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Carnage for the win


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Why are you talking about damage, kills and scoreboards/cards?


Thats not how you win WZs..


I consistently rank around the middle, or even low.. But guess what, I sure did Intim roar that respawn group while you capped the door.. I intercepted that pass from our goals pit up near the goal-line..


Seriously.. PVP for the most part is atrocious, most of you call for mercy against any sort of team that has skill and knows what they are doing.


This debate is stale and old, i'm proud of you for using the CC your class is supposed to use at the right time but i'm here to tell you that it;s better to do what you did AND score 700k dps on the scoreboard.


Try harder.

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Complete rubbish, went on my 17 marauder that I haven't played in months and got 182k damage in huttball, might not seem huge numbers but for not knowing what half the skills do and ungeared it's pretty decent.

if you were not a complete noob you would know hot ignorant your statement there is. Playing at level 17 and at level 50 are completely different.

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To the OP: very nice damage from carnage. Good luck, however, once you hit 50 and realise that EVERYONE knows to interrupt your gored ravage. You'll get one to go full cycle, on rare occasions (though you'll be LUCKY to get one to go full cycle in rated WZ's, trust me). But still, very good damage for a carny. In rated warzones, I tend to dish out only ~ 180-220k damage (since pretty much all I'm doing is spamming my lowest rage cost abilities for fury stacks to give predation out like candy and bloodthirst when it's off cooldown - while pressuring healers, of course). Carnage marauders are pretty much a must-have on any rated team for the predation and roots - can't tell you how many goals I've saved in hutt-ball against tankassins/shadow tanks that had full resolve and popped force speed past the final fire pit only for me to keep them rooted long enough (or kill them outright) for their resolve to wear off so that a teammate could pull them.


To everyone else complaining about marauders: Learn how each spec plays and you can pick them apart as any class (though not every spec is created equally). I even rolled a merc to lv. 19 (pyro, with horribly outdated gear) to take on a guildmate's annihilation marauder (lv. 46) alt (his main is a pyro merc) since he always complained that he can't kill marauders. Hardest thing was to get a match against each other, lol. Well, I think he might've actually picked something up from me to start playing his dps merc some more (though I'm certainly convincing him to work on his p-tech more). Maras/Sents aren't god-mode... not by a long shot. Good snipers/slingers/juggs/guardians/pt's/vg's/dps ops/scounds/sins/shadows have very little issues against marauders.

Edited by SinnedWill
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To the OP: very nice damage from carnage. Good luck, however, once you hit 50 and realise that EVERYONE knows to interrupt your gored ravage.

There is a reason i start alts all the time to level up in warzones again. Some specs that aren't very viable at 50 are still viable while leveling.


I dont enjoy being a speed boost bot.

Edited by Kraegore
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There is a reason i start alts all the time to level up in warzones again. Some specs that aren't very viable at 50 are still viable while leveling.


I dont enjoy being a speed boost bot.


I wouldn't say it's not viable. It's probably one of the very best support DPS specs in the entire game. It's just not reliable as a main source of damage, as anyone can imagine when your highest source of damage comes from a melee-range channeled ability.


Next to an Anni Mara or Pyro PT focusing targets, Carnage rocks the house. : )

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Carnage is an awesome fight finisher. I wait and keep my eye on enemies all around to see which ones have been fighting for 30 seconds or so before I jump on them. By this time, they are likely to have used all their knock-backs, defence cd's and stuns .... this is when you want to drop the gore, ravage scream bomb on them.


Go the guy on 3/4 health, not the one on full health (unless its a marked healer)

Edited by Jagil
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Someone earlier was saying that Vengeance doesn't compare to any marauder spec, to which I disagree. We have a Venge Jugg that pulls great numbers in WZs and adds a lot of utility. They get some stuns/knockbacks that marauder's don't, and when played correctly they are every bit as deadly. The CC/Stun immunity and damage reduction buffs from constantly jumping around with charge/intercede really makes them shine. Utilizing those abilities to keep the amount of time that your Venge Jugg spends cced/stunned/without a DR cooldown up will give him more uptime and let him keep up in terms of dps with other classes.


I personally hate trying to burn down a venge jugg, because I know that they have a lot of utility and are generally much harder to kill than another marauder or squishy class.

Edited by Aluvi
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I think you owe a big pat on the back to Midie, your healer, who healed for 400k plus. This shows that Carnage can dish a ton of damage in WZs with a good healer. Without one, you will get focused and stomped. Which means that this is NOT a faceroll class, it's one that works very well in synergy with a good team, which is how it's supposed to work.
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Many that reroll for marauder are TERRIBAD!


really.. no doubt about it.... super serious. (<-- I am serious about this)


They all think you can roll your face over the keyboard and start rampaging at every single class.

Not really, I eat them geared bad marauders for breakfast lol

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I think you owe a big pat on the back to Midie, your healer, who healed for 400k plus. This shows that Carnage can dish a ton of damage in WZs with a good healer. Without one, you will get focused and stomped. Which means that this is NOT a faceroll class, it's one that works very well in synergy with a good team, which is how it's supposed to work.


Shes been healing me for years, we do pretty well together. She carries me.

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