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Why does playing a Jugg feel so bad


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I don't think BW wants people to level a Guardian/Juggernaut in tank role. I've done it both ways, and dps is really easier. I took much less damage from encounters as dps simply because I killed things much faster.


Running with a dps companion for both my guardian, and my jugg, the dps route had much less down time, and burned through npcs extremely quick. Of course, none of that really became apparent until the mid 20s levels.


It might have helped if guard worked with companions, but it doesn't. Ranged mobs that are spread out are a pain.

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All the people crying about how the Jugg is weak & is a bore to play are crazy. I just hit 23 but sing about 14-16 I have routinely earned top 1-2 medals earned in PvP. Quit trying to be the best DPSer...you picked a tank. Play to your strengths...find the healer & keep him or her guarded. Keep enemy DPS off the healer. Find the enemy healer & harass the heck out of him / her so thy gotta focus on keeping themselves up. If what everyone says about Juggs getting better in their mid 30's is true...watch the heck out!
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All the people crying about how the Jugg is weak & is a bore to play are crazy. I just hit 23 but sing about 14-16 I have routinely earned top 1-2 medals earned in PvP. Quit trying to be the best DPSer...you picked a tank. Play to your strengths...find the healer & keep him or her guarded. Keep enemy DPS off the healer. Find the enemy healer & harass the heck out of him / her so thy gotta focus on keeping themselves up. If what everyone says about Juggs getting better in their mid 30's is true...watch the heck out!
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PvP doesn't really count as weak, seeing as how skills and stats are buffed up to a lvl 49. Now that being said you still only have the skills that you have acquired, they are just considered higher level due to the buff.


PvE content can be a pain, unless you are over-levelled a bit. The biggest improvement I've seen is keeping your companions up-to-date on their gear.

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Short and Skinny: Juggs' when geared and played well are great DPS and very fun to play. Their DPS is within the top 5%, and they have a good deal of utility to offer. Downside is learning curve. It is there, and unfortunately, it simply needs to be said. Juggs dont have the flexibility for skill that other classes do. But many (including myself) like that aspect. You play them well, and you get results. Simple as that.


I have multiple classes at 50. My first 50 was my Jugg. I also have merc...assassin....shadow consular...sage...along with multiple Juggs. working on Operative and Smuggler atm. the Juggernaut is the most enjoyable one I play, bar none. I love it. But it is also one with one of the highest learning curves, aside from the Agent/smuggler. I've played all the classes (just started my smuggler), and most the classes are pretty much mash buttons/win PvE for the most part. The Jugg/guard and Agent/smuggler are the only ones that make me think about what I'm doing.


At this point I'd say that they are about equal in leveling ability to most classes pre-30, and better post 30. but those early levels can be difficult, but not undoable. I don't feel weak at all on my newer juggs, but I've ran over 6 of them through lvl 20 at least (two at 50 atm, one at 36), so it's pretty much automatic for me.


Edit: on a side note OP...I put aside my Jugg initially (it was my guardian actually...) because how they played threw me off initially. After getting my Shadow consular high enough, I decided to go back and try again (I have the opinion that any class can be viable if they are played well), and I'm glad I did. I just had to get past the initial hurdle of how the class played,,,especially after playing an SC (very easy DPS). but once i got past that hurdle, it became my favorite class, and currently the others seem boring by comparison.

Edited by Elyx
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All the people crying about how the Jugg is weak & is a bore to play are crazy. I just hit 23 but sing about 14-16 I have routinely earned top 1-2 medals earned in PvP. Quit trying to be the best DPSer...you picked a tank. Play to your strengths...find the healer & keep him or her guarded. Keep enemy DPS off the healer. Find the enemy healer & harass the heck out of him / her so thy gotta focus on keeping themselves up. If what everyone says about Juggs getting better in their mid 30's is true...watch the heck out!


