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PVP Imbalance


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Id like to address the issue of PVP. This game has a lame aspect of PVP balancing. It is said due to the fact if you check all your PVP games/matches played you will see that the Republic has won over id say ball park of 75%, this is being said due to my own experience in PVP matches, the republic seems to be able to cast faster hit harder and so they win about 75% of all matches to me this is a serious imbalance of game play, I could be mistaken however if it isn't corrected my game play and PVP will come to a halt meaning i will cancel my account and find another MMO to give my money to, your PVE and storyline is great however your PVP stinks there is no incentive for a person to do PVP except to get armor with higher stats and expertise on it yes you gain in valor but whats the reward for that? As a healer on the imperial side you cannot out heal even one dps beating on you however any republic healing class can heal thru 2 or 3 imperial dps classes you tell me its balanced all i say is LOL you must play a republic char. I know this game was not big on PVP however 75 to 85% of your clientele live for it and alot are leaving for the simple reason it is so imbalanced. a suggestion for you if your willing to look at it download the 14 day free trial of Dark Age of Camelot to me that is the best PVP setup of all MMO's out there you may be able to look at it and make this game a whole lot better for your customers which means more will come to play, another thing is you have clustered the servers due to lack of clients now you have severe server issues which needs to also be corrected, we all know its server issues due to the systems we all run to play these games.

Thank You


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Just to let you know on my server the opposite is true. The most annoying "feature" is the completely unbalanced power of lightning. In both PvP and PvE a level 50 character from the Republic can be defeated at any time by almost any other character that can use lightning. Smacks of no or little QA supervision or supervised balancing.
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Here its opposite but it have a lot of factors involved. At fatman, at afternoon here (gmt -3) REP seems to win more, late at night seems that imp dominate.


If you do not have gear too, you get hit much harder and you cannot aid your team so it's more likly your team lose until you get some better pvp gear.


And of course it depend the server.

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Matchmaking needs work, I think that is one of the biggest problems, it puts all pug teams with no healers against nearly full pre-mades with 3-4 healers and near full War Hero gear. Better match making alone would have a huge impact on the quality of matches.


That said, Time to Kill (too fast), Resolve (fills too slow), Tank Stats/Gear (nearly useless), Snares (too many, not counted toward resolve), and Roots (too many, not counted toward resolve) all need some looking at as well. This isn't meant to be an exhaustive list.

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It is only imba until you are geared. And thats just life as the current MMO player knows it. Take your licks and get your gear than play the game. I am a PVE players who just started trying to get my pvp gear up and I am getting BLASTED! But what should I expect? People have invested more time into it then I have so they are better equipped.


Incidentally, I bought my first 3 pieces of BM gear in like a day. So I can not see this process taking too long and its fine to try and find a way to win against a superior opponent.

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The only imblance is actually in the "expertise" of gear. It's got too high a spread and now with anyone in BM or up sporting full augments on all their gear the showing is going to be much worse between recruit and someone geared at the highest levels.


True PVPers want a fair fight but the highly geared PVPers in this game just want to smack you down and most seem to be looking at keeping you from a fair fight. A majority of the highest level PVPers never even experienced what it was like to be in Recruit gear. I have. I also win a lot. But where PVP fails in this game is being fun for all.


Fun makes people play; if someone get's the ultimate smackdown - they quit and never come back.

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The only imblance is actually in the "expertise" of gear. It's got too high a spread and now with anyone in BM or up sporting full augments on all their gear the showing is going to be much worse between recruit and someone geared at the highest levels.


True PVPers want a fair fight but the highly geared PVPers in this game just want to smack you down and most seem to be looking at keeping you from a fair fight. A majority of the highest level PVPers never even experienced what it was like to be in Recruit gear. I have. I also win a lot. But where PVP fails in this game is being fun for all.


Fun makes people play; if someone get's the ultimate smackdown - they quit and never come back.


This is true, Ive always hated the gear score pvp concept and EA has done it huge in TOR.


But it cant be all blamed on gear!


I play imp and republic in pvp and I got to say, many complaining about others are actually the problem in the PVP event.


When I play my consular healer in pvp, you know I can count on one hand how many times one of my repulic teams mates has stayed to protect me so im able to heal! Most times the imps simply rush right by the knights and what not and gang bang me 5 or 6 on 1.


The imps get it, they take out the healers first and the republic guys let them every single time!


LOL, hell there has been times where Ill be healing 2 reps on 1 imp and imp will notice me and cut off to attack me and reps characters, they run off to do something else leaving the paper armor healer solo and toast.


MUCH of the imbalances in TOR PVP come from the actions (or lack of actions) of that sides players.


Case in point.


Last night I did 4 hours of Republic PVP and got ONE WIN. ONE

Switched over to my imp for 60 minutes and got 4 wins.


Wish I could scream PVP imbalance but the only difference was whose side I was on.

As my BH, I simply ran through the Rep ranks and fed on their sages and healers .... AND THEY LET ME EVERY TIME!


There is a huge part of the so called imbalance I find!

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