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Level 50 PvP - Balanced or not.


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Hear me out before you realize how long this is and decide to leave.


I am unsure about this particular issue, but it seems as though the Imperials/The Empire, whatever you want to call them, have the advantage in PvP. Unless of course these players that perform uncanny feats in PvP warzones are just using third-party software that they downloaded from a secret website. Whatever the case may be, I do believe Bioware is obligated to do something about the performance of Sith and Imperials alike.


I have seen my hit points and those of my fellow republic players rapidly disappear the second an agent or assassin begins their attack. On top of that, I do believe that healers must refrain from moving in order to activate their most powerful healing ability. However, I have seen Mercenaries and Operatives heal their way to the goal line in Huttball time after time. I am also aware that Jedi Knights or Sith Warriors are able to use Choke or Stasis on enemies. However, if they move or are knocked back while they use this ability, then it is interrupted. This is not thew case for when I participate in Level 50 PvP. I have seen countless times Sith Warriors using their Force Choke ability, moving around their targeted victim, and attacking at the same time.


Lastly, I have seen Agents, specifically Snipers wreaking havoc on enemy players and defeating them withing seconds. Whether they use the Call-of-Duty-inspired knife attack several times in a row to stun and impale their unfortunate PvP victim or they simply use their snipe ability and do 3-4 k damage per hit. In one particular case, I witnessed an eight thousand damage snipe from a sniper. I do believe this is possible, but only if they have all War Hero gear, relics activated, stims and adrenals self applied, all character buffs applied, and a high surge and critical rating along with the correct specifications in the skill tree.


I am forced to conclude that I have never seen an attack greater than 3.8k that any of my fellow republic players have done and that Imperial Players do have the tactical and supporting advantage in PvP. Furthermore, whenever I complete the PvP daily quest, it's usually because whatever team I am on loses. This happening 6 times in a row. (Level 50 PvP of course) And in other instances, I have seen republic players killed within seconds of making contact with imperial forces. I would estimate that the average win rate for republic players on the Server "Drooga's Pleasure Barge" is about 7/10. If this rate continues as a constant or increases, we will see a massive drop in the number of subscribers to SWTOR. Common sense would dictate that if a Costumer is not satisfied with his or her product, they will return it, or in this case, no longer use it. Or simply get a "better product." Either way, the producer will lose support from its clientele.

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I have seen countless times Sith Warriors using their Force Choke ability, moving around their targeted victim, and attacking at the same time..

I've seen that too, my Carnage Marauder isn't able to force choke and move around, but others seem to be able to. Can anyone clarify if this is supposed to happen? Maybe it can with something from another tree or something?

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Its an ability out of the fourth tier of the Immortal tree for Sith juggernauts called Force Grip.


Snipers can hit bigger crits than gunslingers because the gunslinger gets a damage tick from his offhand weapon (i.e. 8,000 = 6,000+2,000).'


Republic players hit just as hard as imps, i get 6k crits on my sentinel all the time. It's just a matter of stackign the right sort of stats in your gear.


Why are you complaining about losing 7/10 games?

Edited by LiveandDieinLA
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There is a Jugg/Guard talent that lets you fire off force choke without channeling, and no offense, but it sounds like you are just unfamiliar with the game and the mechanics. Both sides are mirrored for one and have the same possibilities on both factions.
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I have seen my hit points and those of my fellow republic players rapidly disappear the second an agent or assassin begins their attack.


These classes have decent burst specs, when geared correctly + adrenals, it isn't uncommon



On top of that, I do believe that healers must refrain from moving in order to activate their most powerful healing ability. However, I have seen Mercenaries and Operatives heal their way to the goal line in Huttball time after time.


Other heals? Guarded? Taunts?


I am also aware that Jedi Knights or Sith Warriors are able to use Choke or Stasis on enemies. However, if they move or are knocked back while they use this ability, then it is interrupted. This is not thew case for when I participate in Level 50 PvP. I have seen countless times Sith Warriors using their Force Choke ability, moving around their targeted victim, and attacking at the same time.


Tank specced Knights/Warriors have this ability.


Lastly, I have seen Agents, specifically Snipers wreaking havoc on enemy players and defeating them withing seconds. Whether they use the Call-of-Duty-inspired knife attack several times in a row to stun and impale their unfortunate PvP victim or they simply use their snipe ability and do 3-4 k damage per hit.


Two knife abilities spring to mind Debilitate (4s) and Shiv. Neither are devastating from a sniper, and are usually used as 'Oh crap' abilities when someone creeps up on them.


If it's hitting for 3-4k constantly on you, it will be Ambush not snipe (Ambush has a CD and longer cast time, but hits harder), if it was a snipe hitting for 3-4k then they wasted their adrenals/relics on a weak ability, and you should count yourself lucky


In one particular case, I witnessed an eight thousand damage snipe from a sniper. I do believe this is possible, but only if they have all War Hero gear, relics activated, stims and adrenals self applied, all character buffs applied, and a high surge and critical rating along with the correct specifications in the skill tree.


Ambush not snipe, haven't seen any number near that myself, but I guess it could be possible with maxed augmented gear + relics/adrenals VS 0 expertise newbie 50.



I think that should clear some things up for you.

Plus a lot of glitches/teleports/jumps etc seem to caused by the client-server lag.

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I have played many MMO's, and SWTOR has some of the most balanced PVP i've ever played. Keep working on it my friend


I agree. This game's PvP, aside from SOME imperfections, is surprisingly well balanced. It will never be 100% balanced. No game is. But for the most part, it is. I can kill anybody and everybody can kill me with dang near equal effect.

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OP, the issue you are experiencing is mostly GEAR and has nothing to do with Bioware.


Two of my toons are on your server: one Imperial operative and one Jedi Sage. The Republic does lose more than the Empire there but it's mostly an issue of gear. A significant portion of the Imps I queue with have at least some war hero pieces whereas only a small portion of the Pubs I queue with have the same, let alone a complete BattleMaster set. I've played at least a hundred games on both sides on Drooga's and there's no doubt that the gear difference is sizable. Yes, I get into some Imperial groups composed of poorly geared people but they are less frequent than when I get into Republic groups where it's the norm.


Don't worry though. The exact same thing happened on my last server. The Imperial side PVP'd all the time thus giving them a huge lead in gear. The Pubs, who generally did less PVP, slowly geared up and things began equalizing, if not turning to the Republic's favor.

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I agree. This game's PvP, aside from SOME imperfections, is surprisingly well balanced. It will never be 100% balanced. No game is. But for the most part, it is. I can kill anybody and everybody can kill me with dang near equal effect.


Says the guy playing a Sent+shadow.




I see the connection!

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