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Should Jawas Be Playable?


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First, let me say that I think Jawas in this game are charming and adorable and would probably be really fun to play as.


But, I don't think they would be a good playable race in this game anytime in the foreseeable future for various reasons.


Having also played FFXIV, where every piece of gear is perfectly tailored to fit each race (including very non-human ones) and each race/gender has their own animations, I totally agree that Bioware should be able to make Jawa animations and Jawa-fitting gear. However . . . they can't even make Twi'leks and Miraluka without clipping issues, and almost every animation in the game is shared across genders and races. And yes, they could change the stories just for Jawa, but they didn't even spare the time to change some of the dialogue to be appropriate for certain Legacy combinations, so I can't imagine them putting in the effort.


So I think playable Jawa, if they decided to do it, would be something best put on their 2015 To-Do List, for after they have perfected the more human-like playable races. Until then, everyone play a BH so we can see lots of cute Jawas on fleet! :D

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I was speaking about game mechanics. Strength is the primary attribute for Warriors and knights. (Together with endurence, if you want to tank.)


Lorewise a Jawa Jedi Knight would be possible if he jumps around alot. But developing new animation would take much effort and I'd rather see it invested into other species which are more than comic relief.



Yeah, but the NPC Bounty Hunters should laugh at the Jawa Bounty Hunter. New voice overs = even more effort.


Jawa means you will have to invest much and wil get little out of it. (No one will make his decision if he wants to continue with this game only because of playable Jawa's.)



In a broad view of this game you can tell we wont be having Jawas for some time (Years possibly) As for Jawa Animations I agree that they do need to work out character bugs, and do some fixes before a Jawa is even conceivable to place in the game


For New Voice overs In my opinion I don't think they will have a hassle with it because they are hiring voice actors constantly so new content can be pushed out (If it has a story line) And if no effort was ever put into anything nothing would get done at all, for a company like Bioware I think effort is a requirement, and It really shows in there games.

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So I think playable Jawa, if they decided to do it, would be something best put on their 2015 To-Do List, for after they have perfected the more human-like playable races. Until then, everyone play a BH so we can see lots of cute Jawas on fleet! :D


Blizz rules! :D

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Im just picturing a jawa in rakata supercommando gear on the imperial side LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL:D:D:D:):):D


A female Jawa BH could have a romance with my homie Blizz! :D


Hey, we all know Blizz is the Mac Daddy of Star Wars already. :cool:

Edited by Captain_Zone
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Lets get Sandbox features into the MMO first before we get Sandbox characters.


If you read some of my earlier responses to some people I state that I know Jawas are a project still long in the future, and the game itself has much to fix before we even remotely consider it being a playable race. I agree with your point though fully.

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If Jawa's were playable, there would have to be class restictions. That would cause a lot of complaining, but there are good reasons:


Knight/Warrior - No. A Jawa's body isn't suited for their melee moves. It would look ridiculous and make no sense (strength as main attribute).





I see a Knight/Warrior Jawa as suited for melee moves as a Master Yoda was. And it would be funny, specially if the enemies reacted with desdain before fighting a Jawa. I think a lot of problems could be soluted by creating a jawa storyline. And a very comical one.

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They should be playable! since i first heard of this game, I've always wanted to be a jawa. before they even announced the classes i pictured myself being a sith sorcerer shooting lightning everywhere that was a jawa. just think of an evil jawa sith! if bioware did it right they wouldn't all have to be cute. some could be evil and scary sith, and some could be epic looking jedi. please bioware!!!!! Give us the Jawa's we deserve!!!!!!!!:jawa_tongue::jawa_mad::jawa_evil::jawa_eek::jawa_confused::jawa_wink::jawa_angel::jawa_biggrin::jawa_cool::jawa_redface::jawa_frown::jawa_smile:


I think if the Jawas were to be playable I know my Imperial agent is already awesome but think of a jawa running around with a sniper rifle either way Jawas would make some weird looking awesome legacys!

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Like most people have said jawas that are played as inquistors/Consulars knights/warriors dont have the right body type for melee attacks they would be more suited for classes like agents/smugglers bounty hunters/troopers but still there could be exceptions for force attacks but if they were to do melee attacks there would probably be alot of jumping involved to get the saber to the enemy or else leg attacks would probably be the main thing for the jawas anyway JAWAS RULE!!!
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