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Early LS SW story questions.


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Hey, im leveling my LS SW and i am about to leave korriban. Now in other threads in other places, i have read that the sw spends alot of the time in the story building his own power base and network. Which makes sense, thats how the sith work. So my question begins with 2 quests on on korriban and how they fit into the networking and powerbase building thing.


First quest is Kill overseer tremel, given to me by darth Baras. I decided to take his hand and spare him. Tremel said i was wise and insightfull. Now Im trying to understand the reasoning behind my character doing this. I roleplayed it as my character had a close relationship with this man and thought that he could be nice to keep around for future use. Do we get any more insights on decisions like this?


The second quest i question is the jedi prisoner, i am tasked with freeiing. I have to help him escape, so i retrieve his things and when i talk to him a second time, the light side option is to tell him its a trap and that he is brainwashed. Now how is that option in the empires best interest? I have heard it said that the LS options for the SW are mostly for the empires best interest, but i fail to see how that is. My decision felt random and stupid, i had no idea why i was making that choice.(out side of the obvious im going light side, but still, i atleast want the choices to make sense, which this didnt)


My character not being a total pyschopath, who loves strength and honor, and really dosent want to kill innocent people, seeing as its a waste of time.


So If you guys could help me with some insight to all this, it would be great. I just hope the story makes more sense as i go along..

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I know the jedi quest is a side quest, but my question is still valid. They way the writers threw in the ls option made no sense, i had no idea of the why i was informing him. It temporarely broke the immersion for me. With the jedi, the only ideas i have regarding that are, i was either trying to sabotage another lord, so i can help my self and my master gain in the empire.. Or i felt that the brainwashing thing was dishonorable and so i decided to sabotage it, or lastly i felt that me telling him the truth, helped save lives and brighten the empires image around the galaxy.


We still havent touched on tremel, tho, and why the option to spare him is even in there. Other then having to head canon the whole thing.


This question is less about those particular quests and more about ls/ds choices in general. I just wish that sometimes they made more sense. For the most part they seam sensless and selfish in somecases.

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If you keep him alive he will serve you in the future, therefore building your power base.

Random Jedi:

You are avoiding any conflict at all for the sith and jedi, therefore it doesnt help you or hurt you.

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Hmm that thought had crossed my mind, that by helping him, im preventing a much larger conflict on those worlds. Which would divert men and resources from the prime enemy. LOL im gonna have to spend more time thinking about the choices..
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First quest is Kill overseer tremel, given to me by darth Baras. I decided to take his hand and spare him. Tremel said i was wise and insightfull. Now Im trying to understand the reasoning behind my character doing this. I roleplayed it as my character had a close relationship with this man and thought that he could be nice to keep around for future use. Do we get any more insights on decisions like this?


Tremel and other LS "consequences" like that usually only pop up for one brief moment much later. My character did it because Tremel was a helpful ally and she doesn't like taking life when it isn't necessary. There were unintended consequences I learned about (in a non-directly-impacting-gameplay way) much later.


The second quest i question is the jedi prisoner, i am tasked with freeiing. I have to help him escape, so i retrieve his things and when i talk to him a second time, the light side option is to tell him its a trap and that he is brainwashed. Now how is that option in the empires best interest? I have heard it said that the LS options for the SW are mostly for the empires best interest, but i fail to see how that is. My decision felt random and stupid, i had no idea why i was making that choice.(out side of the obvious im going light side, but still, i atleast want the choices to make sense, which this didnt)


LS/DS isn't strictly Empire/bad-for-Empire. When choosing between a killing spree and a practical evil that helps the Empire, the former is consistently DS and the latter is consistently LS. However, when choosing between two nonfatal options, it usually breaks down as secrets/Sith/sending people to their deaths is DS, truth/Jedi/setting people free is LS. So sending a guy with a head full of lies to doom his friends with false information is considered Dark Side. My Warrior went for "You really deserve better than to be made into this kind of weapon without your knowledge," even though it felt like an unusually harsh anti-all-Sith move.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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I think you're confusing being LS with being an honorable warrior. If your Master tells you to kill an innocent unarmed man for his enjoyment and you do so it's DS, if you give him a weapon, fight him fairly and kill him because your Master told you so it's honorable (but still evil) if you tell your Master to stick it because you won't fight an innocent man, that's LS. Being LS as a Sith is very rarely about you building power, it's about you disagreeing with some of the Sith's more "let's get done with this by killing everyone" mentality.....long story short, being "honorable" as you put it, isn't being LS, it's being neutral...
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i had no idea why i was making that choice.(out side of the obvious im going light side, but still, i atleast want the choices to make sense, which this didnt)


If you care about making a believable character, it's really unlikely that it'll make sense if you pick every LS option just because that option is LS. Well, it works if you're playing a typical Jedi, and conversely as maniacally evil Sith. So stop constraining yourself and picking LS options you don't like - making choices is part of the fun of the game!

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Maybe you confused SW with SI. At least during the first Chapter the LS options for the Sith Warrior are not the pro-Empire choices. The LS Sith Warrior (Chapter 1) is a Sith who conspires with the enemy to change the Empire into a less evil place with more freedom and justice. It's also not that much about building a power base. Most persons you spare go into exile and are useless for you.


For the Jedi Quest:


DS: You drug and brainwash your enemy that he carries wrong information into the republic. This information will lead the republic to withdraw their forces from some planets, because it thinks they are save. Then the Empire will attack and enslave them. It benefits the Empire, but it is clearly dark side.


LS: You decide that you will follow your conscience (or moral standards) and betray the Empire.

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