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  1. I don't post often on these boards but PLS implement this!
  2. Most of the threads I have read about are people asking for the vendor to be updated followed by the disenchanted bashing them for doing so...just like here,
  3. Since you were so kind as to do some research to support the claims of those that are pro or against the request of the CE purchases to have their vendor updated I would like to point out just a couple of paragraphs on the page you so graciously linked under the section titled "Collector's Edition": Now maybe I am missing something but my understanding of "regular updates" as written by Bioware in their own article on their own website advertising their own product is that it would be updated more than 1 time during the existence of the game. I don't think any CE owners want anything game breaking or unbalancing but as someone who LOVE to stand out in a crowd for having hard to get items I too thought we would have access to things like adaptive armor shells not available elsewhere or more pets or mounts or even companion skins. I feel Bioware has failed in this regard & I think it is unfair for those who didn't purchase the CE to ridicule those that did & want what they paid for.
  4. All the people crying about how the Jugg is weak & is a bore to play are crazy. I just hit 23 but sing about 14-16 I have routinely earned top 1-2 medals earned in PvP. Quit trying to be the best DPSer...you picked a tank. Play to your strengths...find the healer & keep him or her guarded. Keep enemy DPS off the healer. Find the enemy healer & harass the heck out of him / her so thy gotta focus on keeping themselves up. If what everyone says about Juggs getting better in their mid 30's is true...watch the heck out!
  5. All the people crying about how the Jugg is weak & is a bore to play are crazy. I just hit 23 but sing about 14-16 I have routinely earned top 1-2 medals earned in PvP. Quit trying to be the best DPSer...you picked a tank. Play to your strengths...find the healer & keep him or her guarded. Keep enemy DPS off the healer. Find the enemy healer & harass the heck out of him / her so thy gotta focus on keeping themselves up. If what everyone says about Juggs getting better in their mid 30's is true...watch the heck out!
  6. Well, she's classed as a DPS character not a healer or tank so...
  7. I really don't understand why this same question keeps coming up over & over & over & over. I have been waiting to play this game since the day the game was announced. As such I registered for the site right away, I made the selection for BW to be able to email me updates about the game, I made sure my contact info was always up to date, I registered for beta as soon as it was announced & guess what...when I woke up for work the morning that preorders were announced (along with the early access rules) I ordered. In fact I wanted to be in the early access so bad I preordered the CE from WalMart, Best Buy & Amazon (nothing was charged by any of them until the product shipped so it didn't cost me a penny at the time) & I waited to see who got me the early access code 1st...Amazon won that battle so I cancelled my other 2 preorders. That's how important being in the early access was to me so when I hear all these cries for server resets all I want to say is "get bent...I earned this"! And as far as why I quoted this line in particular...it really doesn't seem that you want to hear from both sides...it seems as though you just want people to fill this thread up with support for your point of view.
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