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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stop Defender Farming Ideas


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  • 3 weeks later...
This sounds great. Recently thanks to the free server transfers my server has a bunch of less than enthusiastic pvpers in lvl 50 Warzones who flat out give up when we get close to 30% left in Alderaan Civil War and Novera Coast on both sides. This cowardly farming is killing how much fun my server’s Warzones use to be.
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Defender farming is not effectiveness unless your team has absolutely no chance of mounting an effective assault. It's one of those issues where the only reason to nerf it is to stop people from their own stupidity (like quitting). You gain absolutely no advantage for farming defender points if you're at all capable of attacking.
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  • 4 weeks later...
500 points split across all players defending every 30 seconds. So if 6 people try to farm defender points and they'd end up getting about 160 defender points a min. Would be difficult to get to 1000 defender points and a medal that way.


Does this sound good?


I'm bringing this post back to the front because I think it's needed. It would be best served with a lockout for leaving a WZ early.

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It's already boring playing defense, now you want to take away the rewards too?


We don't need to give Ritalin-addled youths any more reasons to abandon the objectives and fight on the roads, if anything we need to increase the defender medals to incentivize defending.

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It's already boring playing defense, now you want to take away the rewards too?


We don't need to give Ritalin-addled youths any more reasons to abandon the objectives and fight on the roads, if anything we need to increase the defender medals to incentivize defending.


That's not what my post said at all. Also I didn't take anything away from you. But I may steal your heart if you're not careful...

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Maybe they should add a "desperation" medal into civil war. We all know there comes a point where you have to three cap to win and most of the time its at that point where the losing team starts to turtle at there only node. Maybe adding an incentive to go for that three cap to turn the tide would add some spice to the game.
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the only time I see people doing this is in an obviously lost game where one team is getting steam rolled how is this even a problem? bad idea also


I see people do this when the WZ has not been decided, often enough that it's a problem. Quitting is boring for all people in the WZ.

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There comes a point in time when all your doin is gettin farmed...


Yes there are those crazy stories where someones comes back from nc with 100 -19 to win the game, but really those are rare enough were im not bothered to just go defened so I can get some medals...


I dont see the point in slamming my fist into a stone wall..

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Yeah the OP is one of those over-the-top diehard players who thinks the team can 3cap near the end even though they just got farmed for 10 mins (saw one yesterday)


there is probably a few situations where people throw in the towel a little early but nerfing medals won't make them suddenly want to start trying again. They will stand around no matter what because for most its better then getting slaughtered

Edited by Fidopro
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Yeah the OP is one of those over-the-top diehard players who thinks the team can 3cap near the end even though they just got farmed for 10 mins (saw one yesterday)


there is probably a few situations where people throw in the towel a little early but nerfing medals won't make them suddenly want to start trying again. They will stand around no matter what because for most its better then getting slaughtered


I am not diehard about a video game :) Perhaps cycling...


You are taking it to the extreme, which is fine if that's how you roll. Tis the season political rhetoric. I'm clearly not talking about a 400-70 situation here. There is a point where the game is clearly lost. But when the score is 380 to 250 and people start camping it's sad.

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Simple solution, no defender points awarded unless majority controlled.


That would stop people from defending when they are supposed to. "Pulling the Goalie" is a viable strategy, but I don't want people abandoning our turret every time mid changes hands.


To the original subject...


I don't think there should be any punishment or reduction of medals for people who give up and camp a turret. In fact, (and I realize I am in the very small minority here) I hate 3 capping, and dominating a team so bad that they actually run the risk of going medal-less. I think it is bad sportsmanship, I think it is bad for the game, and I think it will eventually drive queue times up, and subs down.


To whomever has, and/or will, respond with some trite line about Care Bears, you're not tough, you're just good at a video game. Just stop. Yell up to your Mom to make more meatloaf.


It's not fun when the other team gives up. You know what else isn't fun? Feeling like you have no option but to give up.


If you want the bads to keep letting you farm them, you have to be nice to them. Making it so they have no reason to play a WZ won't make them better, it'll just make them stop q'ing. Then once an hour when you get a match against other people as "hardcore" as you, you will find out you're not as good as you thought.

