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WZ quitting epidemic


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A 15 min lockout is not significant. a 24 hour lockout would be.


15 minutes is NOT working. People ragequit like crazy. 24 hours is way too much tough. I would say, 1 hour would suffice.

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Ok, things are getting a bit out of hand. I have been in several WZs today in which the total number of players got up to 14-16 people. Once we start to lose, in stead of trying, people just quit, and that screws the ones who actually want to try, and attempt to learn better tactics. There needs to be some severe repercussions for leaving a WZ voluntarily. I understand people get DC'd, and stuff like that, but quitting a WZ because you are losing should be detrimental to you in some significant way. A 15 min lockout is not significant. a 24 hour lockout would be.


You don't get to determine what I do with my time ingame.....sorry.


People can leave for whatever reason they want and if it hurts your gameplay (c'est la vi). The hazard in playing an MMO is that not everyone can, or in some cases wants, to play with you. So you are penalizing people for exercising their right to choose? Can't happen.

Edited by JayPres
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They should also give a penalty to people who join WZ in less than augmented full WH gear, and a penalty to anyone playing a non-FOTM class.


Can't blame anyone who quits the moment they see the other team has a bunch of fully geared sents or PTs who can two shot your recruit buddies.


Really, for those few people still playing the game for fun rather than to gear up- why stay in a match that will be a guaranteed steamroll?


It's already not much fun to play against a team that's also better/coordinated- but in this case, they also have a significant advantage. It'd be like you and a couple random people you met on the street putting on some skates and playing the LA Kings.... every single time... and your team's wearing no protective gear, your skates are made of wood, your net is a soccer net, and you're using mini sticks... and their team gets to shoot the puck with shotguns.


Sounds like fun.

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Im full WH and working on second set to rip out the mods, i dont need to deal with non teamwork, i will not quit because of loosing, i WILL quit when there is hadly any teamwork, or people trying to top their e-peen charts.


I would say i was sorry for quitting early, but im not, if you got an issue, start learning what the goals of Warzones are, they have nothing to do with damage, kills, or anything showing on that scoreboard other then Objectives

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You don't get to determine what I do with my time ingame.....sorry.


People can leave for whatever reason they want and if it hurts your gameplay (c'est la vi). The hazard in playing an MMO is that not everyone can, or in some cases wants, to play with you. So you are penalizing people for exercising their right to choose? Can't happen.


You'd keep your right to choose but you would have to face consequences as your choice affects 7 other people as well. The game developers are well within their rights to protect the interests of the other 7 people.

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Nobody is talking about locking you inside the warzone while throwing away the key. You'll still be able to do w/e you please but since you are altering your decision affecting other gamers then you should suffer some consequences. Locking you out until the WZ you left ends it seems just about right.
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Nobody is talking about locking you inside the warzone while throwing away the key. You'll still be able to do w/e you please but since you are altering your decision affecting other gamers then you should suffer some consequences. Locking you out until the WZ you left ends it seems just about right.


Its not going to stop it.


The only way it will stop is a Full kick from WZ, not the AFK kick there is now ( the afk person has to actually be afk as a popup appears that they need to click to stay in)


Or the ability of not grouping people that is on anothers block list.


If a person can just flat out not group with the people they out on ignore due to whatever reason, quitters will drop to near nothing. All the quiter has to do is put whoever is not pulling their weight in WZ's on ignore, and they wont be in the group for future instances,, problem solved. Now if the slacker gets on to many lists, he wont pop for a WZ, then thats the slackers fault

Edited by CKNairb
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I hope you quit when you solo-queue and end up in a team with a premade of 4 'leet PVP-powerplayers' against 8 pugs.


I don't. It's compensation for the times I meet premades and I too have gear to grind. They are usually boring fights though ;)


I don't blame the opposition for quitting the WZ early though.

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Uhmm, 24 hours is pretty crazy :p

Yesterday, Alderaan speeders bugged out on me twice in a row: could click em, but nothing happened. Ctrl+u or /stuck didn't do anything, so I left.


So you say I should be locked out for an entire day cus the game bugged... Yeah .. No...

There are also the knockdown bugs which are supposed to have been fixed, but I've heard several people say they aren't.


A 10 minute deserter buff is more than sufficient, bringing it in line with other games.

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You'd keep your right to choose but you would have to face consequences as your choice affects 7 other people as well. The game developers are well within their rights to protect the interests of the other 7 people.


If I don't want to play with someone, how are their interests not protected if I leave freeing up room for someone who wants to try and win.


Some of the best wins I've had is when someone leaves and another person who fits the playstyle needed comes and and changes the course of the game.


Can we find a way to penalize players that give up and don't quit? Or join WZs in Columni gear?

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A 10 minute deserter buff is more than sufficient, bringing it in line with other games.


Wouldn't alter a thing. If I have the choice between a 10 minutes debuff and staying in a 10-15 minutes game of frustration, the choice s simple.


I don't believe a deserter debuff would change much no matter the length of it.

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I think there are some useful things that could be done but any of them would make war zones pops slower.


