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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Yipee maintenance


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I have to admit to being quite annoyed at there being more maintenance again this week but after reading it's only going to be around 2 hours I still wasn't very happy but may kill that time with a linux install on my other box plus I have tomorrow off for the holiday so it's not the end of the world


LUCKILY they usually only take the servers down for a short time. On some of these short maintenance server downtime they will bring them back up within about 30 mins.

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LUCKILY they usually only take the servers down for a short time. On some of these short maintenance server downtime they will bring them back up within about 30 mins.


or it gets extended to over 4 hours. that has happened too :(

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This downtime is at least warranted outside of the normally scheduled maintenance. Augments being weird could've waited until the patch they put through earlier today.


Unless there is something game breaking (like the servers being special), they should really avoid multi-day down times.

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I'm merely of the opinion that they should strive for getting it right the first time. So far, it doesn't look like they've even heard of the concept, let alone actually attempt it as a goal.



No they really haven't--that was one reason I unsubbed for a while, it wasn't "losing" the 50 cents a day I couldn't play which bothered me....it was the fact BW was pushing out craptastic patches, patches neither properly coded nor properly tested yet pushed out to the live environment anyway...which they are still doing...

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Ok...now im really getting frustrated, figured the kid was in bed and the wife is watching a movie so i could squeeze a few hours in before maintenance ...nope...server kicks me out mid quest and now i cant get logged back in....ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR:mad::mad::mad::mad:
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or it gets extended to over 4 hours. that has happened too :(



The sticky said there would be no patch to dl so I'm thinking this is a fix for the servers themselves and not the game--youre right, things can go downhill in a hurry but if they are deploying a hotfix to the boxes, hopefully they'll be back up fairly quickly

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wow didn't relise i was in a classroom sorry teacher


If you want to communicate your opinion do it properly. Your post was unreadable! Plus, your misspellings and childish retort indicates that perhaps another soujourn at school should be in your agenda.


Back to the topic. As another Australian client, I feel it is unfair that we lose our prime time whenever a maintenance is required. The OP listed the dates, and on each of them, Australian and New Zealand clients suffered. Imagine having organised a guild ops for this evening, only to find the "unscheduled maintenance" message. The weeks following updates are serious setbacks to people that schedule their game time.


We realise that the majority of clients are in other time zones, but surely there are ways to mitigate the problem. I might suggest a rollout plan that starts hours earlier on the Oceanic servers, and then Europe, followed by North America.


At least ameliorate our loss, perhaps by giving the Oceanic people some extra game time.


Thank you,

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Since when is forums restricted? I believe forums are open to anyone that has an active subscription.


May you need to read what they say about posting on the forums


Community Overview


BioWare provides the Star Wars™: The Old Republic community forums for its players to chat, exchange ideas, and submit feedback. Posting on the Star Wars: The Old Republic community forums requires an account. Only members are allowed to post on these forums, but anyone can read them. Please note that you must adhere to the Forum Guidelines if you wish to post on the forums.


So telling someone that a forum is not for them you cannot do. Whether or not you like someone's comment or opinion doesn't negate the fact they can post on any forum they choose to.


In addition you seem to think it only affects your server or your region and that is not the case. Not everyone works day jobs . Some work night jobs and this is affecting their play time as well. Bioware needs to fix things and fix the server stability and yes it may be an inconvience for a lot of people but I would rather them fix the server stability and enable things to run smoother than for them to ignore the problem.



Whats with all these people showing their epeen with these forum rule quotes and netiquettes. He asked a pretty dumb question which could have been answered if he had taken the time to read what the issue exactly was. Everyone wants a fixed game, but that was not the issue in discussion. Its Australian servers and Australian times. So when I said its not for you, I meant that I created this thread to address issues to oceanic players on oceanic servers, which were implemented so that the MAJORITY of the oceanic players can play during our prime time.


I'm sick and tired of being told that we Australians are a minority and have to put up with ****, and then you guys come back and say what about people who do second shift, third shift, twentieth shift for all I care in your time zone, because THAT is a minority group as well. Stop being bloody hypocrites. It affects a majority of the people for who these servers are created for and we would like a more sensible solution to this issue. If you are not affected by this, close the thread and move on. You don't have to condescending.

