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You get to fix/tweak one thing that affects PvP, what would that be?


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a 2 to 4 second immunity cooldown of CC after using your CC breaker. Waiting for your resolve to build completely up on some classes while stunned = dead before the break free can be used or so low on life its stupid to waste it.
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I had an idea, and didn't really think it through, but I'll post it.


If your cc-break is on cooldown, then every death will knock 10 seconds off of the cooldown. This won't be abused because you must be in combat to /stuck, and using /stuck would waste about 10 seconds with respawn doors and all.

To even things out, you should always respawn with no resolve.


Don't think it's game-breaking at all. Just a thought.


I hate when people spawn with a full resolve bar on voidstar, and zerg out of the door in time with a white bar. Seems very flawed to me.

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I wouldn't get rid of stealth altogether, but I like the way that GW2 are handling stealth, making it a cooldown with a limited duration, so similar to the sentinel/marauder skill. I like the fact that there are pure glass cannon classes that need an escape mechanic on a cooldown.


I'd add in arena with spectator mode, or cross server queueing for warzones.


See I agree with that but the whole stealth thing is a old beaten horse , Im for escape mechanics and all, weshould have it but to use said stealth to always be on or in is just plain silly to me. I understand its a sci-fi game and so fantasy mmo's have the whole poof vanish thing but to make the mechanic centered around damage abilitites and such is just meh to me.

I mean put into perspective for a minute what would pvp actualy be like if they did not have stealth and the damage abilites that were centered on popping from stealth and such ? for any game not just here.


Also Id add the ability to bet on said matches and to watch em like sports events . could turn pvp into a rather fun event that people could actualy follow watch and make money on in gmae of course not real but you know what I mean .

Edited by Asmok
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