opinion that the class is broken due to the lack of protection against mobile classes (i.e. no roots, only one blowback). I believe commandos should get a buff to make some of their heavy hitters like grav round apply a slow or instead of full auto slowing a target, have it root the target


And for the last time: The vanguard slow is OP I have acknowledged this multiple times throughout the thread. An internal CD on the slow will fix that.


Again, explain to me how you 'kite' a class that has 30M ranged abilities that hit for 4k, a grapple, 2 stuns and a slow.


Please explain to me what class is able to do this and how? Since you say kite im assuming you mean a ranged class.


- A Sorc will be 50-60% before he can even begin to run away. Force Speed? Oh no problem, Grapple, slow. You are dead.


- A Sniper is better off staying in cover and popping Entrench, trying to kite a PT is stupid. You will get grappled in and owned.


- A Mercenary, they have no slows except on their knockback, if you knock the PT back, you get grappled in slowed at which point you have no means of escape


You cannot kite a Powertech.

Edited by Gidoru
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Again, explain to me how you 'kite' a class that has 30M ranged abilities that hit for 4k, a grapple, 2 stuns and a slow.


Please explain to me what class is able to do this and how? Since you say kite im assuming you mean a ranged class.


A Sorc will be 50-60% before he can even begin to run away. Force Speed? Oh no problem, Grapple, slow. You are dead.


A Sniper is better off staying in cover and popping Entrench, trying to kite a PT is stupid. You will get grappled in and owned.


A Mercenary again, they have no slows except on their knockback, if you knock the PT back, you get grappled in slowed at which point you have no means of escape


You cannot kite a Powertech.


Which is why i said Mercs are broken. Read my entire post before criticizing it. Full auto has a slow. It is near useless. They need some sort of root. Snipers can blow a target back once, leg shot them, blow them back again and then leg shot them.The two primary abilities to get the railshot proc for powertechs and the slow are only applicable at ten or less meters.

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Which is why i said Mercs are broken. Read my entire post before criticizing it. Full auto has a slow. It is near useless. They need some sort of root. Snipers can blow a target back once, leg shot them, blow them back again and then leg shot them.The two primary abilities to get the railshot proc for powertechs and the slow are only applicable at ten or less meters.


Yes and my point is that you cannot kite a Powertech, something you are suggesting as a solution.


You seem to have admitted a Merc cant do it

You seem to have admitted a Sniper shouldnt do it(maybe) in this post. (Using your knockbacks and immoblizing isnt kiting)


So all thats left is a Sorc. I just explained to you why its not possible. Roll a Sorc and duel a decent PT try it out, it wont work. Force speed is a 20-30 second CD, you will die in about 10 seconds vs a PT with his CDs up. Meaning you have one single speed which will be grappled. Sorc cannot cleanse PT slow or DoTs.

Edited by Gidoru
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Yes and my point is that you cannot kite a Powertech, something you are suggesting as a solution.


You seem to have admitted a Merc cant do it

You seem to have admitted a Sniper shouldnt do it(maybe) in this post. (Using your knockbacks and immoblizing isnt kiting)


So all thats left is a Sorc. I just explained to you why its not possible. Roll a Sorc and duel a decent PT try it out, it wont work. Force speed is a 20-30 second CD, you will die in about 10 seconds vs a PT with his CDs up. Meaning you have one single speed which will be grappled. Sorc cannot cleanse PT slow or DoTs.


Sorcerers, if I am not mistaken, do have a root and knockback, and a stun. If you create a good combination of the three (root, knockback, stun, root) it will be similar to the sniper's way of defeating one.


It is not impossible to kill vanguards, on the contrary it is quite easy. Right now people focus Commandos because they are easy prey. Vanguards might put up a fight but they aren't that tough so targeting them initially will benefit you and your team too.

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Sorcerers, if I am not mistaken, do have a root and knockback, and a stun. If you create a good combination of the three (root, knockback, stun, root) it will be similar to the sniper's way of defeating one.


It is not impossible to kill vanguards, on the contrary it is quite easy. Right now people focus Commandos because they are easy prey. Vanguards might put up a fight but they aren't that tough so targeting them initially will benefit you and your team too.


Sorc knocks the vanguard for 8 meters, vanguard hits sorc at 10 meter range with slows.


Vanguard vs. sorc is the most ridiculous matchup ever, after the vanguard dots the sorc is pretty much GG.


I have a WH assautl vanguard, my plasma cell rolls on them for 800-1k (im talking about WH sorcs too). Just dot them and watch them die.


The only scenario where a sorc will kill a vanguard is if he can jump in while the vanguard is busy fighting other people. As soon as the vanguard notices the sorc its **** time.


Vanguards obliterate sorcs, and they kill them fast. Faster than any other class.

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