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I am not a healer...


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Because you did not uncheck the healer selection when you entered the queue.


Many advanced classes (Commando, Sorcerer, to name a couple) will automatically have Damage and Heal selected in the LFG queue screen. You need to deselect Heal before entering the queue.

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I did uncheck it. As my post says, I did not select healer as a role.


Yet I am put in as a healer.




I'm going to call you on this one. I am sure you grabbed a screenshot of all of this to help us out, right?

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I'm going to call you on this one. I am sure you grabbed a screenshot of all of this to help us out, right?


A screen shot of what? Me being placed in the group as a healer when I don't have the option selected?


It happens a lot too.

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Because you do not pay attention.


To what? I do not have the button checked, and get put in as a healer.


It happens mostly when you Q up with other people and is very easy to replicate

Edited by Reevax
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You're right, it's a bug with the group finder.


If you deselect a role, and then go into any of the filters and change something, when you back out of the filter your roles will be set to default again. Apparently it's a known issue, at least that's what CSR replied to my report of this bug.


The solution is to always select your roles JUST before clicking accept. I'm unsure what the results would be when queueing in a group, perhaps you have to be the last to select roles also.

Edited by Zoiks
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Possible answer, as a similar thing happened to my wife and me last night.


I'm a Sentinel and my wife is a Shadow. We're both spec'd DPS. I put us into a queue (as a group) and we immediately got in... with her as a tank. Since that wasn't what we wanted, we declined and tried again. Same thing. Then I checked to see if there was an option for us to select roles. Nada. Had her check the group finder on her computer to see if she had "Tank" selected, and she didn't. If i queued us, she couldn't choose what roles she wanted.


Our solution was to have her queue us. It took us 40 minutes to find a group, but once we did, we were both DPS.


Now, I'm not sure what would've happened if I'd been an AC capable of being a tank or healer as well when we queued. If the "queuer," so to speak, is the only one who can choose their role and all the "queuees" are automatically assigned as both roles, it would definitely be a problem.

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You're right, it's a bug with the group finder.


If you deselect a role, and then go into any of the filters and change something, when you back out of the filter your roles will be set to default again. Apparently it's a known issue, at least that's what CSR replied to my report of this bug.


The solution is to always select your roles JUST before clicking accept. I'm unsure what the results would be when queueing in a group, perhaps you have to be the last to select roles also.


Yea I am thinking the person unselected healer then changed something then joined queue and didn't notice healer had been reselected.

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Yea I am thinking the person unselected healer then changed something then joined queue and didn't notice healer had been reselected.


I have tried selecting and un-selecting as well, it does not seem to work.


Why was I getting trolled so hard by people on the first page? I was not just making the issue up.

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I can see this happening to Sorcerers, Bounty Hunters, and their mirrors, as the Group Finder is trying to put groups together as quickly as possible.


You are likely wearing the same gear that you would be to heal (since no healer I know likes Alacrity), and you have most of the tools regardless of your spec - this means, that the Group Finder might be assigning you as heals to form the group quicker, and because you are probably the best choice of the available pool.


While the streamlined stats in this game are great (imo), they do have some side effects. I am sure Bioware will tweak the Group Finder to check gear/spec before placing people into groups. Hopefully, if they do this, they won't forget about booting dps geared/spec'd players queueing as tanks to the back of the line.



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It is an annoying bug. My last group we had a party of 3 inside a flashpoint and I hit the queue up looking for a dps to fill us up. Instead we got a second healer who the queue placed as a dps. Even though he said he specifically unchecked dps and queued only as a healer. So awkward, I'm too nice to kick people out as soon as they join. Luckily we finished the flashpoint, even though it was a hard mode.


Still wish this issue is resolved sooner then later, too many complaints going around with people being placed in the wrong roles. I don't see why the tool can't just look at peoples skill tree's and with a little dose of common sense see which tree's have the most points invested in and by default assume that player wants to play the most invested tree's role.

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I have tried selecting and un-selecting as well, it does not seem to work.


It's not a matter of how many times you select or unselect, it's a matter of the UI reseting you back to default roles. And as RobertMcDonald posted above, it sounds as though it behaves differently when queueing as a group. I imagine it's possible that you can't even see it reseting your roles back to default when you're not the group leader.


Why was I getting trolled so hard by people on the first page? I was not just making the issue up.


These forums are pretty heavily polarized, we have a large number of people who will bash the game for no reason, and as a result we also have a lot of people who will bash anyone they feel is bashing the game for no reason. I suspect you've fallen victim to the latter, if they're decent they'll apologize to you.

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While I respect the right of people to spec as they wish, I think it is a bit of a shame that people consider their characters in such a black & white way.

I can appreciate that this is a bug, and people are being put into roles they do not want. Hopefully this will get fixed soon.

But still...

Stretch your abilities a little.

As someone else mentioned, even if you have spec'd your character entirely a different way, you still have the default abilities available to your advanced class. All vanguards, regardless of spec, have the ion cell to let them tank. All sorcerers have a few heals. And so on.

If my team needs my dps biased mercenary to heal, I heal. If my dps biased shadow suddenly has to tank, I taunt, switch to combat technique, and tank. If playing my character outside my spec will allow my team to succeed, you better believe I'll do it. I use all of my character's abilities as needed for best results. Or try to. Maybe it will be enough, maybe not, but I'll go down swinging.


Too many people seem to have the attitude that if they aren't built for a particular role, they simply cannot do it, rather than being less apt at it. And they will not do it, which I find baffling.

I've been in groups that have wiped, literally, from lack of a heal or two. As in one or two casts of a heal on some of the fights would have prevented a wipe.

(final champ of Trouble in Deed [heroic 4], boss mob had less than 1K hp left, 3/4 players dead, commando wouldn't even heal himself)

{triple champ fight (2 dogs, 1 mando) in mando raid fp, 2/4 players down, myself (gunslinger) and a commando still up, only mando champ still up, champ w/ 3K hp left, I'm kiting as best as possible (not very on that mob), commando didn't heal himself or me, the commando was officially in a dps role, but our healer (sage) had already gone down (and the com never threw a heal on our dying main healer that I noticed)}


And, fyi, I play healer/tank capable ac's regularly, and regardless of spec have some of my action bars set up to use the abilities if I need to.

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While I respect the right of people to spec as they wish, I think it is a bit of a shame that people consider their characters in such a black & white way.

I can appreciate that this is a bug, and people are being put into roles they do not want. Hopefully this will get fixed soon.

But still...

Stretch your abilities a little.


Without dual-spec, this is a completely non-viable option. You cannot spec as a healer and do good DPS, nor vice-versa (and the same can be said of tanking and DPS). Not specing for your role is essentially asking your group to carry you.


This might be okay in Normal FPs, but would be a terrible idea in Hard Modes or higher.

Edited by RobertMcDonald
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Without dual-spec, this is a completely non-viable option. You cannot spec as a healer and do good DPS, nor vice-versa (and the same can be said of tanking and DPS). Not specing for your role is essentially asking your group to carry you.


This might be okay in Normal FPs, but would be a terrible idea in Hard Modes or higher.


Yeah its pointless without dual spec

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