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Lifetime Subscription Option?


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So I spoke to a BW Rep regarding a lifetime subscription, as it's become a rather popular topic amongst my guildmates.


Bare with me; Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) offers a lifeitme subscription for a single payment of $300.

Whoa! Crazy, you say! but if you play for 24 months (two years) at $15 a month.. that's what you paid over time anyway.


Would you be willing to pay a one-time fee for a life-long subscription? No more worrying about when it'll run out, no more setting money aside monthly, no more accidentally spending the money on a treat while forgetting to pick up a time card or something..


Please post wether you would or not, followed by the reason for your decision. Then your own ideas on the matter. Such as bonus content for dropping such-and-such amount of cash for the lifetime subscription.

(I think in LOTRO you got a special mount on all your characters or something, plus monthly funding for their item-mall.. no item mall ideas for TOR please)

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With talk of F2P and people leaving the game in their droves... paying that kind of money (without highlighting other issues) is madness.


rofl talk of F2P where? Aside from fear mongerers. Where is your latest stats showing people are leaving in droves?

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Lifetime subscriptions mean exactly one thing to educated MMORPG players

That the game is going F2P in near future and company is trying to get that last bit of subscription cash before it does.


I do not like Lifetime subscriptions personally because they have a stop point at supporting the product and any new content!


It the Lifetime subscription was the full cost of 3 years subscription, that would be one thing, but most players that ask for lifetime are looking at paying no more then 1 years subscription price up front and then getting everything past that free of cost.


If you truely like a game, PAY FOR IT! SUPPORT IT!

simple as that.


Also lifetime subscriptions bring in the cheap crowd that are most normally connected to the F2P crowd and speaking personally, thats just to far down the food chain for my enjoyment.


Nothing good comes from Lifetime subscriptions game development wise!


PS: Hey look, Denial crowd calling people more names, who would have thunk?

Doesnt take a rocket scientist to know the servers still losing people!

Last week was a 300+ queue on server, this week no queue!

Geeee, how could anyone assume there is a continued drop off?

How dare they use....LOGIC AND COMMON SENSE!

Dang it, there I go adding 1+1 and getting 2, I keep forgetting the new math is 1+1 = 10 when doing server counts!

Damn me and my fear mongering!

Edited by Kalfear
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Let's say they offered a lifetime subscription for.. $360. That'd be 2 years in monthly payments.


Now. Here's what would happen.


Imagine you paid 2 years worth for unlimited time and the game ended in, say, one. You'd feel duped. People would call BW, spam the forums, and would most likely be stupid and try to sue over it. BW would get a lot of bad press and a million dumba**es would threaten to quit 4everZ if they did not get money refunded.


If I had a game and had this choice, I would recognize that it would cause problems. Needless to say, BW wouldn't do it.



Imagine that the game lasted longer than 2 years. You paid $360 for the rest of the game's life, which could mean (for the sake of the argument) 8 years. That means that you've paid 2 years worth for 8 years. 6 years is $1080, which means that by allowing you to do this, Bioware is losing $720 per person that they would have had if they never introduced this system in the first place.


So either, it's profitable and hated, or it's anti-profitable and beloved.


Yeah, not gonna happen.


P.S. Some of my math may be off. Pretend it's not.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Now that F2P has been confirmed, I would like to point out a game that has done F2P and offered Lifetime from the starting gate: DCUO. Many people would say that it has been a flop, however I think they have done things right. The devs are still making updates to the game (with three paid expansions (albeit cheap expansions for $10/each)) and since I occasionally pop in there to see what is going on it seems to have a larger player base than it did when I stopped playing to start playing this. That last sentence may cause fear to some (stop playing a game that is everchanging! BLASPHEMY!!!) but I am a casual gamer at best and some days I don't feel like grinding dailies or checking to see if my pet want has been added (more character slots...I'm an altoholic...) When I am paying a monthly subscription, I feel almost obligated to play this over other games even when I am not in the mood...it becomes almost a second job...and when your escape feels like work, it is no longer an escape. With a single lifetime sub, I can play the game on my terms. If I feel like shooting pixels in an FPS game, I can without the internal conflict of "But...I'm still paying for this service and I'm not using it...what am I doing?"


Long, rambling story short, I would be thrilled to have a Lifetime Subscription Option. And much like Rock Band songs, I am sure I would be one of those people who would want to expand on my options and buy more cartel coins to use.

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It really brings more bad press than its worth. To a lot of people its a sign they dont have faith in their game and want a quick influx to keep the game afloat. Its one thing if they offer a quick launch promotion for it but other than than im not for it.


I think this f2p move was just a competitive move to keep as many people not to leave for gw2 as they can. They are still at the stage of subs where they didnt really need to do this but maybe this was in the works or plans since launch

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I think this f2p move was just a competitive move to keep as many people not to leave for gw2 as they can. They are still at the stage of subs where they didnt really need to do this but maybe this was in the works or plans since launch


It's simple. They think they can make more money going F2P. It's really no more complicated than that.

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It's simple. They think they can make more money going F2P. It's really no more complicated than that.


Pretty much. You would be surprised how many people latch onto the "Free" aspect of F2P, and then pay money anyway for all the 'little features' they think they need/want. They end up paying for the game one way or another.


Still, I wouldn't say 'No' if a Lifetime option became available.

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I like the idea of life time subscription. I have life time sub for Champions Online and I still go back and play.


i have a lifetime for star trek and dc universe, both i hardly ever go on, i should have gotten it for lotro when they offered it, and had swg offered it i would have gotten it

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I have lifetime subs for STO and LOTRO, and love both, even though I don't play either very often. I did get my money's worth out of both, however, and I like that I can still log in at any time and not worry about whether I need to enter my credit card yet again.


I'd buy a lifetime sub in a heartbeat.

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