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Combat vs Watchmen PVP/PVE


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I dont know which choose.


Someone can help me?


If you like damage and lots of it (sustained damage that is, not so much burst) go Watchman. If you like burst damage and control go Combat. I've used Watchman all the time on my Sentinel and only used Combat about 3 times. Combat is good but imo Watchman has more interrupts, survivability, sustained damage, damage period. =D

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If you like damage and lots of it (sustained damage that is, not so much burst) go Watchman. If you like burst damage and control go Combat. I've used Watchman all the time on my Sentinel and only used Combat about 3 times. Combat is good but imo Watchman has more interrupts, survivability, sustained damage, damage period. =D


ok, but which recomend u for PVP or PVE or both.

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I completely disagree. Here is why, one spec being better than the other really depends on playstyle. Two equally competent and equally geared Watchmen and Combat specced sentinels are actually incredibly close in damage output. Watchman is higher by about .5% total damage. That is basically negligible. With the most recent patch, Combat has even received a boost to its damage output PROVIDED YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. All this comes down to knowing your class and how to play it. Overall, either is as good of a choice as the other, you just need to spend the time and learn your class. The misconception that Watchman is a better spec is unfounded and really just comes down to personal bias.
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I completely disagree. Here is why, one spec being better than the other really depends on playstyle. Two equally competent and equally geared Watchmen and Combat specced sentinels are actually incredibly close in damage output. Watchman is higher by about .5% total damage. That is basically negligible. With the most recent patch, Combat has even received a boost to its damage output PROVIDED YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. All this comes down to knowing your class and how to play it. Overall, either is as good of a choice as the other, you just need to spend the time and learn your class. The misconception that Watchman is a better spec is unfounded and really just comes down to personal bias.


Unfortunately not. While I'd like to be a combat specced sentinel what you're saying is simply wrong. The damage is absolutely on par and no one has ever denied that - whats lacking is other things.


-Self sustain (Watchman is way ahead of combat here)

-Disruptiveness (0m leap, 6 s cd interrupt) --> Equals that watchmen becomes the better healer-killer.

-Lower cooldown on leap. Game-changer.

-Slow is built into primary rotation thus not wasting DPS/GCD to Snare/Root

-Short cooldown pacify (gamebreaker vs vanguards and sentinels)


Combat is amazing, now with 1.3 its absolutely superb - kicking out those bladestorms over and over with the precision quaranteed to be activated while you do it is nothing short of amazing. Still, though, general composition and usefulness is not on par with watchman.

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Unfortunately not. While I'd like to be a combat specced sentinel what you're saying is simply wrong. The damage is absolutely on par and no one has ever denied that - whats lacking is other things.


-Self sustain (Watchman is way ahead of combat here)

-Disruptiveness (0m leap, 6 s cd interrupt) --> Equals that watchmen becomes the better healer-killer.

-Lower cooldown on leap. Game-changer.

-Slow is built into primary rotation thus not wasting DPS/GCD to Snare/Root

-Short cooldown pacify (gamebreaker vs vanguards and sentinels)


Combat is amazing, now with 1.3 its absolutely superb - kicking out those bladestorms over and over with the precision quaranteed to be activated while you do it is nothing short of amazing. Still, though, general composition and usefulness is not on par with watchman.


So for PVP os better watchman?

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Unfortunately not. While I'd like to be a combat specced sentinel what you're saying is simply wrong. The damage is absolutely on par and no one has ever denied that - whats lacking is other things.


-Self sustain (Watchman is way ahead of combat here)

-Disruptiveness (0m leap, 6 s cd interrupt) --> Equals that watchmen becomes the better healer-killer.

-Lower cooldown on leap. Game-changer.

-Slow is built into primary rotation thus not wasting DPS/GCD to Snare/Root

-Short cooldown pacify (gamebreaker vs vanguards and sentinels)


Combat is amazing, now with 1.3 its absolutely superb - kicking out those bladestorms over and over with the precision quaranteed to be activated while you do it is nothing short of amazing. Still, though, general composition and usefulness is not on par with watchman.


you just listed the good of watchmen but nothing on combat. how about combats snare on crippling throw? or its big boost to movement speed through tons of abilities? or its root on masterstrike? high burst damage? ive parsed the numbers and combat is now coming out ahead of watchmen for me.

my guild doesnt seem to mind when im bursting down adds in ops and smashing the boss. the movement speed and armor buff helps out to. i guess our healers are just good and dont need the small heals of a watchmen specced sentinel.

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watchman is a better spec for pve and pvp period. i go up against combat sents/maras in wzs all the time and never lose, in pve watchman is just plain higher damage. its not a matter of playstyle, its not a debate.


edit: however since all specs are viable, i dont think in pve anyone would make a point to say something about not going watchman

Edited by Huggsnotdruggs
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I personally tried both specs.. I started as Combat, as Ataru form was appealing, and it is.. The additional hit and the quickness of your attacks is something to value, and the DPS is satisfying.. In addition, combat gives an awesome feeling, watching your Sentinel using his dual sabers in battle..

