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To the careless fools using the Group Finder


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What helps me as both tank and dps, (i dont have a healer yet), is to have the target of target turned on. If i am tanking with randoms through the GF, i ask the dps to target through me, that way they dont attack anything that shouldnt be attacked. As a dps i use it to target through the tank to kill whatever he has taunted. if people havent got it turned on its really quick to do and is very helpful especially in groups where everyone is a new meet. I also find that this helps the healer as everyone is not running everywhere else.
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I play healer often (in this game and in WOW back when I played it) and I don't like this weird chip on the shoulder some healers have about dps pulling aggro and so they're gonna let them die.


guess what, I'm a healer. I'll try my best to keep everyone alive. period.


and if someone's doing something wrong, no matter what it is, maybe I'll try to advise them on how to play better.


but if I'm a healer, I'm healing everyone, whether I like them or not. because that's the job.

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But I do agree with DPSers staying behind the tank and letting him grab aggro first. I get less heals when they do that because the healer is trying to keep them alive instead of me.


This. I've been doing both healing and tanking (on 2 different characters, of course) and as healer on many GF groups the DPS pulling aggro early has forced me to waste resources on them meaning the tank goes dangerously low.


* Always kill the weakest mobs first. I don't care if you want to demonstrate how much damage your full rotation will do to that elite/champion, I want the 4 weak mobs shooting at everyone dead before that.


* Use Crowd Control! It is not manly to charge into a pack of strongs and elites and expect the tank/healer to keep you alive. And far more time is wasted on a wipe than by Cc'ing a mob or 2.


* If you are not the tank, don't wake the controlled mobs for him/her. If you ARE the tank, do not wake any controlled mobs until the healer has had a chance to top off. Waiting 3-4 seconds won't kill you, not checking that the healer actually has the resources to go on could do so.

Edited by Ancaglon
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Please, do not run like fools through the HM Flashpoint/Operation.


Tanks and healers are not expected to cope with dumb DPSers pulling by themselves with only 1/4 HP.


Nor are healers expected to cope with mindless Tanks pulling more than they can hold and rushing through the instance without caring about his health and where and how is the healer.


Thank you.


The Joy of having LFG server only and the ignore button. Don't complain about them on the board. Even if they did read it they would just argue with you. Put em on ignore. Enough people do and they may learn.

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This made me laugh. So let me get this straight. I'm supposed to grab 2 people i know and form a group, THEN queue up in the group finder? Where do these first 2 people come from? What if you want to run a mission that they dont?


Unfortunately I think you are missing our point. The automation and lack of flexibility the current group finder has is severely limiting. These shortcomings are quite evident based on many peoples posted experiences with the tool. Its like BW is trying to minimize the human factor in determining groups by limiting your input to: 1) role and 2) mission, thinking this will make it easier and build more solid groups. Sadly the human factor is also present in their code.


I shall repeat my mantra. "Copy the DDO group tool". You wont find anyone over at DDO complaining about the group tool.


I'm sure there will be changes made to the tool over time, I'm just hoping they remove the automation, add an accept/deny mechanism (at the beginning and not after 40 mins of waiting for group to form lol - this right here is monumental failure), and a place to advertise/select groups forming other than the chat window.


how is the Group finder a bad thing? the worst thing about it is that people don't tag themselves as the right role. I'm a guardian tank and i was auto tagged as damage and tanking. the solution you ask? well, i untagged damage. it's that simple.

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I have both a tank and a healer in this game, but haven't tried many of the HM FP's yet. (waiting for guild runs mainly to learn fights before starting to use group finder), but from previous group finder games, I did let DPS who pulled before the tank die. no matter which role tank or healer I was playing as a sign they shouldn't be doing that.


My main reason not to be using it yet, is my guild hasn't had much interest in the HM's, and I don't want to drag a group down, when i'm learning a boss encounter and causing frustration for the rest of the group.

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my only complaints so far with the group finder are the following: racing through the zone, tanks not watching where their group members are or their health/power, dps not healing themselves after combat wanting the healer to do it on the run, dps constantly pulling agro and not using a deagro, no one keeping mobs off the healer, tank pulling more than what he can handle and people thinking they know the encounters but really don't.


my major complaint is new 50s or 50s with a few hm pieces queueing up for all of the hms in order to get the daily bh coms. i have had a 13k hp gs in kaon dying repeatedly for example because of this. i really dont blame him for queueing up as he never been to kaon and was just trying to get gear. the game really needs to do something about this.


so far i had to put on ignore only one person and that was a terrible tank. sadly i ran into him twice, first time on a alt and again on my main. the guy just didn't believe in cc and leeroyed every encounter. both times we didn't finish the zone with him. he had decent gear when i inspected him but i don't think he had a good spec or rotation. guard was never used by him either time. just sad.

