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Who was really the chosen one.....

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There is a theory out there that darth sidious was the imbalance in the force, and when sidious died, the force was balanced again.



Read the Plagueis book, it explains how Plagueis and Sidious caused the imbalance in the force... And Anakin's birth in a sense


Edited by Elvis_Marmaduke
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These are the details: Padme had twins, Luke and Leia. She died shortly after. delivering her babies Vader himself was conceived by the estimation of his midichlorians over some slave chick, so he might have been 'the Chosen One' who would bring balance to 'The force'. After all, he sired the individual who ultimately defeated the Sith Empire, as badly as the Skywalker character was played by actor Mark Hamill notwithstanding. Dudes questioned whether Skywalker had ever really been 'the One' ..either after they thought him dead, or after the critics had reviewed Hamill's acting performance. it was Yoda who then said: "No, there is another." Meaning Leia. Leia was an important focus figure of the Rebellion.
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Oh come now, it's not like Luke spoke a bunch of crap and asked Vader to choose red, blue or green!:D


This made me spit out my Bud LIght on my Keyboard.......you sir owe me a new beer.


But for real...Luke was a REAL Catalyst, His Actions in ROTJ turned Vader to Anakin for just a few minutes.

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Theres more than one they come and go with time for every great sith lord theres a jedi that stops him or his line of sith. I thank Luke and his father where both chosen ones and Jaina could be but who knows. I agree that the one Sith wherent true sith ether so Luke or Anakin could still be the chosen one.
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My own opinion on the matter was that Annakin Skywalker was the chosen one who would bring balance but maybe not in the way that people think of as balance.


Through Annakin, Luke and Leia were born. Through Annakin, many Jedi were slain and I think this is part of the fact that the Jedi had lost their way slightly so this was, in a sense, nature's way of getting the Jedi back on track through Luke who wasn't taken away as a child to be trained as a Jedi, who experienced the galaxy and his emotions away from a Jedi academy as such. Luke was forced to find his own way and to see what it really meant to face the dark side but not give in to it, to have a greater awareness of it but not be corrupted by it in the same way Annakin was. Through Luke getting through to Annakin this led to Annakin killing the Emperor who was the darkness that was threatening the galaxy that even the Jedi didn't know about when Palpatine was manipulating the Republic and the Jedi.


So, in effect, it wiped all the old back under the carpet to begin anew with a new generation of Force users in Luke and Leia who were not like the Jedi before them thus restoring a sense of balance to the force.


I believe that there could be multiple chosen ones over the years because I see the force like nature. Where nature always finds a way to correct imbalances so too does the force find a way to correct imbalances. It's like the fact that I don't necessarily see the Sith as corrupted but as part of the fabric of the force to keep the Jedi in line. When the Jedi lose their way along come the Sith to guide the Jedi back. Like nature has its extremes so too does the nature of the conflict between Jedi and Sith.


Very well said

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I think pretty much the damage of the EU is being shown here. I think everyone has to realise that pretty much the 6 movies all revolve around this matter to show that Anakin Skywalker is the chosen one so I really don't like to see it being disputed but it's to be expected.


Anakin was the chosen but as we have seen it was predicted the chosen one would bring about the end of the Sith in a different matter. They would run head on with their Jedi robes and lightsaber and end the war. That obviously did not happen but Vader/Anakin did end the Emperor with a nice throw down to a pit in the Death Star :D


So in short I think Anakin is the chosen one, but his path of the chosen one was very different to what expected.

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