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I didn't expect people to want and support defender farming. It's a strange video game world we fake live in


If you remove or reduce the rewards that currently exist you will prevent defender farming. You will also eliminate the only incentive most players have for defending at all meaning PuG WZs will become unplayable zergfests.

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If you remove or reduce the rewards that currently exist you will prevent defender farming. You will also eliminate the only incentive most players have for defending at all meaning PuG WZs will become unplayable zergfests.


I disagree. 2 people defending would still max out defender medals. 3 people would get all but 1 of the medal, 4, all but two and so on.

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That would stop people from defending when they are supposed to. "Pulling the Goalie" is a viable strategy, but I don't want people abandoning our turret every time mid changes hands.


To the original subject...


I don't think there should be any punishment or reduction of medals for people who give up and camp a turret. In fact, (and I realize I am in the very small minority here) I hate 3 capping, and dominating a team so bad that they actually run the risk of going medal-less. I think it is bad sportsmanship, I think it is bad for the game, and I think it will eventually drive queue times up, and subs down.


To whomever has, and/or will, respond with some trite line about Care Bears, you're not tough, you're just good at a video game. Just stop. Yell up to your Mom to make more meatloaf.


It's not fun when the other team gives up. You know what else isn't fun? Feeling like you have no option but to give up.


If you want the bads to keep letting you farm them, you have to be nice to them. Making it so they have no reason to play a WZ won't make them better, it'll just make them stop q'ing. Then once an hour when you get a match against other people as "hardcore" as you, you will find out you're not as good as you thought.


It wouldn't stop people from defending when they were supposed to it would encourage them to capture an objective point so they are rewarded for it which is kind of the whole point to the reward system. I seriously doubt the development process included the thought "well, most people will try for the first two minutes and then say oh well, let's all just sit as a team on a node and collect defender points."

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I disagree. When I see a three way split of our forces in civil war and the result is that we only get one node, I will go to that one node if I am not already there. Chances are someone will soon quit and we will be a man down. At that point, I do not rage I just wait patiently to end.


Seriously, its a pug, people do as they please. You need to realize that and when its a loss, you have a few optioins:


1. Rant and rave about how bad people are

2. Defend an existing node

3. Attack in a single file against established defenders

4. quit


I choose to do option 2. I should not be punished for accepting the loss in the most efficient manner for my time.


With that said, here is the common sense approach to civil war.

2-3 take left node, its closer from your spawn to the node than it is from the opponents spawn. One caps the node the others intercept the opponents trying to stop the cap.


The rest go mid and fight. At worst, its a battle for the mid with either side capped by each team. Whomever wins middle wins game. At best its your two nodes, left and mid.


What I do not understand is the splitting of forces left and right. If you are in a premade and you have four equaly great players you can split two from your premade to each node and if and only if you get lucky your 4 teammates can effectively help each side.


Since its a pug, I prefer 3/5/0 approach its the safe bet.

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I disagree. When I see a three way split of our forces in civil war and the result is that we only get one node, I will go to that one node if I am not already there. Chances are someone will soon quit and we will be a man down. At that point, I do not rage I just wait patiently to end.


Seriously, its a pug, people do as they please. You need to realize that and when its a loss, you have a few optioins:


1. Rant and rave about how bad people are

2. Defend an existing node

3. Attack in a single file against established defenders

4. quit


I choose to do option 2. I should not be punished for accepting the loss in the most efficient manner for my time.


With that said, here is the common sense approach to civil war.

2-3 take left node, its closer from your spawn to the node than it is from the opponents spawn. One caps the node the others intercept the opponents trying to stop the cap.


The rest go mid and fight. At worst, its a battle for the mid with either side capped by each team. Whomever wins middle wins game. At best its your two nodes, left and mid.


What I do not understand is the splitting of forces left and right. If you are in a premade and you have four equaly great players you can split two from your premade to each node and if and only if you get lucky your 4 teammates can effectively help each side.


Since its a pug, I prefer 3/5/0 approach its the safe bet.


I'm not sure what you disagree with. You disagree with the scaling of defender points between each toon at the tower?


And you missed point 5, organize and take back a tower. Medals appear to be the reason you are playing (I play for fun), you get more medals by taking a tower than sitting by one with 6 of your teammates.

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