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Commando or Vanguard?


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Vanguard isnt actually melee, it's more close range 10m with some 30m abilities

, so you can open with your 30m abilities while closing in for 10m and just step in for stockstrike. If you want to really be ranged then go gunslinger.


He's right Smuggler is kinda=to imperial agent

Trooper=Boss status

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Vanguard. No doubt at all. Don't think, just do it. I went Commando and regret it more than you'll ever know.


Did you get it caught in your zipper?


Vanguard all the way!! I love strolling in, gun blazing, then smacking them in the face and watching them drop.


I've played healers mostly, this is my first tank but it's a lot of fun.

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I have one of each around level 30 now. I played the commando up to lvl 30 first and REALLY loved it. The damage was great fun. I switched to healing and had a blast with that as well. On a whim I decided to try a VG. After running it up to the same level, I'm totally hooked on the VG at this point. The "close-up" fighting is a LOT of fun, yet I still have the ability to decimate groups at range if necessary.


I think both classes are a lot of fun, and depending on what you want to do, both will be fun. In the end, the ability to dps/tank was more appealing to me.

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From my understanding Commando is high range dps and healer while Vanguard is middle range dps and tank.

So for those rolling a trooper in order to fire at range, Commando is what you're looking for. Vanguard has more close combat tools though.

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  • 5 years later...
Tell me please, who have stelth — commando or vanguard...or no one?

It might have been better to ask in your own thread rather than necroing(1) a five-year-old long-dead thread.


(1) It's usually interpreted as a reference to "necromancy", but in the sense in which MMORPGs use the term, death magic, raising dead things to do your bidding. All "-mancy" magical arts are in fact arts of divination, and "real" necromancy is in effect asking the spirits of the dead for their input.


I'm increasingly tempted by two alternative "necro" interpretations: necrosis and necrophilia. Neither is good.

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I dont think 1 week entitles necro yet
Five years TOTALLY counts as a Necro.


...At the same time, it's refreshing to see that someone did a Search to find out if someone was talking about a topic they wanted to ask about, instead of just posting. I mean... I just post. If it's not on the first 5 pages, it's ancient history.


When I picked my Great Eight, I let "do they get a special weapon?" guide me a whole bunch.

Commando or Vanguard? Blaster Rifle vs. Auto-cannon. Gimme the cannon. Budda Budda.

Gunslinger or Scoundrel? Scoundrels get Shotguns. Nobody else gets that action. Sign me up.

Operative or Sniper? Well, Operatives are mirrors of Scoundrels, so Sniper (and fancy Sniper Rifle) is my pick.

...my Bounty Hunter went Power Tech, to avoid mirroring my Commando.


My Siths are traditionalists. One Lightsaber, both my Juggernaut and my Sorcerer.

My Jedi are Reformers. My Knight went Sentinel for Dual Wield and my Consular went the path of Shadow, Dual Saber for the win.

Edited by LordFell
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