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Miraluka race in relation to KOTOR


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Good evening everyone,


I was pondering on what race to make my jedi consular and saw the miraluka race. It made me wonder about the previous games. In KOTOR2 Visas Marr was one of their species and as it turned out, Darth Nihilus destroyed their entire planet and their species all together.


Now how is it possible that 300 years later we have Miralukans running around?

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Plot convenient fertility, or some hidden vault of them. I'm sure somewhere one of those cheap-o writers is figuring out a manner to flush this inconsistency out for another comic or D-grade novel.


End of the day, you're right to recognize the inconsistency, but I'm about to break taboo in the story forums and give you the real reason they were included.


The Miraluka brought up nostalgic ties to KoTOR 2 and helped to pull in a few more initial purchases, and had the added benefit of readily fitting to the basic character model animations bioware had laid out.

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Katarr was only a colony world, not the homeworld of ALL Miralukans everywhere...


^This. Even if it had been the homeworld in all likely hood there would have been enough Miraluki spread throughout the galaxy for the continuation of their species.

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Actually, Miraluka survived until the time of Galactic Empire and beyond - Kyle Katarn of Dark Forces and Jedi Academy fame, contemporary of Luke Skywalker, faced his Miralukan archenemy Jerec in the Valley of the Jedi.
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Loved Visas Marr , played her more than I played The Exile. Hell she had better gear than The Exile. Somehow, all these years on, forgot she was a Miraluka. *shamed*.


Still, big galaxy, destroying a planet doesn't guarantee extinction when everybody and their dog, cat and hamster has spaceships. And as the above poster said, Han Solo mk2 fights one in the JK series.

Besides, if Doctor Who came to Star Wars, he'd be a Miraluka, because Miraluka are cool.

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Miraluka existed prior to KotOR, created for the Tales of the Jedi comic series and later the Dark Jedi Jerec was created for the game Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, taking place around the time of the original trilogy.


The Miraluka race being destroyed in KotOR II would, if anything, have been a continuity error on Obsidian's part, but as people have pointed out, Katarr was a colony world. The Miraluka's adopted homeworld Alphreides still exists, as do whatever other colonies they may have.

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There have been Miralukans around for ages in the Star Wars EU, throughout the comics and books, mostly after ROTJ. Also, the planet Nihilus destroyed isn't the only one they inhabited - i believe it was one of the main ones, though, and even still Miralukans seem to be a rare thing. Although Visas did speak as though it was the only Miralukan planet, so I can understand the confusion.


Good evening everyone,


I was pondering on what race to make my jedi consular and saw the miraluka race. It made me wonder about the previous games. In KOTOR2 Visas Marr was one of their species and as it turned out, Darth Nihilus destroyed their entire planet and their species all together.


Now how is it possible that 300 years later we have Miralukans running around?

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Loved Visas Marr , played her more than I played The Exile. Hell she had better gear than The Exile. Somehow, all these years on, forgot she was a Miraluka. *shamed*.


Still, big galaxy, destroying a planet doesn't guarantee extinction when everybody and their dog, cat and hamster has spaceships. And as the above poster said, Han Solo mk2 fights one in the JK series.

Besides, if Doctor Who came to Star Wars, he'd be a Miraluka, because Miraluka are cool.


If Doctor Who came to Star Wars the Emperor would go bye-bye.

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