1. Dont match me with folks on my ignore list

2. Create a few more brackets and adjust the rewards accordingly, lvl50 BM only bracket and recruit bracket for example, thse would be by choice and once queued gear would be locked, so even a war hero can queue for recruit so long as they wear recruit.

3. quitters lose comms, say 70 for 1st quit, and the rising by 10 every time, reset daily (with daily quests) - dont like this as you cant do it to any quiiter only those who choose to quit rather than get dc'ed but its easy to dc yourself

4. RATE everyone in every war zone, same basic principles as ranked war zones but this is ONLY for team matching then match based on this rating (unless playing ranked war zones then use that rating instead)


I think he current team builder is simply a random picker based on you being in the queue, its takes nothing else into account at all


people want to play war zones against similar geared and skilled players but have the choice to pay up at a higher level too, right now the match making is just too dumb which leads to people quitting when a loss is inevitable and its no fun as the 'team' is anything but or you arriving to find 3 guys in green lvl49 crap with not even a single item of recruit gear

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They should also give a penalty to people who join WZ in less than augmented full WH gear, and a penalty to anyone playing a non-FOTM class.

There is a penalty for this. Its called repeated reapings and having zero fun.


And the best part is the premade teams full of 10+ hour a day fully augmented players still just queue for normal WZs so theres just no place for anything less than the top gear, anywhere.


Haves and have nots is no way to run a player vs player system. The have nots will never have, and so end up just not having fun and leaving.

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Haves and have nots is no way to run a player vs player system. The have nots will never have, and so end up just not having fun and leaving.


everybody will have full WH and aug's, play matches you get them, win or lose. there is no have not never will have.


the only way you will play a match and get nothing is if you get less then 3 medals, and anything over 8 medals doesn't count.

Edited by CKNairb
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I don't quit WZs once I am in them, unless the LFG tool pulls me out but that's pretty rare since I don't really PvE that much. However, I will occasionally quit Voidstar when I first load in (but not once I've started playing the match). There's only so many times I can endure that map.


Otherwise, I stay in even if we're losing.

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I never quit WZ and I also never rage against people in WZ here's why.



o If things go bad, you can always cap one node and wait it out at that node. I would rather sit defending a node gaining medals that solo attacking a well fortified enemy node, dying and giving them additional medals. In fact if you want to deny them medals and maximize your own, its best to force them to travel to your node and attack you. They lose defensive medals while they travel to get to your node and chances are they can not get the last node.


Mindlessly solo attacking nodes like lemmings is dumb.


o Even if you are the only one left in a wz and you only get one medal, you get 1/6 of your daily (1/2 if not 50) done.


o If you leave a wz, you get nada, zilch, nothing but wasted time at loading screens.


o The most brain dead thing I have ever seen is people leaving Ranked War Zones. As soon as you see the Enter/Leave dialog, you take a loss to your rating if you click leave, lose or quit mid game. If you stay you at least get valor and ranked comms.


o Unless you have great gear and are truly competitive worrying about your rating is simply silly. As someone who has one War Hero and three Battlemasters, I assure you, no matter how good you are somebody is better. This game is a rock paper siccors game. You may have every slot WH with augments but somewhere is a guy with the same gear but of your anti class. Chances are your skill level will not compensate for the game design.


With that said don't get so upset with a loss. Stick in the game and grind the rewards. Be couteous to your fellow team mates.


o Lastly I want to say this because it is a typical example of a lot of PVP heroes. I was playing my healer in huttball. It was a tight 1 to 1 game. The one time we scored I healed the guy and even passed the ball from the point I got the ball to the end zone. Also during this game I was healing the ball carrier while others were in better position who the ball carrier could pass to but did not. I see this all the time. Now at the end of the game, we have the ball and we are near our own health pack, I am right by the ball carrier getting beat on just as hard as the ball carrier. I am cc'ing people and people break my cc, I am healing and blowing my own defensive cooldowns keeping myself alive. Basically I am hitting hotkeys contiously and moving to line of sight people. In my opinion I am doing everything possible.


Then with 12s to go, the ball carrier passes the ball to me, who does not have any shields or cc abilites available not to mention high on heat. So soon as I release from stun with my dying breath I pass the ball to a team mate standing on edge of the wall. Sadly the ball does not go to the guy on the same level as me but instead goes down into the pit for a throwaway. The enemy who has control of the mid picks up the ball and win.


The result is I get all kinds of insults, explicatives and general abuse.


I also notice a slew of whispers from a guy who was a pvp kind before the event telling me what to do. I did not respond and even though it upset me a little for a guy calling me out in game using my name. I thought about it from my perspective.


o If the guy had so much time to type, he was obvisiously not the ball carrer or one of the guys trying to protect the ball carrier so he was not contributing.


o If the guy thinks I blew the game, then he does not understand it is a 1-1 game because of many numerous prior mistakes. I saw plenty during the course of the game.


o If the guy can not realize that I was passing to a guy on the same level as me, but the game sent the ball to the pit, then he does not realize that its kind of indetermite where the ball lands. Also its as much the part of the receiver as the passer to catch the ball. The guy whom I was passing to probably thought he was going to catch it just as I did since he was in the targeting aoe indicator.


o Lastly if the guy did not realize how fragile a healer is with no def cooldowns and high heat is, then he has no understanding of the class. People like this have a very high opinion of themselves yet really are delusional. As a result, I did not get angry, I did file a complaint and I logged of for a while. I figure if a game is not enjoyable I need to do something else for a while.


