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Odd differences between Lightsabers and Vibroswords


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So I wanted to use some Vibroswords on my Marauder, and I've already tested that I can use all my abilities with 2 equipped, but I found some strange differences:


With the same campaign weapon hilts/mods/etc:

Vibrosword minimum damage was higher than Lightsaber minimum damage by 8.

Vibrosword maximum damage was lower than Lightsaber maximum damage by 8.

Vibrosword does kinetic damage, Lightsaber does energy damage.


However, the empty shells of both weapons have the same range.


I'm guessing that there isn't a DPS difference between the two, because the higher min will average with the lower max. And energy/kinetic are both mitigated by armor, and as far as I know, bosses don't have a strong resistance to one compared to the other.


Has anyone done any testing or have any more information to share on the subject?

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So I wanted to use some Vibroswords on my Marauder, and I've already tested that I can use all my abilities with 2 equipped, but I found some strange differences:


With the same campaign weapon hilts/mods/etc:

Vibrosword minimum damage was higher than Lightsaber minimum damage by 8.

Vibrosword maximum damage was lower than Lightsaber maximum damage by 8.

Vibrosword does kinetic damage, Lightsaber does energy damage.


However, the empty shells of both weapons have the same range.


I'm guessing that there isn't a DPS difference between the two, because the higher min will average with the lower max. And energy/kinetic are both mitigated by armor, and as far as I know, bosses don't have a strong resistance to one compared to the other.


Has anyone done any testing or have any more information to share on the subject?


I noticed this too when switching mods and such over from a set of dual lightsabers to vibroswords. I compared one modded vibrosword to a lightsaber w/ the exact same mods (before I had ripped them out).


The Vibrosword min damage was higher than the lightsaber by 2.

The Vibrosword max damage was lower than the lightsaber by 6.


Not really anything monumental, but it was interesting. I'd thought they were exactly the same, previously.

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My numbers may be slightly off. I only wrote down my damage range on my character sheet with both, and that definitely was up 8 and down 8. But I'm not sure if the range on the weapons themselves was 8/8. Odd that you would get non-matching numbers though. I really want to hear a dev explanation of this... I guess I know what I'm asking about next Q&A.
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My numbers may be slightly off. I only wrote down my damage range on my character sheet with both, and that definitely was up 8 and down 8. But I'm not sure if the range on the weapons themselves was 8/8. Odd that you would get non-matching numbers though. I really want to hear a dev explanation of this... I guess I know what I'm asking about next Q&A.


I'll craft a few empty shells when I get home tonight and check the base stats empty and then check them again when modded to see if there's a difference in the range.


I thought it was odd that your range was so uniform, lol.

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I'll craft a few empty shells when I get home tonight and check the base stats empty and then check them again when modded to see if there's a difference in the range.


I thought it was odd that your range was so uniform, lol.


Alright, please post the results :) I did see that empty shells had the same range and the same +51 force power for both weapons.

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Alright, please post the results :) I did see that empty shells had the same range and the same +51 force power for both weapons.


Will do. I do recall the empty shells having same base stats, which was why I was surprised.


I have another 5 hours to go here though. :c

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I switched my stuff back into my vibroswords, and compared the damage range to that of my war hero weapon (both with 61 hilts) and it was as I described above:

Vibro min damage is 8 higher, but Vibro max damage is 8 lower.

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Thanks for posting the results....I want to go vibro's for the looks but I'm not sure now....I know it's minimal but I like my upper dmg!


It should make no difference since the average will be the same. But do whatever you want :)

You do see the crystal color when you do attacks and the animations incorporate them. For example throwing your weaopn you'll still see something that looks lightsaber-ish spinning around.

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God my Marauder looks so *********** AMAZING with the MD-5 Vibroswords from Taris.... *********** just ******.


I use "The Chopper" on mainhand with MD-5 offhand. I like having the two different looking swords.

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As I told you on the mmo-mechanics forums!


Widly known and periodicly come up in the sticky threads.

Every other site or discussion ive read or been in regarding it came to the same conclusion




Been using Chopper since day one of 1.2... Used Vibro swords pre 50 (Marauder is my first toon, created on release) and would have continued too except hilts only became removable with 1.2.. Recently have been forced to shelf one for my black-purple crystal.

Edited by Dreary
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You'll notice SLIGHTLY less disparity between your damages if you use vibros instead of lightsabers. Vibrosword damage has a smaller min/max damage gap compared to sabers. (Should always be +8 min/-8 max compared to sabers when using purple hilts of the same level). Now, although 8 damage doesn't seem like much, it can actually result in a difference of ~100 damage from certain abilities (such as final damage hit from ravage crits). Basically, sabers CAN cause hits to be ~ +/- 100 on these abilities compared to using Vibros (you can deal less or you can deal more - depends on the rolls) - but the net average dps values for using vibros compared to sabers is the same.


Strangely, however, using 1 Saber (main-hand) and 1 Vibro (off-hand) seems to parse highest - but this is likely coincidence. I'm sure that if I continued to parse them over a much longer period of time, that it will balance out.

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