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Official Q&A Thread for July 13th Blog Post

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What are your plans for improving the game? Are you going to be offering Alternate Advancement Points, and the ability to custom color ALL your armor, and not just hue to chest? I saw you're going to be adding more planets and are asking the community for which ones they want, so I'm onboard for that. But However...do you have any plans to implement something like Everquest's Alternate Advancement points? Sony did something awesome with those, for example: The Knights in that game, could increase their swordplay, gain other abilities, things like that. You could integrate something like that into the Legacy system you already have running, just add a new tree or two, and fix the experience point system so players could after a certain level (Like say 65...after more levels are introduced) decide how much exp they wanna put into leveling, and how much they wanna put into getting that extra 'saber damage, or the ability to throw an opponent they have in Force Choke, as well as well as fully customizing the color of our armor and such? by the way, huge fan of the game, Not so much of your copying a lot of key elements from WoW, but meh...been waiting for this game since I finished The Sith Lords. It's been well worth the wait.
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The most important question I have is when are we going to get an update on the next phase of more open movement character transfers? Furthermore would it be possible to have a system similar to what is in Rift where having a character of a certain level, or in a certain act here, would free up some of the restrictions on the character transfer system?
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Why do abilities not work one way in pvp and another way in pve? As a player that does not pvp I find it very discouraging when my class gets a nerf because of pvp. I don't care if my class does more damage, is harder to kill etc in pvp, I care how my class performs in pve. After playing wow for 6+ years and seeing my class nerfed to the ground almost exclusively because of pvp, I was very happy to switch to this game hoping against hope that the same would not happen here but sadly it has.
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I know this gets dodged every Q&A but i will give it a shot again.



Are there any NEAR plans to make assassin/shadow DPS more in line with other DPS classes rather inline with what tank DPS is right now? As it sits deception/infiltration trees are so low DPS wise they are a liability in a raid therefore not brought. Most tests are showing them nearly half the damage output of a sentinel/marauder. The class looks fun to play but its very very hard to level a class to play it in a certain tree knowing that you can never get a spot in a raid because your just are pretty much worthless. The exact same thing can be said for scoundrel/oprative DPS. I know you guys made them weak in PvE due to PvP QQ but there has to come a point where you tell the PvPers to stop crying and let game balance around the bulk of the game (the PvE side) take precedence. 99% of the balance QQ comes from PvP where as PvP is about 1% of this games content.

Edited by Hizoka
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over the past few months we`ve seen statements of game designers about how they are encourage open world pvp.so far...nothing has been done about..ilum pvp area has not been revived.also we did not get any effective alternative.any ETA on a new upcoming open world pvp content?
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With the Cathar being added as an extra playable species, will access to extra character slots on servers be added when they come out?

Otherwise players who already have eight characters on their server will have no motivation to actually bother with the Cathar at all.

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Question: Hood Toggle ETA, or any kind of update, please just throw us a bone!!!


This is something you are well aware of and hopefully already trying to resolve, but you really need to keep us in the loop, because patience is really wearing thin on this after all it is a feature we have wanted since before release. This thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=2198, which as you can see has been active since before release, is one of 30+ on the forums all asking about the hood toggle.


There is no question that the community wants this feature, the only question is when will you give it to us?

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Can we get an update on how far you guys arte with additional quickbars?


Someone might think that the 4 bars would be enough, but were do I place all the legacy stuff. The current amount of bars would be enough if we could have a save option which would allow us to map the quickbars for different content.

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When are you going to implement a Guild Calendar so GMs can list guild events & members can sign up for them?


I think this would be an extremely valuable addition to the game, not only for Guilds / Ops Teams / Rated WZ Teams, but for all manner of events.




The continued lack of support for 3rd party addons means that running a transparent loot distribution system within an Ops Guild requires a lot of out-of-game administration and record keeping. As such I wonder if the developers have ever given any consideration to the potential development of an in-game loot tracking / distribution system such as the DKP or EPGP type tools which Raiding Guilds have been using for years?


I'm sure there are many players like myself, who have a great deal of experience in both using these types of tools and contributing to the development of these systems over the years, who would be more than happy to aid in the development of such a tool if one was ever planned.

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GTN and its search options!!!

