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Healing is fine, they said. Just gear up, they said.


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you still have to heal the tank. usually then one goes on the tank, destroys him, and you get 5 other seconds.


no, i want fun mechanics that don't involve the tank and healer being completely farmed.


you're acting surprised like there isn't a reason most people only bring one sorc - stun bubbles! stun bubble bot is a very fun spec.


i want mobile heals that can't all be interrupted and a defensive ability to get away. aka op healing.


so what you've described with cross healing is that i get healed by an op while a tank keeps me up and we run around playing smear the healer until enough people drop that i can freecast. these are excellent team dynamics. compelling and strategic pvp.


Read up again, (spell auto correct blows). Realize that you are bad at pvp. Suck it up, or reroll operative healer, if that suits your play style more.

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Read up again, (spell auto correct blows). Realize that you are bad at pvp. Suck it up, or reroll operative healer, if that suits your play style more.


i top rated wzs. l2read. i regularly outheal full wh chars.


the fact is it sucks to play. that there's no room on a rated team for more than 1 sorc, as the others get farmed and murdered. this isn't even a question and i'm shocked anyone would argue it. every healer ive spoken to with both classes completely agrees.


bubble requires one sorc. others are a liability. a merc or op keeps me alive. i run around ccing everyone as a bubblebot while they play smear the healer. it sucks. this has nothing to do with skill. it sucks bad and isn't rewarding.


mobile vs interruptable heals with a vanish isnt a playstyle, its basic game mechanics. there's no changing this.


there's no changing the fact that i can win a battle for range, escape, and then watch 2 light sabers fly at me and murder me in what should be the moment i outplayed them. so range battles shouldn't dictate if a healer wins? if i have better positioning i should still die everytime?


also, i like the 20% dmg reduction argument you brought up, as if heals dont scale worse than dmg and classes dont have a 20% heal debuff.

Edited by Oobob
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So, you want your class to be so powerful that it makes taking other classes for same role redundant ?


what is with you people putting words in my mouth. the mechanics are broken. lower the heals and change the playstyle to something viable in ranked that's fun.


i don't get you people, i argue something that's common knowledge among healers (ops > merc > sorc unless you have no sorc and that sorc is cc hybrid), that the sorc mechanics are broken against certain combinations of skills that several classes end up having, and you assume what i meant was i want those crazy heals + more + more + face tanking + god mode + surviving forever + an i win button.


i say it sucks to play, and you assume i'm complaining about dying and i should live forever?


what i really dont get though are the facetank comments. with the defensive cc we have classes that can literally become invulnerable for several seconds and facetank (mara). whereas when i say 2 people focus me and i drop instantly, that's suddenly unreasonable? like i want the half the utility running away as the dps charging into a group of people and that's facetanking when i do it, but legitmate skill when they do?


i want battles for range to determine whether i die and not see two sabers execute me from two outplayed mdps classes. and i would really, really like if ranked wzs werent me running around playing smear the healer while i bubble bot to cc all of you. i imagine you'd want the same thing, as the constant cc every class gets is annoying for you as well, and i know my bubbles anger you (god knows it infuriates me).

Edited by Oobob
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So, you want your class to be so powerful that it makes taking other classes for same role redundant ?


If we are a turret healer where are the def cds and why are we in light?

If we are a kiter, why are all outr major heals cast/channel?


Tbh flip your arguement the other way and that is whats happening currently for many sorcs.

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If we are a turret healer where are the def cds and why are we in light?

If we are a kiter, why are all outr major heals cast/channel?


Tbh flip your arguement the other way and that is whats happening currently for many sorcs.


the only class that can facetank 6 dps is a marauder for several seconds, but that's ok. however, more defensive cc or non-turreted/interruptable heals for sorc are huge gamebreaking mechanics cause we'll live for 9 seconds against one person.

Edited by Oobob
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If we are a turret healer where are the def cds and why are we in light?

If we are a kiter, why are all outr major heals cast/channel?


Tbh flip your arguement the other way and that is whats happening currently for many sorcs.


He's just an average player chirping on the forums. Let it be.

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the only class that can facetank 6 dps is a marauder for several seconds, but that's ok. however, more defensive cc or non-turreted/interruptable heals for sorc are huge gamebreaking mechanics cause we'll live for 9 seconds against one person.

Again, if you die in a 1v1 encounter as a Seer you are doing something wrong. Time for you guys to accept that.

Edited by TKofSweden
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i say it sucks to play, .


Different classes are different. If you don't like playing it any more, roll something to suit your taste. Instead of asking to warp the game around you.


He's just an average player chirping on the forums. Let it be.


Best concealment operative world, best sorc dps world. Best RWZ team EU (soz can't fight vs US teams)


Who is whining on the forum to Bioware, to change this and that? oh right "you" ppl.

