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New Classes in the future?


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I'll bet, if we see new classes, they'll be new Advanced Classes for the existing Core Classes we've got.


You know I hadn't though about that. They probably could expand a lot on the existing base classes. Particularly the trooper and imp equivalents. Jedi/Sith might be a little harder to expand on but I'm sure they could come up with something.

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Personally, I find martial arts classes to be unlikely. They're bound to be a fun class, but it would be difficult to write a decent story around them - particularly one that has impact of a galactic scale. Not to cross-post, but here is my idea - one that has already been "hinted" at by the developers, if not in seriousness:


When asked about species that aren't Near-Human (as we've seen with all announced species, with a couple non-extreme exceptions), BioWare has stated that they will not implement such species without giving that implementation actual thought. I realize that this was stated more to justify why there aren't any truly "alien" species available for character creation rather than a "promise" of an actual class somewhere down the line, but I still ponder that line from time to time. There are certain species that many of us would consider iconic, but simply don't fit the tone of the established iconic classes.


So how are we going to get access to these species? What "iconic" role do they fill? Quite simply, they're mostly support characters in the canon, and I believe that, if/when implemented, their mechanics should suit this.


What would their stories contain? Firstly, they're most likely going to examine the place of an "alien" outsider in a human/near-human dominated society: true in both factions. It is highly unlikely that we'll see any storylines that examine any alien cultures specifically, since that would reduce the available number of species drastically.


For the Republic, I would love to see another Force-using class. Perhaps your character possesses a power that could alter the course of the war - think Battle Meditation, introduced with KotOR. The story might focus on displacement - Light-side responses supporting their newfound allies, Dark-side favouring an extreme bitterness and a perception that they are being used as a tool by the Jedi Order. Likewise, I'd love to see an offbeat choice for lightsaber choice - whereas Warrior/Knight has dual wielding and Inquisitor/Consular has the double-bladed, the alien Jedi could use a polesaber.


As for the Empire, I'd like to see an innately Force-sensitive class, but not lightsaber-wielding - not true Sith. The Empire, in any era, has an extreme dislike of anything that isn't human (Purebloods excepted, of course). There is no way that anything too extreme would see any mainstream advancement in Sith society. Instead, I see a darker version of the Republic's story - just as those among the Republic have shown unique ability and have thus been recruiting into the ranks of the Jedi Order, the Sith have been shown to ruthlessly exploit those with unique ability to their own advantage. Think Grievous, Savage Opress or Starkiller - secret, incredibly powerful, living weapons. I would envision such an incarnation in SW:TOR as a relatively ******* class, focusing on unarmed combat, perhaps with an advanced class using bladed weapons.


As I see it, both classes would serve to fill a gap (at least one that I perceive) in the current class roster - that of a de/buffer. While either could fill the role of a tank, healer or damager, they would uniquely fill these roles with buffs in some incarnation - for those relatively well-versed in the usually tropes of the genre, think of a Bard whose songs are triggered by Monk-like melee strikes. Instead of taking an inactive role in combat like your typical buffing classes, whether they are tanking, healing or damaging, their ability to buff or debuff may be triggered through their attacks - the buffs or debuffs a secondary effect. And yes, I realize that I've gotten carried away in class design rather than inferred speculation. I just love the thought of the "supporting" archetype in the movies being used as an actual "support" class mechanically.


And, of course, these species could be worked into the Legacy system, as well, with perhaps an inflated credit cost to unlock for other classes to ensure rarity moreso than the current species roster.


TL;DR - if we're going to see species that are more alien that what we've already seen, they're going to have to be attached to a new class that addresses the uniqueness of being "alien" in a society dominated by humans and near-humans, and this class may very well take on a support role (buffing/debuffing) to emulate the support roles that most "alien" characters have in Star Wars.


But these are just the ideas of one forumite - what would you like to see?

Edited by CelCawdro
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If i see someone posting "entertainer class would be nice, you can dance and give buffs..." i swear i'm gonna flip a table.


Ragnarok Online was a really fun game!


But anyway, somebody is bound to say they want to be a holographic twi'lek :p

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You need three things for a new class: an original concept, a differentiated playstyle and, unique to SW:TOR, an important storyline. I've seen quite a few classes suggested over the past four years, and very few of them (particularly those coming from SW:G veterans) matched those criteria.
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They said a while back they're working on new classes, I see them coming both in the form of new advanced classes as well as maybe 1 or 2 new base classes eventually. There's still a few class types they could stand to add to the game and I bet they'll be exciting. But more then that I'm ready for part 2 of the class stories for existing classes!!!:D
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There are new classes and there are new classes.


They could make a 'freelance' class that is just the BH for the Republic side.

They could make a 'pirate' class that is just the smuggler for the Empire.


They could make 'Wookie' and 'Trandoshan' classes that are melee specialists; Basically a knight/warrior using tech gadgets in place of force tricks and a vibroblade/staff instead of a lightsaber.


All of these (and more) are things that I have spoken of previously.


They could work up some entirely new mechanics and use any of those same concepts, though.




But the idea of some sort of super space-Karate has never sat well with me.


Every trooper, every bounty hunter, every Jedi and Sith and smuggler and agent has learned how to fight. Some learn to fight better than others, but they all learn to fight.

