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Commando assault spec better than VG assault spec?


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I have been thinking about this. Everywhere i see people say that VG assault spec are better than commando. But isnt commando slightly better since they can reset HiB from 30m? I know VG's HiB reset skills are instant, but i find it better to do it from a distance. I have a lvl 25 VG assault spec, and i always have to go close combat to spam those 2 skills. 1 thing commando also got are self heals, and a pretty good knockback. Only thing i would miss from my VG are the ability to tank and my belowed harpoon... So what are your opinions of this matter?
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I have been thinking about this. Everywhere i see people say that VG assault spec are better than commando. But isnt commando slightly better since they can reset HiB from 30m? I know VG's HiB reset skills are instant, but i find it better to do it from a distance. I have a lvl 25 VG assault spec, and i always have to go close combat to spam those 2 skills. 1 thing commando also got are self heals, and a pretty good knockback. Only thing i would miss from my VG are the ability to tank and my belowed harpoon... So what are your opinions of this matter?


Assault Vanguard has a lot going for it that we miss.


1> Harpoon - The ability to drag someone to them, even if on a long cooldown.


2> Taunts - Not as effective as in Shield Spec, but the effect upon survivablity is huge.


3> 100% Plasma Cell Proc on Ion Pulse.


4> Better Armor Pen rating on HiB.


6> Greater increases to elemental damage via talents.


7> More base attacks that are Elemental Based and thus ignore armor.


8> More stuns, one of which is an AE.


Those are huge advantages, and it turns Vanguard Assault into something of a faceroll. Commando Assault is not worse, just different and we do have some disadvantages. The primary differences are that our skill set is designed to keep enemies at range, and Vanguards is designed to keep them in melee range.


1> AE Knockback - Vanguard has Harpoon, we have Concussion Charge. It is a wash for all intensive purposes.


2> Spot Healing - This is a big deal even if we have huge induction times and high ammo costs. The ability to self heal is a big balancing factor, and is one of the reasons Commando does not have more utility.


3> Range - While Vanguards have a 100% proc rate on Plasma Cell and thus their snare, it is primarily designed to keep someone from running away from them. Ours is not 100% but is designed to keep them away from us or to allow kiting. Vanguard has to get close to do the most damage, if you can keep them at greater than 10m, then it really gimps their damage.


4> Tech Override - Yes it is a long cooldown, but it is something that really gives us an advantage for either an instant heal, instant plasma grenade, or instant Concussive Round.

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Not even close mate. Vanguard owns Commando with the assault line. Assault is best, imo, for Commando as well, but a Vanguard has so much utility that Commando simply doesn't have.


azhrione did a great job above explaining why.

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Not even close mate. Vanguard owns Commando with the assault line. Assault is best, imo, for Commando as well, but a Vanguard has so much utility that Commando simply doesn't have.


azhrione did a great job above explaining why.


I won't say "owned", a lot of this is l2p stuff. I do not lose the damage/kill rate to Faceroll FOTM Vanguards/PT. A good one will still equal or beat me in numbers, so damage is not really the issue.


The real problem is objective based on utility. Their ability to have a much greater impact on the outcome of the game while STILL pumping out silly damage numbers is what makes them better.

Edited by azhrione
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I won't say "owned", a lot of this is l2p stuff. I do not lose the damage/kill rate to Faceroll FOTM Vanguards/PT. A good one will still equal or beat me in numbers, so damage is not really the issue.

Agreed. I wasn't trying to imply that any tool could roll a Vanguard and win 1v1, but if you have 2 similarly skilled/geared players, I have no doubt that the Vanguard will beat the Commando every time - the interrupt alone gives them an advantage.

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Agreed. I wasn't trying to imply that any tool could roll a Vanguard and win 1v1, but if you have 2 similarly skilled/geared players, I have no doubt that the Vanguard will beat the Commando every time - the interrupt alone gives them an advantage.


1v1, I typically beat the Assault VG, because they cannot close range more than once every 30 seconds, can cleanse the burns, and easily get them into Ammo problems. Only classes I have issues with 1v1 are Operative DPS (IRONY) and really good Marauders. Well Operative healers too, but that isn't so much a problem of them killing me, they can't, but me killing them.


However this isn't a 1v1 game, it is an objective based game. This is where the utility comes into play, VG has it and we do not.


Did a test last night on the PVP Dummy, noted that just spamming Hammer Shot was 700dps all by itself. Found that interesting.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Assault Vanguard has a lot going for it that we miss.


1> Harpoon - The ability to drag someone to them, even if on a long cooldown.


2> Taunts - Not as effective as in Shield Spec, but the effect upon survivablity is huge.


3> 100% Plasma Cell Proc on Ion Pulse.


4> Better Armor Pen rating on HiB.


6> Greater increases to elemental damage via talents.


7> More base attacks that are Elemental Based and thus ignore armor.


8> More stuns, one of which is an AE.


Those are huge advantages, and it turns Vanguard Assault into something of a faceroll. Commando Assault is not worse, just different and we do have some disadvantages. The primary differences are that our skill set is designed to keep enemies at range, and Vanguards is designed to keep them in melee range.


1> AE Knockback - Vanguard has Harpoon, we have Concussion Charge. It is a wash for all intensive purposes.


2> Spot Healing - This is a big deal even if we have huge induction times and high ammo costs. The ability to self heal is a big balancing factor, and is one of the reasons Commando does not have more utility.


3> Range - While Vanguards have a 100% proc rate on Plasma Cell and thus their snare, it is primarily designed to keep someone from running away from them. Ours is not 100% but is designed to keep them away from us or to allow kiting. Vanguard has to get close to do the most damage, if you can keep them at greater than 10m, then it really gimps their damage.


4> Tech Override - Yes it is a long cooldown, but it is something that really gives us an advantage for either an instant heal, instant plasma grenade, or instant Concussive Round.


vanguard:How could you possibly not list Riot strike in your list?


9>Riot strike (interrupt)


10>60% change to reset HiB with instant ability, 45% with instant spammable ability (against 3sec channeled and 1.5sec cast)


so there are atleast 6 different things that make a vanguard a better class. The 3. and 10. being a very big difference becouse if you know when you aplied your plasma cell you also know when to reset its duration with Hib.

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I don't have any deep insight to the Vanguard side of the house, but I can tell you that from many level 50 WZs observations, Assault Vanguards can absolutely smash. My Assault Commando just can't hang with their damage. And I'm not even considering utility - just from a pure DPS perspective they can wreck Imps like I wish I could.


In fact, when I notice one on my team, I follow them around the WZ. Between the two of us we can insta-gib most other classes and the Vanguard is always in their face while I stand as far away as possible mopping up.


So stop worrying about your Vanguard, you are going to be just fine and you will have Commando fanbois follow you around WZs like puppies.

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