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I have both a tank and a healer in this game, but haven't tried many of the HM FP's yet. (waiting for guild runs mainly to learn fights before starting to use group finder), but from previous group finder games, I did let DPS who pulled before the tank die. no matter which role tank or healer I was playing as a sign they shouldn't be doing that.


My main reason not to be using it yet, is my guild hasn't had much interest in the HM's, and I don't want to drag a group down, when i'm learning a boss encounter and causing frustration for the rest of the group.


Not knowing the fights and using the GF isn't an issue for most people. As long as you are geared for the content (tionese/daily level gear - armor rating 126+), and aren't a total idiot. The issue you will run into is not telling your tank that this is your first time running the instance, you don't know the fights, and your gear is a bit low. Most tanks assume the healer (even an undergeared one) will be able to keep them up so they save their cool downs for emergencies. If you let the tank know ahead of time, he will use his cool downs more appropriately to mitigate more of the damage rather then saving them for emergencies. As far as not knowing the fights, most of them are simple for healers and easily and can be quickly explained in chat if you just ask before hand. Don't stand in red or purple circles, stay out of lightning arcs, when a boss pulls you in - run away (purge the slow off yourself), if the boss targets another player it usually can't be taunted back so keep that player healed.

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If you are in green gear or the equivalent of "fresh 50" gear, do not queue for hard modes expecting the others will cover you. No matter how good the other players are they cant keep you alive nor can you do your part correctly as a healer or tank.



Gear up through regular modes first. Stop queuing for hard modes.


Well, in my short experience with my healer I'll take a tank with crappy tanking gear rather than a "tank" with full dps gear.

That was the first really unpleasant experience with the group finder, couple of nights ago, with a Juggernaut. Guy started complaining about some close calls. Until in a boss fight died and we wiped. "Healer, where are my heals ?" Checked out his gear and called him out on it. Dude ragequit there. Ingore +1


I don't mind ppl with bad gear, or like in this case, with the wrong gear for the job. If we let the others know and everybody is ok with it, it's not bad.

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As a healer, having bad pulls and poor aggro management in HM FPs makes things more enjoyable, to a point. It's fun to see how much stupid you can heal through.


Once the tipping point is reached and we're wiping to trash pulls, it's time for a reassessment.

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My impressions after 1 week of using the Group Finder.

1) Group finder works great for lvl50 hard mode flashpoints. The problem is, most people are overgeared, so it is not very interesting. Where are all these newbies you are talking about?

2) After one unpleasant experience in KP (no one wanted to do the puzzle at fabricator, and when we tried to explain it, people started to leave) i decided never to queue for ops again.

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Also: If you chose the DPS role, don't try to be a healer or a tank. You're probably not specced or geared for it, and if you are, you should have chosen the proper role.


Actually if you queue up a group it will ignore what you have picked for your roles and default you to roles your class can fill.

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I would say I'm 80% happy with it, maybe even higher.


As a new to this type of mmo I appreciate the tips above but due to the nature of this game there is no actual way to learn from other players whilst in game. The only way is to read the boards and alot of casual players would never know they are here.


I personally would appreciate the feedback whilst tanking but the ones who offer it up tend to be very general in there comments rather than saying hey don't forget to turn around and see if the healer is ok. So in the end you feel that they are perhaps blaming you for their lack of skills or equipment.


An example is Taral 5 when you reach that double mob just after a bridge. I have sailed through there many times without a wipe except for one night with 2 dps with over 20k HP each we wiped twice in the same spot. Now immediately it was the tanks fault because the 18k tank didnt pick up the agro but you could argue that the dps should have been ready with the aoe rather than trying to pew pew them one at a time.


I think BW should try and more closely match players in terms of HP that being probably the easiest to align. Also some tips in the loading screen like the ones posted above might be good to get some of this knowledge out into the game.

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Actually if you queue up a group it will ignore what you have picked for your roles and default you to roles your class can fill.


I have encountered this once when it filled me for a dps role while queue only as heals. But this was supposedly fixed after the maintenance on Tue according to the patch notes. Have you encountered this again after that maintenance?

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I play a dps gunnery commando. Im way way over geared for HM FP's. I do them once to get my comms. I like to rush on through them as fast as possible. Skip as much and as many bosses as possible and lead the charge. I can tank almost all of those bosses. So if your with me, i hope you like a quick run, if your after the story part or want to take your time. Good luck to you, ill just drop and find another group.


Groupfinder is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get. I dont have time to baby a 12k guardian through it.

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I play a dps gunnery commando. Im way way over geared for HM FP's. I do them once to get my comms. I like to rush on through them as fast as possible. Skip as much and as many bosses as possible and lead the charge. I can tank almost all of those bosses. So if your with me, i hope you like a quick run, if your after the story part or want to take your time. Good luck to you, ill just drop and find another group.


Groupfinder is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get. I dont have time to baby a 12k guardian through it.


