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I want a "God Mode" too


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as a marauder, i want a hard stun and my attacks to have 30 meter range. but that would be imbalanced, so I am fine with it not happening. Once you realize that you cannot have everything others classes have, you too will feel at peace.

Not using arsenal in pvp helps as well, thats a pure pve tree if I have ever seen one.

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Hey Marauders are like the easy way like when you join the military you join the airforce instead of a real branch that might actually have to do something dangerous.


Funny, I was an E-5 in the Air Force and saw plenty of combat. Try not to comment on something you know nothing about.


...and if he runs you just jump to him or root him in place with your saber throw and then you still beat him down except when he runs he can't cast his best most damaging attacks. Or use your incredibly damaging choke (even with your new numbers many Marauders still do way more than you)


It's a 15 second CD with only a 2 second root, get over it. As a ranged you have these tools called knockbacks/stuns/snares/roots.


Sentinels do not have saber throw, that is a guardian ability. They have crippling throw and dispatch, both of which are only 10m and only crippling throw gets a root and its only in COMBAT SPEC.


force stasis doesn't do that much damage. Not only does it cc you but it cc's the user as well. Other classes have longer stuns and can get much bigger bursts out of their hard stuns.


If you are going to complain about a class at least learn their abilities and how they work. You have shown that you don't even understand the class and clearly do not know how to deal with them and seem to think we are all running in some magical 31/31/31 spec.

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Funny, I was an E-5 in the Air Force and saw plenty of combat. Try not to comment on something you know nothing about.


So you were in special ops or combat search and rescue? Of course you were.


Carnage marauders sure have saber throw that roots and choke and then you have the marauders that go invisible, you can't avoid that.


If you don't think that a Marauder is much more difficult to beat than the majority of classes you are out of your mind.

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So you were in special ops or combat search and rescue? Of course you were.


Carnage marauders sure have saber throw that roots and choke and then you have the marauders that go invisible, you can't avoid that.


If you don't think that a Marauder is much more difficult to beat than the majority of classes you are out of your mind.


There easy to beat, I love violating them regularly.

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So you were in special ops or combat search and rescue? Of course you were.


Carnage marauders sure have saber throw that roots and choke and then you have the marauders that go invisible, you can't avoid that.


If you don't think that a Marauder is much more difficult to beat than the majority of classes you are out of your mind.




This just in! Hot off the presses! Bounty hunters and Troopers both have the Stealth Scan ability!


More to come!

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This just in! Hot off the presses! Bounty hunters and Troopers both have the Stealth Scan ability!


More to come!


You can also AoE at the spot that he disappeared at. They can't maintain stealth with a DoT on them. Marauders don't have Dodge\Resilience\Cleanse.


Mediocre player is mediocre.

Edited by Helig
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Funny, I was an E-5 in the Air Force and saw plenty of combat. Try not to comment on something you know nothing about.


So you were in special ops or combat search and rescue? Of course you were. LOL


Clearly you know nothing about the military...



Carnage marauders sure have saber throw that roots and choke and then you have the marauders that go invisible, you can't avoid that.


If you don't think that a Marauder is much more difficult to beat than the majority of classes you are out of your mind.


No marauders/sentinels DO NOT have saber throw.


Saber throw is a level 36 guardian/juggernaut ability.



What you are thinking of is CRIPPLING THROW



And it ONLY roots in COMBAT SPEC.


And yes I do think sentinels are extremely easy to deal with. I'd rather fight a sentinel over a shadow or a vanguard any day of the week. I'm sorry that you are incapable of dealing with them. As I said before pve is over there ------> You are clearly not good at pvp.

Edited by Raansu
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You can also AoE at the spot that he disappeared at. They can't maintain stealth with a DoT on them. Marauders don't have Dodge\Resilience\Cleanse.


Mediocre player is mediocre.


But but he's not mediocre!!! It's just that everyone that beats him at 1v1 in a team based pvp game is OP! Clearly the issue not him!

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But but he's not mediocre!!! It's just that everyone that beats him at 1v1 in a team based pvp game is OP! Clearly the issue not him!


To be fair, Marauder being one of the classes I play, I think we do need our survivability cooldowns rebalanced. CloP would be just fine at 15%, while Camo damage reduction wouldn't feel gimped at 25% (it's a stealth cooldown, how the hell did it become a shield wall cooldown?).


