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How long does it usually take y'all to do dailies?


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How long does it usually take you TOR players to complete the Belsavis, Ilum and Black Hole dailies consecutively?


I've found it takes me two and a half to three and a half hours, depending on whether or not I do the heroics. I am not insane enough to do this on three characters.


Hell, I did it on just two today and ... oh dear Zeus I am never getting that time back ._.

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How long does it usually take you TOR players to complete the Belsavis, Ilum and Black Hole dailies consecutively?


I've found it takes me two and a half to three and a half hours, depending on whether or not I do the heroics. I am not insane enough to do this on three characters.


Hell, I did it on just two today and ... oh dear Zeus I am never getting that time back ._.


welcome to mmo :D

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How long does it usually take you TOR players to complete the Belsavis, Ilum and Black Hole dailies consecutively?


I've found it takes me two and a half to three and a half hours, depending on whether or not I do the heroics. I am not insane enough to do this on three characters.


Hell, I did it on just two today and ... oh dear Zeus I am never getting that time back ._.


About 3-4 hours for me, if I solo, depending upon the level of distraction that guild and RL presents. Some of that time of course is waiting for CD's while my Scoundrel healer stealths the heroics on Bel lol. I've seen it done in less than an hour though if you group (though some of the stupidly low level drop rate quests sometimes put the brakes on that...hello, if it drops the item for one party member, drop it for all for crying out loud!). It's definitely a time sink, but then that's what MMO's are known for. I find alternating nights between Imp and Repub helps some since they have different quests.

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You guys are hard core from where I sit. I have one 50 and another closing in on it. But anyway what I do is just one planet a day. I play on with other characters but doing more than one planet a day would get way too old, too fast.
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Hmm.. guessing / estimating..


BH (only the 5 solo) -- about 25 to 40 min

Belsavis (only the 6 solo dailies/cant do others till i end chap 3) -- about 35 to 45 min

Ilum (only the 5 solo) -- about 25 - 35 min (get a lot of problems with quest updating)


i always complete all bonus quest of each daily

i can probably shave off 5 min or more if i didn't do the bonus quests for each planet and get better gear



the higher total minutes takes into account i gather resource nodes and chests that are around and near my travel path..


Sage LVL 50 DPS Balanced Speced

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