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Whats with all these people showing their epeen with these forum rule quotes and netiquettes. He asked a pretty dumb question which could have been answered if he had taken the time to read what the issue exactly was. Everyone wants a fixed game, but that was not the issue in discussion. Its Australian servers and Australian times. So when I said its not for you, I meant that I created this thread to address issues to oceanic players on oceanic servers, which were implemented so that the MAJORITY of the oceanic players can play during our prime time.


I'm sick and tired of being told that we Australians are a minority and have to put up with ****, and then you guys come back and say what about people who do second shift, third shift, twentieth shift for all I care in your time zone, because THAT is a minority group as well. Stop being bloody hypocrites. It affects a majority of the people for who these servers are created for and we would like a more sensible solution to this issue. If you are not affected by this, close the thread and move on. You don't have to condescending.


Right but, I play on Ebon Hawk, as well. Because of my time allowances, my "prime time" is similar to that of Oceanic players. The rampant us vs. them mentality present in the anti-American sentiments found within this thread, as well as outright telling someone they didn't belong in the thread, really is just as condescending as you accuse someone else of being.


It's disingenuous, hypocritical and makes me not want to speak up in support of your cause no matter how much I may benefit from doing so.

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As someone who lives in a central time zone I am not affected. I believe that since Bioware can't seem to its act together and that as much as it has taken the servers down over the last 4 days that it should split the time that the game goes down between different time zones. It is ridiculous enought that they can't get it right, but it is even more ridiculous that they make the same group of people suffer for it repeatedly.


Edit: People need to read the op and understand before commenting.

Edited by Tuscad
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As someone who lives in a central time zone I am not affected. I believe that since Bioware can't seem to its act together and that as much as it has taken the servers down over the last 4 days that it should split the time that the game goes down between different time zones. It is ridiculous enought that they can't get it right, but it is even more ridiculous that they make the same group of people suffer for it repeatedly.


Edit: People need to read the op and understand before commenting.


Relax bro, your horse isn't that high.


Problems happen, I would rather they work to fix them instead of ignore them.

This your first mmo?

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I like to add this to the discussion.....


Back in April (around 12th or 13th if I remember correctly), there was a emergency server maintenance and the servers were down for about 6-12 hours (I was in sleep during the most part of it; so I am not entirely sure of the duration). When I got up, the server was already backup and BW announced a free day for compensation.


What I want to say is BW does care and listen. But unfortunately for players playing during the apac prime time, they tend to care for the marjoity, as most large profit seeking corporations would.


I am not lobbying for any free credit or compensation. (I am actually happy to pay $15 if the maintenance time is shifted off my prime playing time.) It is interesting to see several responses telling people who felt being affected by the amount of server down time (during apac prime hour) not to complain and express their fustrations.

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I am getting sick of this Bioware get your stuff right this is not good enough this breaks into New Zealand and Australian prime time you ripped us off last week and now your doing it again why not do it at 5pm USA time they can suffer this time your game will die and it's on a very thin line the team behind swtor are very poor and what they do now D3 done some major damage now GW2 and WoW are gonna blitz it.


Another sub being dropped.


I won't be far off you mate. On Gav Daragon, prime time is NEEDED to get things done! I'm sick of loosing it because BW keep screwing things up on their updates / patches. I'm not paying how much a month for the servers to be down constantly. My game time runs from about 5pm till 3am ish, the other 14 hours of my day are irrelevant, why should I be constantly loosing almost half my game time just about every day since 1.3? Hell that was a week ago & what are we going to be on soon? 1.3.1a? 3 patches after an update is down right insulting to ALL oceanic players.

Hey Bioware, ever consider that we pay & play just as much as ANY American. Ergo why should we loose our prime time?


But all of these posts are falling on deaf ears. Bioware runs mainly out of Austin yeh? Why would an American care about a bunch of players who ride a Kangaroo to work every day & talk like Crocodile Dundee eh?

Prove me wrong... I'm sick of getting shafted by yanks.


