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DPS Sage in PvP


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With the advent of augments and Maruader/ Sentinel balance adjustment are Sages now bunk in War Zones?


When I jump on my fully equipped Battlemaster DPS Sage I seem to be focus fired immediately. I'm assuming that they automatically target the would be healer but dam. I have NO surviveability in a DPS spec so with a JUG and 2-3 Mauraders in eery group they simply run around and focus fire all sages and scoundrels. It's a definate design flaw since 1.2 when Marauders and Sentnels got a major buff.


One thing I would like to see is a surviveability talent added. Maybe a longer range on their knock back or maybee make the pin effect actually work...? Currently vs. Marauders they walk right through it. I don't know what the fix is but WR's are now full of the flavor of the month Marauders.

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Low survivability and lack of burst aside, the main problem is that we've become known for being an easy target. Even if we in theory could beat other classes they will just keep on coming. And they don't have much to lose by jumping us because we don't have the burst to quickly take them down in the event that we would "out-skill" them. The best we can do is to control the attacker and slowely drain their health. So unless we follow them, which usually means leaving the objective, they will just heal up and try again 20 seconds later.


The whole "easy target" deal has become tiresome. In more or less every game I'm jumped by people regardless of where I am on the map, as if they charge me based on the idea that it will only take 3 secs to kill me anyway. Feels like playing a healer or being "that pro player" people jump for bragging rights. I'm neither of those.

Edited by MidichIorian
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This game fell victim to the same dev bias that afflicted WoW in it's early years.


Frustrated programmers that weigh 8 stone soaking wet and were raised on a diet of heroic fantasy, think the only characters that can kill people have to be big strapping warrior-types and the ones in the dresses are just there as meatsacks for them to whale on.


Incompetence is also a big part of it. Plus listening to nerf-whining babies QQ'ing about allegedly OP classes (Ravage buff says hi).

Edited by Koppster
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This game fell victim to the same dev bias that afflicted WoW in it's early years.


Frustrated programmers that weigh 8 stone soaking wet and were raised on a diet of heroic fantasy, think the only characters that can kill people have to be big strapping warrior-types and the ones in the dresses are just there as meatsacks for them to whale on.


Incompetence is also a big part of it. Plus listening to nerf-whining babies QQ'ing about allegedly OP classes (Ravage buff says hi).


Well said, however I'd prefer to refer to my dress as a barbarian's tunic... lol.


It takes all of about 3 secs for a poorly outfitted group of Marauders to focus me down. A well geared and skilled group do it in about 0.5 seconds. 50 PvP is totally bunked now that they added augmented gear. We have to have some kind of surviveability or the 6 servers that are left will be gone in 2 months when GW is released.

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This game fell victim to the same dev bias that afflicted WoW in it's early years.


Frustrated programmers that weigh 8 stone soaking wet and were raised on a diet of heroic fantasy, think the only characters that can kill people have to be big strapping warrior-types and the ones in the dresses are just there as meatsacks for them to whale on.


Incompetence is also a big part of it. Plus listening to nerf-whining babies QQ'ing about allegedly OP classes (Ravage buff says hi).


So in your dreams tiny little midgets in rugs rule the world. Whatever, I just don't see how is that better?

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Th whole idea of glass cannon is idiotic. To be a glass cannon sage should out dps anyone in short term battle. You can't do that. You do not have effective bursts.


Sage need at least 5 seconds to begin do some real dps. This is somehow stupid cos' when you're "glass cannon" you do not live enought to even begin to dps. Anyone can outdps sage in 1x1. So at large battle it get even worst, two guys on you, and you die in less than 2 seconds. "The style of play" sage should have much more survivalbility so they can really begin to dps. And this game do not alow kite. Cos' everybody can slow, root and charge/pull you all the time. So how sage can do a real damage? As sage hope people do not notice that you're hitting them.


It's annyoing see everybody outdsing you, a lot of players with some sort of immunity. Knights can have immunity to CC and slow after jump, smugglers' immune to interrupt when on cover. Even shadow have imunity when casting the debris. Why the class with less defense do not have any immunity? Nor a single defensive cooldown?

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