Lastly, I realize I am on a ramble. If you quit a game, its your own loss. I have no pity for you. If you talk smack to people and cause them to leave I will report you. It does not even have to be directed to me. I don't think its fun to have you around, probably not best for the game.

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Or the ability of not grouping people that is on anothers block list.


Anytime I see this gem of an idea, I always say,


"/everyone but my guild on ignore"


And now we have 8-man premades in unranked warzones. Hooray!


Seriously, just leave it alone people. Quitters are either not having fun, have a legitimate reason to quit, or are min maxers who can't do math. In any case you don't want them on your team. Nor do you want them to afk. Just let them get replaced by someone who gives a crap.

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Anytime I see this gem of an idea, I always say,


"/everyone but my guild on ignore"


And now we have 8-man premades in unranked warzones. Hooray!


Seriously, just leave it alone people. Quitters are either not having fun, have a legitimate reason to quit, or are min maxers who can't do math. In any case you don't want them on your team. Nor do you want them to afk. Just let them get replaced by someone who gives a crap.


i have no problem with quiters, i have a problem and want to /ignore the people that have no shred of teamwork, or just dont want to do teamwork. the people in the huttball pit or sidelines just banging on people instead of getting open for a pass. the voidstar's where people are fighting near the spawn point, or run after somebody leaving the door open. the people in civil war, fighting near their middle spawn, or off in middle of nowhere fighting people. or people in general trying to get top on scoreboard thinking it actually means something.

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I quit my very first WZ yesterday when 6 of my teammates decided to defend a single node. I can't stand just giving up.


iv had that also, alot of times ill run to a node, cause im a TankAssain, i can defend for a good bit of time solo till help arrives ( leaving others to go mid cap, so its 7 on ? instead of 6 on ?. i also have sprint and can cap faster then the other team ( where even if mid isnt capped the whole game team will still win by a second or 2 )


no if another follows me to the side point, ill let them stay there, because 1 slacker isnt much of a hinderance as long as they call out ( majority of the time they dont, and wont even answer after being asked why they didnt call out )


and often times when i get there, here trolls 2 or 3 people behind me and just stay there. i will often leave a WZ because of that. because of droolers just hoping in with no intention of teamwork just there for farm medals for coms

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Yeah, CKNairb, re: your last two posts, I think your best bet is to make a list (mental or physical) of people you don't like to play with and quit early if too many of them are in your game.


Obviously rolling with a premade cuts your chances of getting grouped with one of them virtually in half.

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Yeah, CKNairb, re: your last two posts, I think your best bet is to make a list (mental or physical) of people you don't like to play with and quit early if too many of them are in your game.


Obviously rolling with a premade cuts your chances of getting grouped with one of them virtually in half.


usually i will, if i see some people of a certain guild ill be cautious ( not everybody in a guild is the same as their guild mates, and i will not run with people in my own guild if they don't shapeup and work together. ) and ill just leave if the comparison of Fun Vs Pulling hair out is lopsided, losing can be still fun, if the team is actually trying and working together.


i dont play to win, i play for Teamwork.


i dont care about gear, couple of guildies i hae run with when they had lower then recruit ( before it became free ) and didnt have a problem, now that its free is a different story, but at LEAST full recruit ) now they have multiple WH

iv had the benifit as a moslty queue solo, where pug teamwork just flows, no need to spam chat for orders, people know what to do and they do it. hardly any chat spam what so ever, if any chat at all. people do their jobs and we end up smearing higher geared preformed teams AS A PUG


and rolling with a team of 4 we end up seing same thing if not more as people see a preform and expect to do nothing while the preform does majority of the work cause " were a preform "

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I just didn't quit the last BG I was in I quit the game.


It wasn't fun getting stomped by WH geared pre-mades in reg WZ. I think the last Huttball game I played lasted about 2 minutes if that.


My last PvP match I couldn't even do anything. Go into a battle and just die way to quick.i said **** it and unsubbed.

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I just didn't quit the last BG I was in I quit the game.


It wasn't fun getting stomped by WH geared pre-mades in reg WZ. I think the last Huttball game I played lasted about 2 minutes if that.


My last PvP match I couldn't even do anything. Go into a battle and just die way to quick.i said **** it and unsubbed.


what were you doing, were you off in nowhere land tryign to kill somebody that didnt have the ball ?

were you even near the ball carrier ?


all the games i have seen end quickly were people that passed the ball, got open for a pass, went and sat at strategic locations FOR A PASS. as well as cover / hold mid /stealth @ mid for a quick ball grab then quickly pass it to another person that was waiting.


i have never seen a fast huttball because of gear, it was because the team i was on, or the other team were to busy sc**ing around NOT doing the objectives

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