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  1. So I've crafted a few of the different Rakata stims and adrenals and its got me wondering. I know they don't stack but could I use different ones during a wz match depending on the changing situations I encounter? I haven't got to try it yet.
  2. Thanks for the reply, where do I purchase the daily armor plating, mods, etc.?
  3. I've been away for a while and I'm wondering what's the best way to gear up once I reach level 50? Has it changed much in the last 2-3 months Thanks!
  4. I just hit lvl 42 and got the Awe ability. When and where do you typically use it? Thanks!
  5. Thank you very much Bioware. Smuggler is useless in PvP and PvE. What am I doing playing this game? Inibalir
  6. You mean you did lead... You still lead post nerf? Yeah, you can always learn to play a gimped class better and try to make due. But why have a class that now can't burst and has low DPS and low survivabilty? What's the purpose other than to pop out of stealth, serve as a distraction and another target and then die or disappear again?
  7. Nice job Bioware!! Now the only thing left to do is change our name of our class to "Smuggler a.k.a Annoying Gnat"! Is that all smugglers are supposed to be Bioware? That was one of the biggest knee jerk nerfs I have ever seen! Inibalir
  8. oh, and one more thing. Do you get anything from killing someone in PvP outside of a warzone? It doesn't appear that you do and that is one of the strangest things I've noticed about this game. Am I missing something?
  9. After a few weeks of playing I have the following observations: 1. Space is a joke. I don't want this arcade style, on a rail, space combat. I want to go where I want to go. The xp sucks in space combat too. 2. Why are there only 3 warzones for pvp? Why do we have to see/hear the same intros to the warzones over and over again. Suggest being able to escape out of them. 3. PvP levels 10-49 is generally good. Way to much CC's stuns and knock downs. 4. If you nerf smuggler scoundrel's opener then you take the only trick away from the one trick pony. Yeah, people don't like it but that's tough. I don't like getting stunned/snared by lighting but it happens. you will make scoundrel useless in pvp. Is that what you want? We already cannot hold our own well 1v1 with just about any other class. Now you'll make us just a target and nuisance but not really a force to be reckoned with. 5. The economy isn't functioning at all. You need to make crafting viable. 6. It's strange that as a smuggler I don't really smuggle. I'm more a mercenary. Just thought that was strange. I don't know if you care or will even pay any attention to this but if you want me and others like me to keep playing this game for the long term you need to resolve these issues.
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