Oh, it looks like running a FP with you would be a really fun and delightful experience :)

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I have encountered this once when it filled me for a dps role while queue only as heals. But this was supposedly fixed after the maintenance on Tue according to the patch notes. Have you encountered this again after that maintenance?


Today. Me and 6 guildmembers queued up for a SM ops for some quick BH comms short 1 tank, it kept putting the shadow as a tank. It also marked the DPS sage as healer and the healer sage as DPS.


I play a dps gunnery commando. Im way way over geared for HM FP's. I do them once to get my comms. I like to rush on through them as fast as possible. Skip as much and as many bosses as possible and lead the charge. I can tank almost all of those bosses. So if your with me, i hope you like a quick run, if your after the story part or want to take your time. Good luck to you, ill just drop and find another group.[/Quote]


Also massively outgear the FPs but this mentality is one of the reasons I never wanted to see a LFG tool especially one that rewards just using it. Hated this in WoW and don't want to see it spread here.

Edited by PariahMessiah
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I play a dps gunnery commando. Im way way over geared for HM FP's. I do them once to get my comms. I like to rush on through them as fast as possible. Skip as much and as many bosses as possible and lead the charge. I can tank almost all of those bosses. So if your with me, i hope you like a quick run, if your after the story part or want to take your time. Good luck to you, ill just drop and find another group.

Groupfinder is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your going to get. I dont have time to baby a 12k guardian through it.

Well, after you leave you will be locked out of GF for 15 minutes,. And after that good luck to you finding another group, could well take another 10 minutes for a DPS. While the group you just left will just summon a companion in your place and proceed. Most (if not all) of T1 hard modes can be done with 2 companions in place of DPS players.

Edited by EternalChild
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Today. Me and 6 guildmembers queued up for a SM ops for some quick BH comms short 1 tank, it kept putting the shadow as a tank. It also marked the DPS sage as healer and the healer sage as DPS.


This does look like a problem that they have yet again failed to fix. You should submit a ticket to CS to let them know that this issue is still happening. It's not so bad if you're doing in a pre-made group so you can sort out the responsibilities yourself, but this really sucks if you end up in a PUG group with roles wrongly assigned.

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Today. Me and 6 guildmembers queued up for a SM ops for some quick BH comms short 1 tank, it kept putting the shadow as a tank. It also marked the DPS sage as healer and the healer sage as DPS.


I also get this alot, I uncheck Tank and hit Join Q and BAM, group formed with me as tank...

I'm probably getting a bad rep on my server for declining sp many FPs :(

The times it works is also when you see in the chat: Your role is set to: Damage (or something like this)


Also massively outgear the FPs but this mentality is one of the reasons I never wanted to see a LFG tool especially one that rewards just using it. Hated this in WoW and don't want to see it spread here.


I'm almost full rakata and have been enjoying q'ing for story mode FPs, lots of people who have never run them and are having fun figuring things out.

Was a little worried when I joined LI and was the only one who had done it, but we got through that just fine (nm ofcourse).


Don't know how long that'll last though, you do get bored of the same FPs again and again.

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Please, do not run like fools through the HM Flashpoint/Operation.


Tanks and healers are not expected to cope with dumb DPSers pulling by themselves with only 1/4 HP.


Nor are healers expected to cope with mindless Tanks pulling more than they can hold and rushing through the instance without caring about his health and where and how is the healer.


Thank you.


I personally come from doing heroics and raids on wow, granted wow is alot easier, but i learnt that the tank pulls, the dps kill, the healer heals. :)

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Bad players are bad players....doesn't matter what spec they are. The LFG tool isn't going to eliminate bad players. The good thing is that you can put them on your ignore list though and you'll never get through into a group with them again on the group finder.
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I have been fairly fortunate with the groups I have had from GF. I have been group with some impatient people but I would say the biggest problem I have faced regularly is under geared dps to the stage where we can beat the enrage timers by a long way. But in most cases they have realised this themselves and pulled out of the group.


I did go into the Foundry with my healer and I had the highest HP for the whole group. :eek: But we made it through fine.


I have to agree with what some of the other healers have said, it does make it more fun with an ungeared or reckless group because it is more of a challenge.

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Please, do not run like fools through the HM Flashpoint/Operation.


Tanks and healers are not expected to cope with dumb DPSers pulling by themselves with only 1/4 HP.


Nor are healers expected to cope with mindless Tanks pulling more than they can hold and rushing through the instance without caring about his health and where and how is the healer.


Thank you.


This is why the new LFG function is a joke.

Most of the people that wanted it, were people who were tired of putting a group together in chat, then being kicked from said group and added to ignore lists for being an aggro-drawing moron who thinks they should be able to play however they want, and the rest of the group should learn to keep up with their "playstyle".

Now, with the new LFG function, you get to meet the people who wanted LFG more often!


Nothing like random PUGs to remind people why General chat and flagging for LFG worked fine to begin with.


Remember, you asked for it.



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