I'll bet you any amount of money that if BW had to do an emergency patch at.. lets say 7pm American Eastern Time, any day of the week, they would be out of business before the week would be done. The APAC players get bashed every single week by this. I'm sick of Bioware thinking they have it right & then they screw something up because they didn't listen to the PTS community. I've absolutely had well enough of being punished for their mistakes!

Why is it ALWAYS us!? Give us back our F'ing prime times!


Give us our own down time.


Shift the maintenance to about 12pm AEST. We would loose some of our afternoon time, but it's better than loosing an entire prime time. That's what Sony did with SWG.. & it seemed to work well. Granted their maintenance only lasted 2 hours. But idk about anyone else but I think that would make the majority of players happy. New Zealand would be the only issue. It would cut their time a bit. But I think that's the best we can hope for, BW isn't going to shaft their fellow Americans. Far too risky... :eek:

Edited by Aedey
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Relax bro, your horse isn't that high.


Problems happen, I would rather they work to fix them instead of ignore them.

This your first mmo?


I understand that there will be problems, but I get mad and find my understanding going out the door when they ignore the feedback from the PTS. Many people shouted that 1.3 wasn't ready and it is really showing. These mistakes are wasting peoples money because they aren't able to play and most of this could have been avoided. 1.3 was released when it was to please investors not the playerbase.

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I won't be far off you mate. On Gav Daragon, prime time is NEEDED to get things done! I'm sick of loosing it because BW keep screwing things up on their updates / patches. I'm not paying how much a month for the servers to be down constantly. My game time runs from about 5pm till 3am ish, the other 14 hours of my day are irrelevant, why should I be constantly loosing almost half my game time just about every day since 1.3? Hell that was a week ago & what are we going to be on soon? 1.3.1a? 3 patches after an update is down right insulting to ALL oceanic players.

Hey Bioware, ever consider that we pay & play just as much as ANY American. Ergo why should we loose our prime time? Here's a thought, give us our own maintenance time!


But all of these posts are falling on deaf ears. Bioware runs mainly out of Austin yeh? Why would an American care about a bunch of players who ride a Kangaroo to work every day & talk like Crocodile Dundee eh?

Prove me wrong... I'm sick of getting shafted by yanks.


You are truly insulted that they would rather fix problems than let them go until next week? I understand that you may want to play during prime time, but BioWare has been good about giving the gamers back the time they lost for free. Just give them a chance. If there isn't an adequate explanation or deal for the fans soon, then I would say complain. I have been playing MMOs for a VERY long time, this is not abnormal nor unexpected.

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I understand that there will be problems, but I get mad and find my understanding going out the door when they ignore the feedback from the PTS. Many people shouted that 1.3 wasn't ready and it is really showing. These mistakes are wasting peoples money because they aren't able to play and most of this could have been avoided. 1.3 was released when it was to please investors not the playerbase.


I totally understand that. I am on an IT team for a multinational company (network technician).

All I'm trying to say is that this week has been rough, for both BioWare and the players, but they have to work within the timeframes their bosses set, and that is hte way the corporate world works. You do what the bosses (EA) say.


Bioware has been good about compensating players for time lost, just give them a little while longer to set it straight.


If, in 1 week, nothing has been sorted out, then I will join your voice in discontent.

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Very illuminating. I'm sure I'm the silly one between the two of us.


Thats for sure. Im glad you're understanding that at least.

Now, im going to post here. No, im not from the Oceanic regions but i work 2PM-10PM in Europe.

Now, i get up at 7AM, do all my stuff needed for work and then play for a couple of hours.


Maintenance here is from 8AM-12AM usually. Which means the past week, i have had 5 days of not being able to play at all due to maintenance.

Am i coming on here and screaming about the lack of service? No. Im being a grown up about it, understanding they are doing this to fix unforeseen bugs that have slipped through, JUST LIKE ANY OTHER MMO and trying to prevent anything from ruin the game.


Also, i was of the understanding that most of the time the maintenance started at midnight over there?

I mean seriously. "Oceanic Primetime"? Ok, Sure.


Primetime is when most people are on, that is usually between 7pm and 10/11pm.

Midnight is NOT primetime.


And if anything, the people getting the short straw are actually eastern europeans who have servers down from 10AM-2AM.