Yet we are supposed to accept that there is some group of people that have learned to fight so well that blasters and light sabers and force use are required by these other people just to make the fights fair?


In a fantasy setting the concept of some mystical monk may work, but to me, in theis universe, the Jedi are the mystical monks and it should have been left at that.

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There are new classes and there are new classes.


They could make a 'freelance' class that is just the BH for the Republic side.

They could make a 'pirate' class that is just the smuggler for the Empire.


They could make 'Wookie' and 'Trandoshan' classes that are melee specialists; Basically a knight/warrior using tech gadgets in place of force tricks and a vibroblade/staff instead of a lightsaber.


All of these (and more) are things that I have spoken of previously.


They could work up some entirely new mechanics and use any of those same concepts, though.




But the idea of some sort of super space-Karate has never sat well with me.


Every trooper, every bounty hunter, every Jedi and Sith and smuggler and agent has learned how to fight. Some learn to fight better than others, but they all learn to fight.

Yet we are supposed to accept that there is some group of people that have learned to fight so well that blasters and light sabers and force use are required by these other people just to make the fights fair?


In a fantasy setting the concept of some mystical monk may work, but to me, in theis universe, the Jedi are the mystical monks and it should have been left at that.


The Handmaidens in KOTOR 2 were pretty bad ***

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Ive been thinking about that for a while. When my server was empty post 1.3 that's all i could really do. Well KOTOR is known for bastilla shan and her Battle meditation and a lot of MMOS now come with a support class (small heals/buff/debuff ect) so i thought okay...let's put both together.


i dont have a name to it but more or like a Battle Meditation class, where you choose between 2 specializations, 1 if for buffing your allies and the other is for debuffing the enemy. Think of a Bard in Rift or a Captain in Lotro.


it's the first time im sharing my idea on this, any thoughts?

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Why not a self realized mechanized class of robots. Kind of like I-robot meets HAL from 2001 .

There are so many directions you could go with it and making it fit within the lore wouldn't be a stretch at all.

Edited by Deluged
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As darth malgus has TKM training i cant see why it wouldnt be in the game as its own class sometime in the future, and also its one of the few class's that is tied to both factions as tera kasi faction is totaly neutral and there only goal is to stop another force war if it ever happens.
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The most I can see for Teras Kasi and/or Echani martial arts is a passive skill in a damage tree, somewhere. There's barely enough there for a single class, let alone two advanced classes, and it would be nigh impossible to write an iconic (and good) story of the galactic importance of a martial arts practitioner. The same goes for entertainers, creature handlers and quite a few other holdovers from SW:G that people won't let rest in peace.
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I find it unlikely that they'd create any new basic classes from the 4 per faction. A new story and more voicing would take a massive bulk of cash to implement.


I would not at all be surprised however if they created more advanced classes to take advantage of existing voices, stories and gear. And of course to squeeze more time out of subscribers. Although they may be more generous to the people who are content with their current classes and add more skill trees.


We could wish for more classes but we really shouldn't be keeping our hopes up. The OPs link might not be in line. They'll aim for something that players are familiar with either from the movies or KoTOR.


BW also have to think about how to deliver mirror classes without stepping on what we already have. I think of thinks like Echani Martial Artists. I also think of very different things like thuggish underworld criminals. I'm not saying either of those are mirrors of course.

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I for one, would like to see a new race. Maybe a...Panda?


I mean clearly since that other MMO does it, it means it would be cool and awesome to do, right?


Forget innovation...More Panda.

Edited by Widgits
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bah...i dont mean to be too critical of the concept..but lets get real here..martial arts masters are pathetically weak in a modern environment


you shoot one enough times and he`ll still die...just like any other human...its not slight a gunslinger,or a bounty hunter,that learns to move with the primary non force method of kills


as it stands now in irl..you get a loaded 9mm pistol and suddenly your 20 times more powerful than any martial arts master that ever lived,or is living..its sad i know,but this is the reality we live in,and to delude ourselves on that level,that a martial arts master is somehow usefull in modern warfare,is shamefull


oh and on a side note....id get wary of mentioning sith or jedi learning any so called martial arts....all it does is augment there lightsaber and force powers



and also..handmaidens in kotor were decent i guess....but you cant ignore the scene were revan easily beats them all to submission with simple combat,proving a force user is stronger than a martial arts master by a long stretch...or the part where revan kills the rest of them and the jedi leading them

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I'm thinking a support class, and base it on the Voss mystics. They would draw upon both sides of the force, and would be perfect to be cross faction class. It would give buffs, maybe do some healing and ranged dps damage.


And I don't think it will be an advanced class, more like a Heroic one, where you start at a high level because they would have to go back and give any new classes a brand new class quest from 0-50 and that is probably a lot of work.

Edited by Alavastre
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I'm thinking a support class, and base it on the Voss mystics. They would draw upon both sides of the force, and would be perfect to be cross faction class. It would give buffs, maybe do some healing and ranged dps damage.


And I don't think it will be an advanced class, more like a Heroic one, where you start at a high level because they would have to go back and give any new classes a brand new class quest from 0-50 and that is probably a lot of work.


i like your idea,voss mystics would make an awesome support class...because lets jsut face it..in this game combat and healing at the same time dont mix..so we need a dedicated support class to do it...rather than healing ability lazily spread out across several characters

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