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Set Bonus Discussion


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what are peoples thoughts on the importance of the 2 and 4 piece pve set bonuses?


for simplicity, lets assume that the individual stats on the gear don't matter. are the set bonuses important enough to justify using two different sets of gear? almost all of my experience is with arsenal dps spec, but i'd really like to experiment with healing (presents a unique challenge and easier to find groups). are the healing set bonuses worth maintaining a second set of gear?


i would appreciate any feedback on the bonuses. if either 4 piece set bonus is generally considered "not worth it" then that would save me a lot of hassle (ie if the 4piece healing set bonus is worthless but the eliminators is not i could use 4eliminators items and 1 combat medic item when i am arsenal dps spec and use 3eliminators items and 2 combat medics items when i am heals spec (thus id only need to swap out a single item)).

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Mercs have the most OP set bonuses int he game and you are QQing about them?


Agreed. Free railshot is amazing now with the boosted damage. Havent gone pyro so im not gona comment on those bonuses.

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Mercs have the most OP set bonuses int he game and you are QQing about them?


what could you have possibly seen in my post that led you to believe i was qqing?


all i'm asking is if the 4piece arsenal dps set bonus and 4piece healing set bonus are worth keeping up two sets of gear. if they both are considered really good then ill maintain two sets of gear, if not then it will save me a lot of trouble.

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what could you have possibly seen in my post that led you to believe i was qqing?


all i'm asking is if the 4piece arsenal dps set bonus and 4piece healing set bonus are worth keeping up two sets of gear. if they both are considered really good then ill maintain two sets of gear, if not then it will save me a lot of trouble.


If your rolling arsenal you should have the 4 piece bonus. It helps alot with heat mitigation.

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thanks for the feedback. ive been quite fond of the free railshot. my question can be rephrased as follows: is there enough of an advantage to the 2 and 4 piece combat medics set bonuses to justify maintaining the extra gear? are they considered "must haves" or are they just "nice"?
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I can't help you much with the actual question, but I keep a healing set in my bags (although I have never spec'd healing). The bonuses look like nice things to have. I think 4 piece Eliminator is a must though.


I'd say focus on your main spec, and keep the healing set pieces you pick up ready for if you need to heal.

Edited by Raekor
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thanks for the feedback. ive been quite fond of the free railshot. my question can be rephrased as follows: is there enough of an advantage to the 2 and 4 piece combat medics set bonuses to justify maintaining the extra gear? are they considered "must haves" or are they just "nice"?


LOL not really getting helpful advise are you? Sorry I'm not a healer but lets have a look:


2 pieces: Increases the duration of Supercharged Gas and Supercharge Cells by 3 seconds.

4 pieces: Reduces the cooldown of Healing Scan or Advanced Medical Probe by 1.5 seconds and the cooldown of Emergency Scan or Bacta Infusion by 3 seconds.


The answer is YES it is worth having 4 extra pieces of gear if you need to switch between healing and DPS and not just because you're going to get a set bonus out of it. You're also going to be swapping the 3 or 4 Accuracy enchantments that you're going to move onto those 4 pieces of your DPS set, and getting the equivalent Alacrity (or Surge) mods in your healing set.

Even if your healing set is of lower quality, lets say Rakata instead of Campaign, then losing a dead stat like accuracy to gain useful stats is an upgrade.


The set bonuses are gravy, and they look pretty good to me so I say DO IT.

Edited by acnoj
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yes, the set bonuses are very helpful...


not being a smart ***, but that's what bonus means...


me, i run appearance gear w/ no set bonuses...cuz i don't GAF. (altho, i am completely modded PvE and PvP :p )


if i were more serious, or trying to be as effective and efficient as possible, i would be all over the set bonuses...


they are well worth it.

Edited by T-Assassin
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Here are my .02, with experience in all 3 trees.


Bodyguard (healing, my offspec)

You want all 4, the 4piece bonus is HUGE. Probably one of the best in game atm.


Pyrotech (rdps, my mainspec PvE and PvP)

You definitely want the 2pc. The 4pc, well... if you talent right, most of your Railshots are going to be free thanks to "Prototype Particle Accelerators". My opinion is if you are Pyro, skip the 4pc.


Arsenal (rdps, played for a while, hated being a turret and subject to so many interrupts in PvP)

The 4pc is worthwhile, although not nearly as OP as the healing set. A free dmg ability is still free, even if used infrequently compared to other abilities.

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If and only if you want to do pyro PvE DPS, you should be using the PvP 4 piece set bonus (15% railshot crit), by getting some battlemaster/champion shells and remodding them.


Otherwise, go with the usuals :)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Arsenal (rdps, played for a while, hated being a turret and subject to so many interrupts in PvP)

The 4pc is worthwhile, although not nearly as OP as the healing set. A free dmg ability is still free, even if used infrequently compared to other abilities.


If you're only using Rail Shot "infrequently", you're not using it properly, particularly in 1.3. You should be firing that off every time it's off cooldown, at 5 stacks of Tracer Lock.

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I have around 5 different sets because of all the damn set bonuses, though now that I almost exclusively pvp it's narrowed down to 3 that actually get used.


For pvp;


Bodyguard - 4 piece pvp medic, obviously. No question.


Pyro - 4 piece eliminator pvp, for the railshot crit.