I would be highly surprised if more people played from 12AM-2/4AM in Oceanic than played 10AM-2/4PM in Europe.

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You are truly insulted that they would rather fix problems than let them go until next week? I understand that you may want to play during prime time, but BioWare has been good about giving the gamers back the time they lost for free. Just give them a chance. If there isn't an adequate explanation or deal for the fans soon, then I would say complain. I have been playing MMOs for a VERY long time, this is not abnormal nor unexpected.


Give em a chance? They've had 8 months to learn how to deal with an update... time is up, they need to learn how to code. This game was the only reason SWG was shut down. I don't remember them having this many things go wrong. Yes the game is young.. but they have been hiding behind that excuse for just too long now. They are backed by EA, it's Bioware, the maker of the best Star Wars game series of all time. Not to mention all the other things they have done.

It's not as if either of these companies are new to making an engine... uhh.. work.

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Whats with all these people showing their epeen with these forum rule quotes and netiquettes. He asked a pretty dumb question which could have been answered if he had taken the time to read what the issue exactly was. Everyone wants a fixed game, but that was not the issue in discussion. Its Australian servers and Australian times. So when I said its not for you, I meant that I created this thread to address issues to oceanic players on oceanic servers, which were implemented so that the MAJORITY of the oceanic players can play during our prime time.


I'm sick and tired of being told that we Australians are a minority and have to put up with ****, and then you guys come back and say what about people who do second shift, third shift, twentieth shift for all I care in your time zone, because THAT is a minority group as well. Stop being bloody hypocrites. It affects a majority of the people for who these servers are created for and we would like a more sensible solution to this issue. If you are not affected by this, close the thread and move on. You don't have to condescending.


Which is exactly what you did when you told me since I played on Ebon Hawk this forum wasn't for me. You were consdescending to me and then you get upset when someone gives you the same treatment.


And as far as the time schedule you are making it primarly an Australian matter when it isn't. There are quite a few people that are not on the Oceanic time schedule that play at that time that might understand your view if you would stop making it a specific time zone.


My simple question was since this mainteance has to do with server stability and this is an issue everyone has been complaining about they are trying to fix this particular problem, why complain. Yes maybe the time could be better for some people but whether we like it or not bioware has chosen this time period.


There was no need for you to be so condescending and tell me that this forum isn't for me since I play on Ebon Hawk. If you hadn't been so condescending to me then I seriously doubt some of the others would have done it to you.


If you don't want people to be condescending to you then don't do it to someone else.

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I think that the biggest issue is that the patches that have made their way to us seem to be either broken or incomplete. I am all for fixing an issue, but personally I despise touching my work more than one time. It looks like there is a lack of pride (be it testing or simple code errors) in the work that they are pushing out to a very picky audience. Time aside I think the frustration stems from rushing incomplete work more than anything. Edited by folkstyle
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On such a universal thing such as Star Wars, you need to please as many people as you can with what you have. They are not wining many Pacific fans with this. This isn't something comparable to GW or something, maybe WoW. People have grown up with this franchise. If someone makes an MMO they need to expect people need to be please as much as possible. Drowning our prime time is not the way to do it. Edited by Zoggel
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Also, i was of the understanding that most of the time the maintenance started at midnight over there?

I mean seriously. "Oceanic Primetime"? Ok, Sure.


Primetime is when most people are on, that is usually between 7pm and 10/11pm.

Midnight is NOT primetime.



Er, no.


Not to join in the QQing or justify it, but weekly maintenance starts at 5PM AEST on the Oceanic servers, and it does in fact eat into --and often through-- our prime-time.


I belong to a small and flexible social guild, so additional maintenance is no big deal to me and mine, but I can see that if you'd gone to the trouble of organising an ops group it'd be annoying to have to reschedule on almost no notice. Particularly when Tuesday nights are already a no-go by default.

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On such a universal thing such as Star Wars, you need to please as many people as you can with what you have. They are not wining many Pacific fans with this.


Ok, you said "you need to please as many people as you can with what you have", meaning mainly NA I'm guessing, so your logic supports my point.


Anyways, what time would be good for every time zone? As you seem to think there is a perfect time to fix problems.

Edited by Tygranir
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