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Warzone Quiters..... Should It Be Tracked?


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Surely I will find another WZ where people will at least "try".


Yes you will. The others teammates that you win with are probably doing more than "trying" for you.

Kansas "_______ on my wayward son"


EDIT: As an FYI: I played over 25 WZs in total on Saturday, and I left 2 of them.

Wow That is great. If everyone left 1 in every 12 matches that would ruin PvP. There are 16 players per match so every match would essentially be decided by who has more quitters. This is my point, I dislike when people quit on the opposition team as well. We blow through one door in a wz and all of sudden its like we are playing against a team of 5 people. Not fun.


If you were in 25 matches and won 1/2 that means you lose 12 matches and and stay for 10. 5 out of 6 you will stick out. Considering most quitters exaggerate the ones they are staying for well.....

Edited by richardya
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I justify the reasons if I leave to myself, I don't have to do it to you. If I leave, it is 95% of the time it is before the WZ start, and I state the reason for it before doing so. 5% of the time, it is in the middle of the WZ, and it is after repeatedly stated what is being done wrong.

That is it.


Most WZ quitters I've come across are not even a QUARTER as considerate as you have portrayed yourself here.


Just sayin'.

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Yes we agree that you only care about your game-play and not your teammates game-play.


I'm glad you understand and I accept your apology for being obstinate.


Now you have to discontinue this crusade of nannying the games population.

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