Other than that, it's usually PEBKAC, indeed.

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To be fair, Marauder being one of the classes I play, I think we do need our survivability cooldowns rebalanced. CloP would be just fine at 15%, while Camo damage reduction wouldn't feel gimped at 25% (it's a stealth cooldown, how the hell did it become a shield wall cooldown?).


Other than that, it's usually PEBKAC, indeed.


It really doesn't bother me either way. If they nerf them they nerf them, in the end its the only class I find to be engaging enough to keep my attention. I have 4 other 50's and they all bore me to death with their 3-4 button rotations.


My issue here is with people complaining and then not even understanding how the CD's even work or how badly their "suggestions" would actually hurt the class.

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It really doesn't bother me either way. If they nerf them they nerf them, in the end its the only class I find to be engaging enough to keep my attention. I have 4 other 50's and they all bore me to death with their 3-4 button rotations.


My issue here is with people complaining and then not even understanding how the CD's even work or how badly their "suggestions" would actually hurt the class.


True enough. Guardian's also pleasant in this regard. The rotations\priorities might not be all that complex, but it's the group dynamics that makes this class interesting to play.

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You play a ranged in any other MMO? If you have and now you're playing a marauder or any melee in this game you'll notice how poorly ranged players are in this game, they all think they should be able to face tank any melee and win.


Because you're a bad player doesn't mean a class needs a nerf.


If you've played a ranged in any other mmo- you'll notice how atrocious the abilities to keep others away from you are in this game, and how much gap closing, rooting and defensive ability melee has while you also notice how pathetic the burst damage you have as a ranged glass canon.


The difference is- in other games, ranged can get out of facetank range- in this game against a competent melee they won't.


Force speed- can be countered by force choke, aoe mez, or force leap which is on a lower CD.

KB- doesn't even need a counter as it's only 8m, putting you barely outside of the hitbox.

Mez- the instant one is in a dots tree- meaning it's only useful at the very start of the fight because mid fight you will have affliction on you... actually, in lightning you will too because afflict gives you lightning barrage. Basically, the mez gives you a bit of breathing space in a 2v1 or at the beginning of the fight.

Stun- 4 second stun, will be CC broken- if not you'll take maybe 4-7k damage during that time against a good, well geared sorc, unless they use that time to create space.


Now, a sorc can try to run- but if they do they will only be leaped to, or, force camo, or, predation- if the sorc actually gets away there are multiple ways to catch up. Furthermore, other than their turret style snare their instant snare has a longer CD than duration- while your snare lasts longer, and has no CD. Cleanse may not actually clear the snare- after all deadly sabers and rupture will be on as well and it only heals 2 effects.


That's considering if you're annihilation.


Carnage- you have a 15 sec leap- but, you gain a longer root on it, and you gain a ranged root for 3 sec on 12 sec CD, 15% permanent speed buff, and another 3 sec root off ravage- which of course also makes the 'just walk away from ravage' argument utterly bunk.


I could go on- but I've done this before and it's always the type of post that gets utterly ignored by marauder players since they can't stand to see their class laid bare against others.


Instead- I'll point out what you yourself said. In this game, "If you have and now you're playing a marauder or any melee in this game you'll notice how poorly ranged players are in this game" you've said it yourself. Now, of course, you can come to the conclusion that only bad players have chosen to play ranged classes in this game, and all the competent players are playing marauders and powertechs but I don't actually believe you believe something that illogical.


What you, and other marauders are seeing is ranged DPS that cannot get away from melee DPS, cannot dish out damage or heals while moving despite their dogged pursuit being able to do that just fine, know if they get to range the marauder can use speed buffs, leap or vanish to close the distance, and know against a mara or sent it's a matter of knowing if you make one mistake you are dead- if you do not, and they are good, you are dead eventually- and if a single other player joins in, you are also dead.


But don't take my word for it- look at the recent studies of high ranked RWZ teams- look at which DPS they are taking. Notice how even though those DPS are single target, they are still having higher overall damage than classes that do AoE and thus should have much higher total damage.


You wanted a game that'd be mostly marauders and PTs in RWZ dps slots? Well, the stats are showing that's exactly what you're getting.


Now, why don't you roll up a sorc, go play some RWZ and then open your mouth about how the balance is- oh, no, you wouldn't do that because you know full well you're playing the most powerful class in the game and it would kill you inside to play another class and find the proof that you already suspect- that you are wrong, and you know nothing about what goes on outside of your little marauder bubble where everything has been handed to you on a silver platter by BW.

