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BioWare...Job Well Done!


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I have been playing games for a long time. I remember sitting down alone in front of my NES as a child putting up with the horrible blocky graphics and odd sporadic beeps, thinking there has got to me something more.


Sure, other games are beautiful now days, other games have fantastic sound quality...but other games do not combine all these qualities with Star Wars.


The dialogue is top notch.....and very funny at times.....ergonomic chairs anyone. (if you're imperial and have done quests on Dromund Kaass you know what I mean.


Sure, the game plays similar to other MMO's, but it gets everything perfect, imo. It also expands on it. Crew skills ftw. I like being able to send my crew out to gather while I am away. It removes one of the more mundane tasks associated with MMO's.


Seeing Nar Shaada for the first time was breathtaking. I love the visuals!


There are for too many negative threads....


If you can appreciate BioWares hard work and fine craftmanship, let them know. DO you agree they did a great job?

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ANother thing I really like are the Flash Points, Athiss was really well done, albeit a bit short.


Also, BioWare did a great job of making me feel powerful. I love how my Droid basically worships me. saying stuff like Long live the empire...and more importantly, you master



I guess everyone who loves the game is playing, while everyone with some QQ is on the forums. I think I will go play now. These forums are depressing.

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Couldn't have said it better. I think the game is great and I'm already hopelessly hooked. So it has a few hiccups here and there, but that is to be expected... overall great job Bioware. Hopefully all you whiners and complainers will quit when things don't get fixed your way.
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You are right. There are to many negative threads. The few always have the loudest voice. Hopefully things will calm down in a few days when Bioware finishes their launch plans.


I just hope there launch plans involve actually arranging it so I don't have to decide I want to play three hours in advance to allow for a queue...


I am seriously concerned this game will be over before it begins if they keep acting like the ridiculous queue times are a minor problem rather than a deal breaker.


They need to step up soon or many of us might decide to forgo our CE and just get the standard if we decide to pick up the game at all.


I work too hard for my money to pay a company for a service they are either unable to deliver.


Of course they may be so arrogant as to believe we will play the game no matter how bad the queues are but that would be a serious error in judgement



Flame on fanboys I am ready

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I'm also very pleased with this game. I wasn't really watching this one before the Thanksgiving beta weekend, but after that I was hooked.


I love the way your character always feels powerful. No missions to go into the forest and kill hogs. Crew Skills and companions are easily the best feature. So well done.

Also loot beams FTW. Seriously where have these been in the last 10 years?

Edited by Molus
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Finally a positive thread! So sick of people crying that TOR isnt WoW in space. Sure its not perfect, but what know is at launch. I love the crafting, so nice to send my companions out instead of standing in front of a forge for hours. The space combat is a little arcadey, but I like it for it'd change of pace. I can't wait to see how the game grows and changes over the months.

I also like how the armor I can craft is as good or better than the stuff I get as mission rewards, player made should always be near best in game. Imo.

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