If you actually did level as a tank, and actually have leveled another guardian/jugg as dps too, then you would have to admit that leveling in tank spec is slower. I'm not talking about pvp.

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Jugg DPS here.


Vengence Spec. So i must be the 1% that exists. Can honestly say their DPS seems on Par to the others. According to one of our guildies battle log anyway. I have a Marauarder in my guild, now we are both full rakata/black hole comms etc and i out dps him as vengence spec.


This is all well and good, but Marauders/Sents have those great group-wide buffs that bring overwhelming utility. Juggs/Guards get... Guardian Leap? That's the only thing I've seen that they bring to the table for group utility.

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I don't know about you guys, but I slaughter enemies when doing warzones as a Juggernaut. I've maxed out the Immortal skill tree, and it's very rare that I get killed in a 1v1 fight. If it's 5v1, I hold my own and take down one or two before getting destroyed.


Juggernaut in my opinion is very fun, and strong. I don't see why people are saying it's ****.. it's really not.

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If you actually did level as a tank, and actually have leveled another guardian/jugg as dps too, then you would have to admit that leveling in tank spec is slower. I'm not talking about pvp.


QFT. My first jugg was solely Vengeance, and my second was Immortal up through the 40's...Vengance was simply faster. not by a huge amount, but it was. Plus, the moves feel more dynamic and exciting to execute, it's simply more fun to play. I ran withquinn on my Vengeance Jugg, and cycled DPS companions with my Immortal (mostly vette....was working on her story).


Immortal isn't bad...Vengeance is simply faster. especially post patch.

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If you aren't performing decently from 30+, it's not the class or it may just not be for you. It gets better with every level from that point onwards. Having played all classes now, I can safely say that Jugg/Guard didn't perform as well in the early levels compared to other classes, but they do come into their own and are quite a good class in the end.
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Before the L2P insults, if I really am doing it wrong, help me or give me testimonials of your successes. Ive played everything but a Powertech and an Operative. All to various levels, and Juggernauts seem the worse. Im level 18 I feel like I hit like a wet noodle, its so hard for me to stay alive, and compared to marauder it just sucks. Im vengeance spec, not that it matters atm but at level 15 my marauder felt awesome, my sniper felt great at level 20. By how they feel I mean how they well they accomplish what they are suppose to do.


Does it get better? What can I do to help? What am I suppose to do? Do Dps Juggs exist?


This is mainly pvp talk, pve at this level is fine.


I tried leveling a Guardian and a Sentinel, and the Sentinel was infinitely easier to play at lower levels. The equivalent to Annihilation spec in particular was just faceroll easy. Guardian/Jugg requires the level grind and also some real thought, because you don't get as many cool toys to play with. Battering Assault struck me as particularly game-changing for its easy 6 rage on a 15s cooldown.


At 20, Shien form does make a difference.. it improves your damage by 4% over Shii-Cho, refunds 1 Rage after every Rage spender, and gives you 1 Rage every 6 seconds when you're attacked. Just being able to use your Rage spenders more often is a huge quality of life improvement. Then at 22, you get Enrage as a 1-minute burst DPS cooldown. Just learning how to use these effectively in all situations should keep you entertained, if you're in the mood for a challenge, for quite some time to come.

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Before the L2P insults, if I really am doing it wrong, help me or give me testimonials of your successes. Ive played everything but a Powertech and an Operative. All to various levels, and Juggernauts seem the worse. Im level 18 I feel like I hit like a wet noodle, its so hard for me to stay alive, and compared to marauder it just sucks. Im vengeance spec, not that it matters atm but at level 15 my marauder felt awesome, my sniper felt great at level 20. By how they feel I mean how they well they accomplish what they are suppose to do.


Does it get better? What can I do to help? What am I suppose to do? Do Dps Juggs exist?


This is mainly pvp talk, pve at this level is fine.


You shouldn't judge a class in it's early levels. Level it up to 50 then try it out with various specs and rotations. If you don't people will just ignore you because you will quite literally be a noob at the calss and not know what you are talking about.