Add some additional filters so I don't have to manually mouse over ever single item on 115 pages when I want to buy a new schematic. Even though every schematic is level 1, the requirements that are on schematic are different. So If I want to search levels 20 -30 it should show me just those that I am cappable of using if I am in that level range. This is something very easy to do and I was wondering what is being done on this front? Because GTN such as it is now is only implicating that people that are working on those thing aren't very smart or capable.

And on more thing .... "usable by me" is not working. 6 months after release and such a simple management option is still not working?

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What is involved in creating cross server mail? I have toons on two different servers (one where I play with my friends and the other is my son's server). I'd like to be able to mail items back and forth between the servers.
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Is there any chance of you reinstating the Off Topic forum for community purposes? Sometimes the boards feel like going drinking with work colleagues and spending the entire night talking about the latest work project, or meeting up before and after a football game and only discussing football. We need somewhere for casual conversation, as a community would do.
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The Mobile Security Key iPhone/Adroid app notwithstanding, are there any development plans to integrate the mobile platform into the actual SW:TOR play experience? I often find myself daydreaming at work of being able to remotely use the GTN, or even have remote access over my crew skills (which would be especially handy, given that they do not require a whole lot of actual physical "farming"). The possibilities seem to be there in spades, I was just wondering what you guys thought of such an idea.
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Hello. Long time reader, first time poster! Just would like to know if there are plans to break out planetary content in the LFG tool to list specific heroic quests. In its current incarnation it is fantastic for flash points, however it is nigh on useless for planetary heroics, as we are unable to choose specific quests. Thanks for making a really fun game. I had sworn never to get into MMOs, but the Bioware name and Old Republic title changed my mind. One of the best decisions I've made (gaming-related anyway)!
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I've been hoping too see a button to hide the companion's head slot. It gets very annoying whenever your companion doesn't look very presentable to the public, only to have them ridicule you. Also i was hoping for more information on HK-47. Also i was hoping (much farther into the future not a big problem right now) to see about possibly being able to buy our own homes and customizing then how we see fit. It would be very neat and interesting to be able to design homes and not only our ships with overpriced Legacy Perks. Thank You for reading my post and taking my questions/suggestions into account.
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I have two questions.


Q1: When are you guys going to come to the conclusion that pvp gear destroys pvp. It makes it so new 50 are manhandled by War Hero geared people. Sure the recruit gear was a nice cash bonus, because all it does is get you two shotted instead of one. You can say people need to do their time, but it isn't worth the time unless you are handing out ranked warzone credits like candy during Halloween. Which is what, is happening to the people who already have their gear, because they are destroying everyone else. Get rid of pvp gear. Make pvp about skill and not gear. It dumbfounds me that skill is way down the line to gear, when it comes factors related to success in pvp. I have 6 level 50 toons; one with complete BM and some war hero yeah it is fun killing fools with recruit gear, but I don't always want to play one class. I want to be able to play all my characters competitively after they reached 50. Pvp is a joke, for that reason and the fact that there are so many stuns and knockbacks, you basically have control of your toon for a total of 3 seconds once you are around more than three people. Stop worrying about class balance and worry about a functioning pvp environment that is rewarding for all people. If you want to keep gear, make it about style and achievement, not about murdering people because all you do is pvp. You can still destroy people if you are skilled, so what are all the people with this gear worried about if they lose it. It is only going to get worse with successive tiers and as a result BM will be water down and WH will be watered down and easier to get. Just stop playing games with gear to make people play longer and instead make pvp playable for everyone and they will play longer because it is actually fun.



Moodo, Parviti, Athanna, Mudo, Zetya, Telsa, Dartainia, Nojack.





I completely agree with this. Getting Geared with just PvE and Dailies is too long and frustrating, and PvP is too difficult because of all the Battle Masters and War Heroes. People all over the servers tell me "Life as a Fresh 50 is just too hard but you'll get there with time" I do not want to get there with time i want to be able to fight in PvP and show off my skill without being poned by extremely geared people. So as soon as I rank to a level 50, I just go and re-roll another toon, which i am tired of doing, i am slowly losing interest in the game, the only thing keeping me playing are my friends.

Edited by AustinShinabar
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