Arsenal - I've always ran with 2 piece pvp and 2 piece pve, for the 15% tracer crit. If you haven't been using this for the last 6 months you are a terribad. However, now that 1. tracer crits don't vent heat anymore and 2. Railshot has been buffed, I could understand wearing the 4 piece eliminator, same as pyro, for the railshot crit. I'd still personally rather the tracer crit though for the sustained damage.

Edited by Sinsavz
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There is nothing to discuss about the Arsenal set bonus 4pc. Giving it up is a huge dps loss and you overheat faster without it. What's all the fuss about?


As arsenal it's actually pretty hard to overheat, even without set bonuses, I wear the pvp eliminator set no matter what spec I choose.

Edited by Sookster
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what are peoples thoughts on the importance of the 2 and 4 piece pve set bonuses?


for simplicity, lets assume that the individual stats on the gear don't matter. are the set bonuses important enough to justify using two different sets of gear? almost all of my experience is with arsenal dps spec, but i'd really like to experiment with healing (presents a unique challenge and easier to find groups). are the healing set bonuses worth maintaining a second set of gear?


i would appreciate any feedback on the bonuses. if either 4 piece set bonus is generally considered "not worth it" then that would save me a lot of hassle (ie if the 4piece healing set bonus is worthless but the eliminators is not i could use 4eliminators items and 1 combat medic item when i am arsenal dps spec and use 3eliminators items and 2 combat medics items when i am heals spec (thus id only need to swap out a single item)).


Yes you want them...For sure! I do mix set bonuses sometimes...If I ever run Arse in PvP I will run two set pieces from the PVE set and two from the PVP set...Becasue that mix is better for that spec....I just put PvP mods in two PvE set pieces and never upgraded the Armoring from BM to WH to keep the PvE set bomus on those two pieces.


Now that said the set bonuses for Merc on both sets are amazing....skipping these are a huge loss....If anything pick the piece ytou hate the most and swap that out for a better skin....you still get a 4 piece or 2/2 bonus...


Some classes Im sure can skip set bonuses with a little less penalty...But for Merc I would not do this. So YES keep your set bonuses they are very worth it.

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This is the value of the eliminator pve set bonus in BiS gear:




They are both of equal value and add about 45 dps. Which is quite significant when compared to other classes. Take Concealment Operatives who have a 4pc bonus that due to regen being the restrictive factor adds no sustained dps at all.


giving up 4pc for pvp 2pc which reduces the cooldown of a knockback is a bit strange.

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This is the value of the eliminator pve set bonus in BiS gear:




They are both of equal value and add about 45 dps. Which is quite significant when compared to other classes. Take Concealment Operatives who have a 4pc bonus that due to regen being the restrictive factor adds no sustained dps at all.


giving up 4pc for pvp 2pc which reduces the cooldown of a knockback is a bit strange.


Well not really..no its not. Dropping the PvP 4pc bonus 15% crit on rail shot for the 2pc bonus of 15% crit on Tracer Missle for Arsenal Spec (which I mentioned in the post) in PvP is not strange at all. Either way you end up with the 2pc bonus from the PvP set on KB so...it doesnt really factor.....So it just depends on the spec as to which bonuses to run. Keeping in mind running the 2pc PVE set bonus will not allow you to upgrade two pieces of armoring to WH...But for 15% crit on an ability your whole spec is built around its a must do really.


Now if you were running Pyro then yes keep the 4pc set crit bonus for Rail shot...absolutely.


I think you took what I was trying to convey in reverse as your thinking PvE Im thinking PvP.

Edited by Soljin
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For the 2pc PVE bonus, you can actually run Rakata gear and toss armorings into it that have Expertise, unless you're saying you can use Battlemaster armorings but upgrading to WH will overlap the set bonus. I do not PVP, I am only speaking from a theoretical point of view. Edited by Aerro
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For the 2pc PVE bonus, you can actually run Rakata gear and toss armorings into it that have Expertise, unless you're saying you can use Battlemaster armorings but upgrading to WH will overlap the set bonus. I do not PVP, I am only speaking from a theoretical point of view.


Level 61 Armoring will overide the Shell set bonuses of old...So if you use 2 pve shells...Preferably Columi or lower so you dont ruin good PvE gear...And put you BM level 58 PvP mods that have Expertise on them into those two pieces...You keep a decent amount of expertise on those two pieces and get the PvE set bonus...As long as you dont drop the WH Armroiung in them and overide the bonus...You can upgrade the Enhancement, and mod slot to LvL 61 WH but never the armoring...At some point you wont be able to do this as the defecit will get to large as the teirs go higher.

Edited by Soljin
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Well not really..no its not. Dropping the PvP 4pc bonus


I think you took what I was trying to convey in reverse as your thinking PvE Im thinking PvP.


Actually I was replying to Sookster, not you. And I made no mention of the pvp 4 pc bonus.

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Actually I was replying to Sookster, not you. And I made no mention of the pvp 4 pc bonus.


Actually you did "giving up 4pc for pvp 2pc which reduces the cooldown of a knockback is a bit strange. "


But honestly I dont care much so no worries.

Edited by Soljin
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Actually you did "giving up 4pc for pvp 2pc which reduces the cooldown of a knockback is a bit strange. "


No, I did not mention the PVP 4 piece set bonus.


This is the value of the eliminator pve set bonus in BiS gear:


Furthermore you can't trade 4pc pvp for 2pc pvp. That makes no sense. My entire post was about the PVE set bonuses, and how the 2pc PVP would be silly to swap for 4pc.

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