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Different classes are different. If you don't like playing it any more, roll something to suit your taste. Instead of asking to warp the game around you.


Best concealment operative world, best sorc dps world. Best RWZ team EU (soz can't fight vs US teams)


Best? Based on what? Pretty sure cross server RWZ is not ingame so yeah, based on what you say here. Anyway, nice ignoring of the basic question:


If we are a turret healer where are the def cds and why are we in light armor?

If we are a kiter, why are all our major heals cast/channel?


Please enlighten us.

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There is more than one Sage agreeing with me, just as there are quite a few experiencing the same thing you are.


The bottomline still is: Can't increase Sage survivability for the casual player as it will make top tier Sages OP and the new FOTM.


You keep claiming that your performance shouldn't be dependent on others, well... You know PVP WZ is a 8v8 Team effort. You are not alone against te other team. And you are supposed to play TOGETHER. If you do not like that play style, change to a class that can act more independently. I thought we who rolled Healers did that for the team aspect, or did you roll it with the sole intention of jut healing yourself?


Nowhere did I say I wanted Sorcs changed to be so powerful nobody can stop them. You keep taking my arguments to the extremes... this guy wants to not get destroyed in a few seconds, clearly he wants to be unstoppable. We can't have that, so no!


It's absurd. All I'm asking for, and a lot of others too, is to just be able to play the game. There are changes that can be made that will give us a chance to contribute without making us OP. Besides, right now we have FotM classes, and people are playing them, and they're demolishing Sorc/Sage. So we should just leave that alone because it's ok to have a FotM that's killing us, but it's not ok for us to be FotM? Your reasoning is flawed.


Finally, and for the last time because you apparently have trouble understanding it, and because I've repeated it so many times now that I'm feeling like you're just trolling, my performance shouldn't be so critically linked to others. Team games are fine, team cohesion is important. One class being so completely dependent on their team and so completely broken otherwise is not fine.

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full BM? Neat so when are you going to gear up? Okay, cool so do that then get back to us, thanks.


Players with full WH augmented are experiencing the same issues.


Nice try though.


This, and additionally why should we have to have the top tier gear level just to stand a chance against people in BM? If a Sorc/Sage has to completely outgear someone only to still get beat, just last longer, that's a pretty good indication that the design is flawed.

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Well argued point and to counter your assertation I say: fotm reroller bad.


Lets keep the discussion level up. This is really mature.


I am a merc healer, I have no problems in normal or rated wz's


2 sorc healing in guild have no problems. One is an alt at 14k HP.

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I am a merc healer, I have no problems in normal or rated wz's


2 sorc healing in guild have no problems. One is an alt at 14k HP.


If you are honestly saying a 14k sorc healer has no problems:


1/ You/He is lying

2/ You are playing the worst set of PvPers known to man


14k hp sorc healer is a free kill to any concious dps class.


Either way, if I am so bad why am I magically good when I play my smash jugg? Must be something incredible in the logic process that makes me hit keys differently eh?


Jugg = BM/WH half aug

Sorc = Full aug WH


I still win on my sorc but I have to play a stupid spec and play my a** off. On my jugg I can just face roll and Im still 75% as good as when I actually try.


Tbh some people get a perverse satisfaction from the point of view of "I play the class and its fine, you must be bad". Perhaps its a way of increasing self esteem? I dunno.


All I can tell you is that ive played a healer at high level across multiple games for 10 years and always been one of the top PvPers on whatever server Ive played. Im not naturally a good mdps player, I freely admit that, and yet in this game Im suddenly awesome at mdps and crap at healing?


Something doesnt add up. Sorc is broken vs good players and the ranked stats show. Doesnt mean it cant physically be played by good players. Its balance after all we are discussing, not whether some people can play a bad class to a level above its average.

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Well argued point and to counter your assertation I say: fotm reroller bad.


Lets keep the discussion level up. This is really mature.


i must say the same, if you read the 2 post above me its kinda a sacastic comment to how they was discussing the matter, but good you leave the posts "no" and "yes" out of it and go after me.

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Well argued point and to counter your assertation I say: fotm reroller bad.


Lets keep the discussion level up. This is really mature.


looks just as good as your 'yes' argued point



soooooooo many kids in this forum like to cry about game mechanics instead of adapting and learning to play the actual game. its rather sad

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looks just as good as your 'yes' argued point



soooooooo many kids in this forum like to cry about game mechanics instead of adapting and learning to play the actual game. its rather sad


Adapt? I think a better word to describe Sage/Sorc healing at this stage of the game would be to devolve one's playstyle. They've pretty much capped what Sage/Sorc healers can possibly even achieve and made us useless at a high level of competitive PvP.

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