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The only major issue I've having with my Jugg is that the general consensus is that Juggs are tanks. When people are looking for more for ops groups at the fleet, dps are a dime a dozen. There are so many dps classes out there that when they ask for dps for ops runs, even in SM, they get a few tells right away.


Even if generally I'm first to answer them, they just wait around a few seconds and some other dps class comes along. The stigma is that they would rather take a Mara over a Jugg dps, or their preference would be a ranged dps class. I'm in full Columi on my Jugg but I often get taken over other classes because people still have that stigma that Juggs should be tanks. I think I asked once if they could use a Jugg dps, got an invite, and they assumed I was a tank. Another group already had enough melee dps and preferred to get more ranged dps so I got passed up there.


I guess people still have this misconception that Juggs are only good as tanks.

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The only major issue I've having with my Jugg is that the general consensus is that Juggs are tanks. When people are looking for more for ops groups at the fleet, dps are a dime a dozen. There are so many dps classes out there that when they ask for dps for ops runs, even in SM, they get a few tells right away.


Even if generally I'm first to answer them, they just wait around a few seconds and some other dps class comes along. The stigma is that they would rather take a Mara over a Jugg dps, or their preference would be a ranged dps class. I'm in full Columi on my Jugg but I often get taken over other classes because people still have that stigma that Juggs should be tanks. I think I asked once if they could use a Jugg dps, got an invite, and they assumed I was a tank. Another group already had enough melee dps and preferred to get more ranged dps so I got passed up there.


I guess people still have this misconception that Juggs are only good as tanks.


This is one of the few things that IMO makes the LFG tool acceptable. you can queue as a DPS, and they simply don't know. on my easy nights I prefer to DPS. queue up in the LFG, start dailies, and within a short time i have my instance run going. no one has complained yet.

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I don't know why people call them late bloomers in regards to pve. They are so easy leveled in immortal or vengence - jump to the group, smash, most dead. I finished Nar shadda with lvl22 (minor issue with the boss, else I could have finished it lvl21) as tank specc'd.

Trash mobs go down pretty fast - atleast if you don't jump the only melee trash in a group.

Having leveled every class atleast to 20 I see a mediocre performance in pve. Juggs are not the top when it comes to ease of leving (Mercs/Sorcs dps are just too much faceroll in pve). But also not on the bottom.

Try killing ranged elite mob 2 levels above you as a sniper. They beside Ops DPS perform really poor pre-30 pve.

Juggs are fine

Edited by Graziell
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Just hit 30 playing my first immo jugg. Slow start. Began as vengeance but switched to tank once I got to the late teens to access the defensive cools that make Immo more viable.



If you're having trouble staying alive you need more practice. I'm playing through with only vette, and since the 20 s it's gotten progressively better. Blasted through alderaan faster than with my DPS sorc or sniper with heal comps.


My advice is to gear vette well, and she'll take care of you as long as you keep the heat off her.

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I don't know why, but I seem to have had the exact opposite experience than everyone else. Levels 1-20 were a complete joke. I just ripped everything apart. Of course, keep your gear and mods up to date and keep your companions geared.


The game didn't get hard until the 30's for me. Then it gets super easy in the 40's. So far, jugg dps is the 2nd easiest class I have played when it comes to leveling. First for me was combat medic trooper. Just be sure you dump skill points into the +9% Strength skill right away. It will give you a nice early boost.

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I am level 29 right now and I level as Immortal. It is really very very hard to die! You have 2 defensive cooldowns with sort cooldown, Invincible and saber ward. Shield from Force scream, plus + defense from retaliations (if talented).


Also you have Force choke and force push that will serve you as mitigation (some seconds you don't get damage) and also as extra interrupts! I found out that in tough battles with Elites the key is to often interrupt their abilities!


Keep your companion geared with green up to level armor/mods/weapons and leave them do the dirty job.

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