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The Community Thread of Crazy!!!!! SHARE YOUR IDEAS!!

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Hello fellow SWTOR members. WELCOME TO THE COMMUNITY THREAD OF CRAZY. I have started this thread as a means to present ideas to the Development team on what things they can do to improve the game. But before I begin I would like to present some rules for this thread.


1. This thread is meant to be productive, not a means to troll. Criticism and open discussion is always welcome. However if your post is only means to bash either the Bioware development team or to insult others who present ideas to the discussion, YOUR POST WILL BE DELETED


2. If you are going to post an idea, give a well thought out path at how Bioware could develop your idea. Remember we are trying to improve the current state of the game not change the game in its entirety. So present your idea with the understanding of the limits of the game. If you have an idea on how Bioware could improve Open World PvP:

a. explain and layout how they can make your idea become part of the game

b. give examples of things how would it work

c. give a story background on how it can be apart of the SWTOR storyline ect. Remember this is a productive thread


Now that I have set these rules in place let us begin. I am going to break down different aspects of the game into 5 Overall Catagories


1. PVE

a. PvE ideas are those that involve with interacting with the environment.

b. Ideas that can improve the story of the game as a whole whether its class or the overaching story of the Republic and the Empire.


2. PVP

a. Open World PvP

b. Small (Arena style) matches

c. Daily Ideas that involve pvp

d. Misc PvP ideas



a. Any ideas that get players to interact with one another. The types of ideas that would be presented here are mechanics that Bioware can give to the players but have the players create the dynamic (sandbox ideas would be included in this type of category)



a. Just as it sounds. We have heard Bioware stated in multiple accounts, they are working on a secret space project, but we have heard little information about it. Until we hear otherwise, present your ideas on how space can be improved. What type of space combat could work in SWTOR and explain how it can be implemented.


5. MISCELANEOUS: This category is for anything that you feel can improve the lifestyle of the game. Ideas involving mini-games, improvement to companions, sitting in chairs lol. Basically anything little things that you believe can improve the downtime of the game is welcome in this category


Now as the OP of the thread I will try to present some of my ideas to each of these categories.




1. Cross Class Story Arcs (by MisterBlackJack): We all have seen the World Story Arcs and for most part, someone like me enjoys a good majority of them. However besides running through the arc again with the an alt, there is almost little reason to return to the earlier planets. However I believe this idea is a great way to create interaction among players as well as having higher level players return to earlier level planets. My idea involves creating a secondary Advance class that is more of a profession and has these professions as the main tool to drive the World Story Arc. I will use republic classes in my example.

a. Jedi Consular: Ambassador/Archeologist

b. Jedi Knight: Defender/Special Ops

c. Trooper: General/Recruiter

d. Smuggler: Black Market Trader/Pirate


Each of these Professions represent where each of the Republic classes end on their personal story at the end of chapter 3. So upon finishing Chapter 3 each player gets to pick one of these 2 profession classes. Once they choose their profession, they can get the new Cross Class missions on the fleet. Basically how this would work is similar to how a story is told around a campfire. One person starts the story line but then it is picked up and carried on by someone else.


The Republic are trying to bring the new ruler of Alderaan back into the Republic. To start negotiations The Chancellor sends an Ambassador (Jedi Consular) to speak with the New ruler. As negotiations unfold (the Jedi Consular comes near to completing the Ambassador quest), the New Leader informs the Jedi Ambassador that before he accepts the Republic’s terms he needs Military support from the people of Alderaan. So to complete this part of the story arc the Jedi Conuslar must find a Recruiter (Republic trooper) to get the Alderaan people to join the military. As the Recruiter attempts to get men and women to join, he comes to find out that a rougue Nobel has been secretly dealing with the Hutts for a secret army he plans to take the thrown with. Because of the highly political atmosphere, the Recruiter has the option of sending in a Jedi Spec Ops (Jedi Knight) to deal with Rogue Noble OR he can ask a Black Market Trader (Smuggler) to negotiate with the Hutts and prevent such an attack.

Basically the concept is getting players to interact with each other to complete the World/Class story arc. It’s a new way in which dailies can be done as well as keep the personal quests going. That’s it for me. Let me know what you think. Do you like the idea? do you think it’s a bad idea? Let me know.




Open World PvP has, as everyone knows, been the topic of many critics. People wonder is it even possible for a good Open world pvp. My idea is a true Galactic Domination style open world pvp that involves both PvE as well as PvP, with different mechanics to help with balance and rewards that even a person who does very little pvp will want to engage in this style of gameplay.



I. Objective: Galactic Domination is very similar to how illum was originally thought of but on a much larger and grander scale. The Concept is simple. CAPTURE AND CONTROL AS MANY OF THE CONFLICT PLANETS AS POSSIBLE.



