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What is now the most powerful DPS build for a commando?


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I don't see very much discussion about Assault Specialist. I am new to this class.... is A.S. not very good for DPS? I play both PVP and PVE. I am Assault Spec. now and it seems pretty good, but as I said I am new to the class and everything seems fine at low levels. hahaha.


I am only level 15, so I would rather re-roll now if it would be better to do so. Any advice for a new trooper?



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I was wondering, since we're not tied to crit for ammo regen, has anyone wondered swapping crit for power ? Would reduce our burst dps for more consistent damage output, but outside pvp and a few pve situation (P3 Soa for example) maybe it'll be woth a shot...
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I don't see very much discussion about Assault Specialist. I am new to this class.... is A.S. not very good for DPS? I play both PVP and PVE. I am Assault Spec. now and it seems pretty good, but as I said I am new to the class and everything seems fine at low levels. hahaha.


I am only level 15, so I would rather re-roll now if it would be better to do so. Any advice for a new trooper?




Do what you like.


Gunnery was originally implemented with a bug which meant it did more dps than any other class in the game. It also did a raid wide armour debuff which stacked with everyone elses.


Various fixes and changes later it is not significantly different from Assault.


Armour debuffs no longer stack so only one armour debuffing class is needed on any one target.


The armour debuffing classes are commando, guardian and gunslinger. Only need one per target in a fight.


So whatever floats your commando.

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This is more of a preferences kind of choice. Both Gunnery and Assault are viable trees, the main difference is really the damage type. Assault focuses on DoT (damage over time) types of damage, which bypasses armor rating and damage reduction but has to deal with the elemental and internal type damage resistance (all character have, at least, 5% elemental and internal damage reduction. You can find armor that raises that but is best for tank classes, not dps). Gunnery focuses on heavy hits and kinetic damage which is lowered by the receiving characters armor rating and damage reduction. Because the elemental and internal reduction is almost always low the individual numbers from assault are going to be lower on assault than gunnery, but makes up for it with constant damage over a period of time.


As I said, it is more for preferences. I enjoy more to hit heavy and hit hard so I play gunnery however it is always fun to burn someone out with flames, I still like gunnery more though.

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Depends on how often you crit really. If you were already maintaining a high crit rate before 1.3 because of the need for Cell Charger procs then you should be able to keep the alacrity buff up pretty much 100% of the time.


4% probably does edge out the 5% with variable uptime since the real difference in 1% alacrity is insignificant and having it up permanently is definitely better than depending on a proc.

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