However! Combat has no room for "mistakes", so you must have your full attention on what your character is doing.. Plus, low survivability makes you a little squishy if you're not using a tank companion or Doc..


Watchman on the other hand... I'll exclude the details as they vary depending on your play style, but i'll say simply this : Juyo Form, Merciless Slash, No range penalty for Force Leap, and self heals.. Watchman kept my sentinel alive during all his levelling career, dying only three times, and that due to false aggro (yes, i can be stupid at times).. Flashpoints/Heroics are not included, as in those your survivability depends on your tank/healer.. :D

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I level combat and had no issues at all steam rolling the content, and that was before the various buffs and tweaks to combat. right now my combat sentienl and my friend can 2 man most hard modes with our companions, easy.


in ops, me and the watchmen go back and forth in ops for top dps. he brings a little healing and more interupts to fights, and i bring more damage reduction and movement speed buffs. those are just utility features that vary in effectiveness from fight to fight.


both specs are good in pve, but more often then not, i out dps watchmen specced sents in groups. i see it on screen, i see it in the numbers.


there is no better spec in pve.

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Through some very extensive testing with either, I've found I do about the same amount of damage as either. I find its uses come more down to their utilities.


In watchmans case, zen is godly in a group environment and leaves slightly more room to lean toward power rather than crit rating. Burn effects also help to make up for the loss of hitting time against kiters. 0 range leaps are also great as watchmen are VERY focus-hungry and the interrupt is there to juggle with your force kick and stuns.


To keep a watchman at its optimal damage, he needs to make sure that he's getting merciless slash (MS) out as often as possible. This will make champions and general raid enemies their best friend. But the complications with it in PvP might cause you to do some bending over backwards. Remember that it doesn't matter who your MS hits. If you're getting kited, briefly switch to a closer target just to get the low-cooldown buff refreshed, before dealing with that kiter.




For combat, I find its better application in PvP (more on that later) but is still good at both. Combat specced players rely on rotating a lot of abilities that have a brilliant damage : focus cost ratio. This negates the need for more than an opening force leap. It also makes Zen (no focus cost) very lackluster leaving room to pop your AoE defense/speed buff instead. Whether that makes it better than watchmans zen depend on whether you've got a real healer present.


Combat, while still very viable for PvE, I think one of its best utilities makes it a brilliant PvP spec. Combat has two (HEAVILY underestimated) immoblises that can be juggled with the sentinels existing array of CC to give you one very confused, frustrated target. Never get kited again, land your final master strike hit a lot more often, don't worry about resolve when abusing huttball traps. Of course keeping an enemy in place will help more members of the team than you alone. And also of course this benefit doesn't see much point in a PvE setting.

Edited by Cooperal
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Watchman Spec



This is the skill tree i use for pve and pvp. It might not be optimal for pvp, but for pve its great. Putting points in Inflammation to decrease the enemies speed by 50% is overlooked but the great thing about it is it enables Opportune Strike, which is great for clearing trash really fast. As long as its not an elite or higher, using cauterize then opportune strike is unbelievable. (i'm hoping they make opportune strike available to all types of enemies)


Watchman is my preferred spec, but combat is such a fun spec to play with too. It just seems so much more fluid and fast with those ataru hits. I haven't had a chance to run a parser with a combat spec'd sentinel since 1.3, but before that i would out dps them by at least 60k worth of damage every time on raid bosses. Hopefully the changes in 1.3 whatever they were will make it a closer race.

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Watchman Spec



This is the skill tree i use for pve and pvp. It might not be optimal for pvp, but for pve its great. Putting points in Inflammation to decrease the enemies speed by 50% is overlooked but the great thing about it is it enables Opportune Strike, which is great for clearing trash really fast. As long as its not an elite or higher, using cauterize then opportune strike is unbelievable. (i'm hoping they make opportune strike available to all types of enemies)


Watchman is my preferred spec, but combat is such a fun spec to play with too. It just seems so much more fluid and fast with those ataru hits. I haven't had a chance to run a parser with a combat spec'd sentinel since 1.3, but before that i would out dps them by at least 60k worth of damage every time on raid bosses. Hopefully the changes in 1.3 whatever they were will make it a closer race.


thanks for this!, anyone else want to share the spce?

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Here is a great Combat Sentinel Spec.


Depending on your gear and whatnot, you can put more or less into ACC in trade off for longer leap immobilization. Or if you want, you could swap out Defensive forms for Inflammation depending on what you want to do!




Provides great single target burst, controlling one's movement's, and fastness.


Combat is the way to go for Ranked PVP.

Edited by Stalzy
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