II. Story (Resources): Each of the 7 Conflicting Planets will have different resources that are needed to build your war fleets (similar to the War Assets in Mass Effect 3). And each “Capture Objective” is different based on the resources that is gathered

1. Illum: Crystals

2. Correllia: Capital Ships

3. Belsavis: Ancient Militia Prisoners

4. Tatooine: Ancient Rakatta Technology

5. Hoth: Advance War Shields

6. Alderaan: Political Allies

7. Quesh: Black Market War Gear

8. Makeb: War Droids



III. Mechanics: Each Open World Warzone will have offensive and defensive mechanics that will assist the battle.


1. Offensive: In each zone (similar to how illum was set up) there are auto turrents scattered around and it’s up to each faction to capture the turrents. The difference between auto turrents and the nodes on Illum is that these turrents, once captured, will target the enemy’s main base and fire at their heavy artillery. Once the artilleries (base turrents) are down the faction can then raid the enemies camp and control that Base by capturing the Planet Objective. Once all X amount of Bases have been captured then the planet goes to the winning faction. One of the cool things about this you (and everyone else on your server) will see that the planet has gone to a faction on their galaxy map on their ship.

i) Example: If Correllia ends up being captured by the Imperials, then every time a player pulls up Correllia it will say (IMPERIAL CONTROL).


2. Defensive: Don’t worry, if you fear the threat of being overrun by Imperials (or Republics) well fear not there are some mechanics involved that benefit you defensively as well. That way even if your outgeared and outnumber you still have a very good possibility to win.

i) Mountable Turrents: Each Base/Node will have mountable turrents players can jump on, move around to aim and fire into enemy lines. Each time one faction kills X (lets say 20) amount of Enemy players, then another Elite troopers will drop from the capitol ships above and assist in the fighting. When Y amount (lets say 100) of enemy players are killed then an advance Shield goes over the base preventing enemy players from entering for 30 seconds. If you are successful at killing Z amount of players (lets say 200) OR prevent the enemy from taken the base 5 minutes after the shields go up. Then the auto turrets closest to the base will fire on the offensive faction, wiping them all out and given the Defensive team the win.


3. Crew Skils: Crew skills can be used throughout the battle to help both the offensive and defensive sides (I will only give 2 examples

i) Slicing: While any player can capture one of the auto turrents, slicers will be able to use their skills to activate droids that are scattered across the battlefield

ii) Cybertech: Cybertech will have the ability repair damage mounted turrents, but will give off a long beam of light letting enemy players aware that someone is trying



IV. Rewards: There are rewards for both successfully capturing a planet as well as successfully defending a base as well.


1. Defensively: Successful defensive wins will include

i) large amounts of PvP comms

ii) possible rare endgame mod.


2. Offensively: Successful in Controlling a planet will result in

i) Rare Crafting Schematic based on Planets resources (example Illum – rare pvp crystal color/lightsaber/gun schematic or for Tatooine – Rare armor schematic etc).

ii) Medium amount of PvP Comms

iii) Build up of War Assests



V. THE ULITMATE PRIZE: Some of you are probably wondering now. Well what is the point of doing these if most defensive players get better rewards then offensive players? Well the faction who works hard enough to actually capture ALL CONTESTED PLANETS will be given a huge bonus reward




2. A chance to hunt and kill a new World Boss (the Jedi/Dark Council)

i) Players will be given a chance to defend their capitol world as well as their faction’s council.

ii) There is a catch, if the faction whose capitol is being invaded is able to capture at least one of the contest planets back to their side, then a clock will start and the Offensive Faction has X amount of time to capture and kill the opposing council before reinforcements show up and wipe them out.


3. If a faction is successful in killing off the other factions Council, then everyone in that faction involved in the Battle will receive ONE FREE PIECE OF WAR HERO GEAR (OR THE HIGHEST GEAR AT THE TIME).

That’s it for me. Let me know what you think. Do you like the idea? do you think it’s a bad idea? Let me know.







Edited by MisterBlackJack
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I didnt bother finishing your thread, but wouldn't it be vastly more productive to tackle these issues individually in separate threads?


Its a long thread I know had alot of things to write lol I apologize. But I wanted to compile a list of different ideas from various people on types of new content that could be implemented to bring more life to the game.

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I want an algorithmic crafting system where I can create items aesthetically and statistically unique with a rating that can compete with tiered crap.


That sounds like a very interesting idea. Do you have any suggestions how they could implement this or any examples from previous games?

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I want to be able to build player made bases on Ilum under guild flags and have GvG fighting over these bases for area and resources like the game Shadowbane.


Interesting. Do you think maybe if they build an entire planet that is made for sandbox activities like these would be suffice?

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I would like to see craft-able dye kits that allow you to change the colour of your gear. Also Inheritance and Birth Right gear need to become modable at the very least, with some type of small bonus. Currently they are virtually worthless.
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I would like to see craft-able dye kits that allow you to change the colour of your gear. Also Inheritance and Birth Right gear need to become modable at the very least, with some type of small bonus. Currently they are virtually worthless.


Okay, how would you implement a craft-able dye to a game like TOR?

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