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Please explain! !


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But seriously, go back to the other game then if you like it better. Why even bother posting about a game you dont like and dont intend to play any further? Attention-*piiiip*?


Who said I didn't like the game? I am just pointing out that people using the excuse that its a new game that it shouldn't have basic features like the ones I pointed out, are out of touch. Hell the game launched without a /roll function and no guild banks. You are seriously ok with that?

Edited by whyzerman
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1. Graphics. they are to much on graphic card I dont' have probs with mine but a few friends can't play casue of it. It's called evolution. Games tend to do it. Tell your friends to upgrade.

2. Not open to Mac. Again some friend IRL can't play cause of this I'm sure there's alot to be done to convert it to Mac. Besides, Macs are terrible.

3. Companions. I hate them more every day. Feels like my Sith Lord can't do nothing by himself

4. easy to progress and gear up. Makes it to where i don't need to log on anymore MMOs have never been complex like you want them to. It's easy to progress and gear up.

5. Simple to learn Classes. it was like 5mins and i knew how to heal on my friend Sorc we cleared KM EV 1st time I ever healed in this game. MMOs are simple.

6. Flashpoints story. Yeah im all for the story in them but not EVERY time i go in i should have the option to skip it if everyone in the party has done it before You can skip it, if you ask your teammates to.

7. Long Load screens. This is cause a bad engines No, it's because of a person's internet or their PC. My loading screens are fine. Don't blindly criticise them like that. lol

8. Simple boss fights. I have never found any boss fight other then Last boss HM Lost Island to be any kind of hard in this game. Some raid bosses has same mechanics as a Heroic in WoW At recommended levels, I can name quite a few hard ones. Namely, The one at the end of Athiss, Cademimu, Taral V, Maelstrom Prison, etc.

9. Slow Combat. Due to no Auto Swing Your opinion dude. I think it's fine

10. NO ADDONS! ! ! No DLC. The patches have given addons, just mandatory ones. They have still added content.

11. Item Mods. I don't like this idea at all. ..? Okay.

12. changing how you look from changeing item Mods. I'm assuming you mean lightsaber colors and blaster bolt colors because that's the only thing that changes. I can't see how that's a bad thing.

13. Gear with Agument on it. They was put in game as a small way to better your self now they are a MUST have.

14. Legacy system, Casue when i ask ppl why the like the game they always say this and WoW has 95% of the stuff you can get from legacy just not in same way such as Portable Mailbox, Repair Bot, Respec anywhere(duel Spec),ROcket boots, and increase XP gain(heirlooms) I can't think of the other but I there was a few more. WoW has become a template game. It has so much and is so old and famous that you cannot think up a completely original idea without people complaining that you stole it. Stop complaining.

15. Both Factions Fleet looks the same. Yeah. It's for visual balance.

16. They say they have 8 Classes with 16 Advance classes but rly they have 4 Classes with 8 advance classes. Cause Sith Warrior is same as Jedi Knight and So on. . . Agreed, on the force classes front. T/BH and S/IA are fine because they use different weapons but seriously, if that matters to you, roll different ACs on each mirror. i.e. Sith marauder and jedi guardian

17. Dark side/Good Side. IT DOSE NOT EVEN ****IN MATTER after they made it where dark side can use lightside color lightsabers. Why would I go lightside? go dark get the darkside look i can turn off and the same crystal color. Says the person who complains about customization. Having the free will to choose your lightsaber color is kind of a big deal. The fact that you don't think so is ridiculous. Live and let live. In other words, get over it.

17. Lastly I hate the UI. I know you can change it but it is still bad and Ugly lol

There is a few other lil things like everyone haveing the same /Dance emote and other LiL things like that but overall the main things I do not like it that.


You're complaining that it's not enough like WoW on some fronts and complaining that it's too much like it on others. That's just a contradiction. By the way, you paid for this game. If you don't like it, stop paying instead of making it clear how much of a hypocrite you are. Please.


I only have three gripes. 1, PvP gear is progression gear. 2, the game is buggy to a point where you wonder how much the testers are being paid and 3, Customer service is terrible. That's it, and all of those are things you can ignore, to a point.

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