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Also if you're Focus great to use before your Sweep.


Thats a good idea, Awe doesn't have delay like Sweep does.


@Thread - you mainly use it to take few extra enemies out of the fight, or interrup their casts. In PvP useful to use on healer if you're going to kill DPS near him, not useful to CC tank to kill healer he guards(as transfered damage will break CC)

Also good for catching stealthers, as this is you only AoE skill that you can use without building up focus first.

Useful to interrupt capturing objecive, but also if you stand on road enemies have to take to interrupt capping, to cc them all at once and help with cap.


It should not be used just because there are people bunched up. Most of the time it also means AoE is flying and that would only give them free resolve.

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