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True enough. Guardian's also pleasant in this regard. The rotations\priorities might not be all that complex, but it's the group dynamics that makes this class interesting to play.


Ya I run around as immortal on my juggernaut. It's still melee and an enjoyable alternative from my sentinel. I have a pyro merc for ranged variety but its kinda boring sitting in the background. Only enjoyment I get out of it is spamming rapid shots and kiting bad sentinels lol.

Edited by Raansu
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Now, of course, you can come to the conclusion that only bad players have chosen to play ranged classes in this game, and all the competent players are playing marauders and powertechs but I don't actually believe you believe something that illogical.


Given the fact that mercenaries insist on sticking with arsenal in pvp instead of switching to pyro like they should be doing and balance sages sitting there trying to face tank people. Yes, I say most people that play ranged classes are terrible players that should stick with pve.


As for the rest of your long post that I didn't bother quoting. I know two balance sages in my guild that would be laughing at you right now. They play the class properly and unless you gang up on them you will never catch them and they will burn you down then finish you off with 5k crits from force in balance.

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Given the fact that mercenaries insist on sticking with arsenal in pvp instead of switching to pyro like they should be doing and balance sages sitting there trying to face tank people. Yes, I say most people that play ranged classes are terrible players that should stick with pve.


As for the rest of your long post that I didn't bother quoting. I know two balance sages in my guild that would be laughing at you right now. They play the class properly and unless you gang up on them you will never catch them and they will burn you down then finish you off with 5k crits from force in balance.


It's not burning you down if it takes twenty seconds to do it- though, that would give you enough time to use the one ability that can crit above 5k- the one on a 15 sec CD.

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It's not burning you down if it takes twenty seconds to do it- though, that would give you enough time to use the one ability that can crit above 5k- the one on a 15 sec CD.


lol focus spec. My merc will kill you long before you get a chance to use that sweep more then once and you will be lucky if you get to use it the first time.

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As A Sorc healer I get.......







You get: A stun, a sprint, a snare, a bubble (that can be talented to increase run speed when applied and 2 second mezz when it pops) cleanse, a knockback, heals, whirlwind, 30m range... whats else? Because it's not just "Oh we get nothing boo hoo!"


Learn to play your class and learn to spec, I know a healing sorc that specs into the bubble blind and knock back root and he rarely dies in pvp.

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To be fair, Marauder being one of the classes I play, I think we do need our survivability cooldowns rebalanced. CloP would be just fine at 15%, while Camo damage reduction wouldn't feel gimped at 25% (it's a stealth cooldown, how the hell did it become a shield wall cooldown?).


Other than that, it's usually PEBKAC, indeed.


Even with cloak of pain up a marauder gets wrecked just the same as everyone else and it's not like we get the luxury of just throwing it up and it staying up. You get opened up on my a PT and he can do some damage to you before you even pop it up, same thing with an operative or assassin. Marauders have the ability because they don't have great passive mitigation or stealth or ranged, those are other classes crutches, we get cool downs.

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Even with cloak of pain up a marauder gets wrecked just the same as everyone else and it's not like we get the luxury of just throwing it up and it staying up. You get opened up on my a PT and he can do some damage to you before you even pop it up, same thing with an operative or assassin. Marauders have the ability because they don't have great passive mitigation or stealth or ranged, those are other classes crutches, we get cool downs.

CLoP is one of the few things that actually offers protection vs 90% armour penetration. So does Camo mitigation, and so does Undying Rage. And so does Obfuscate, which practically blocks the use of white attacks (rail shot is white).


If I'm above 50% by the time the stun ends, the PT usually ends up hugging the medical droid, unless he grossly outgears me.

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CLoP is one of the few things that actually offers protection vs 90% armour penetration. So does Camo mitigation, and so does Undying Rage. And so does Obfuscate, which practically blocks the use of white attacks (rail shot is white).


If I'm above 50% by the time the stun ends, the PT usually ends up hugging the medical droid, unless he grossly outgears me.


Point is cloak of pain isn't passive ability and you can't just pop it while you're taking no damage to wait for something to hit you and lets face it a pt can apply his dot from 30m and rail shot before you know what's going on and an op can open up on you and stun you and drop you down pretty low while you just sit there and watch it happen.

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