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Bioware planning a third faction?


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.,,There are lots of other things that need development time to get implemented first (including same gender romances....)

For a small faction of players whose mantra is for the world to "accept them for who they are," they sure spend a lot of time demanding that the Star Wars mythos be changed to suit their personal preference.


Why can't we just accept the Star Wars IP for what IT is: one of this world's few (relatively) family-friendly IPs? There are plenty of other MMOs that cater to alternative moralities. Besides, I really don't think BioWare wants to be saddled with a bunch of negative publicity for smuggling gay-romance "easter eggs" into a Star Wars MMO.


Returning to the topic of the thread, I've always thought the Star Wars mythos is ideally positioned for a third "Underworld" faction. The whole backstory of the Outer Rim is that it's a region beyond the reach of both the Empire (in the original movies), and the Galactic Republic.

Edited by Spectus
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For a small faction of players whose mantra is for the world to "accept them for who they are," they sure spend a lot of time demanding that the Star Wars mythos be changed to suit their personal preference.


Why can't we just accept that the Star Wars IP will never be anything but one of this world's few (relatively) family-friendly IPs? There are plenty of other MMOs that cater to alternative moralities. Let's leave this one as it is, m'kay? I really don't think BioWare wants to be saddled with a bunch of negative publicity for smuggling gay-romance "easter eggs" into a Star Wars MMO.


Returning to the topic of the thread, I've always thought the Star Wars mythos is ideally positioned for a third "Underworld" faction. The whole backstory of the Outer Rim is that it's a region beyond the reach of both the Empire (in the original movies), and the Galactic Republic.


I love how same-sex love is a threat to families, but introducing a violent criminal faction is just fine. By the way, you may want to do some investigating of your own before making claims about Star Wars not having same-sex couples.

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I love how same-sex love is a threat to families, but introducing a violent criminal faction is just fine. By the way, you may want to do some investigating of your own before making claims about Star Wars not having same-sex couples.

I didn't post this to start a debate with the community -- just sharing my opinion. There are plenty of moral holes in this game and IP, but if you want to play the "hypocrisy" card, I say fine. Remove ALL questionable moral content. Or not, and accept the game for what it is.

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I didn't post this to start a debate with the community -- just sharing my opinion. There are plenty of moral holes in this game and IP, but if you want to play the "hypocrisy" card, I say fine. Remove ALL questionable moral content. Or not, and accept the game for what it is.


Sorry, mate. You don't get to say, "This is what I believe," and then try to pull the "I'm not willing to put up with any counters to it" card. That's not how life works.

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I don't want to burst any bubbles, but they've been using the hutts as neutral enemy that both the republic and empire can fight in things like Karagga's Palace, and as a lore reason that they're making GTNs cross-faction. I'm pretty sure it's not to set up a third faction. If they made a Hutt faction, what would they do when those characters went to do things like KP?


I think the Hutts are a convenient group that can be adversaries for both factions. That being said, there's plenty of lore reason to make Empire enemies for both factions (which they certainly do in the flashpoints, and I think soon will in the next Operation). So I guess it's a possibility. But I don't think that's what they're setting up.

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No, it's more likely that BW is building up another faction/story so that they can create content that both Imperials & Alliance can play against i.e. BW are able to make Flashpoints and operations that are mostly scripted the same for both factions (cheaper!).


I think it's more likely that we'll be able to swap factions than a 3rd faction.

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If I were designing a third faction, and I'm not, it wouldn't be the Hutts. It'd be the Mandalorians. They do have the power to challenge the Republic or the Empire militarily, or at the the very least, play one side off against the other. I'd design them like one of the more prominent WoW factions (Argent Dawn/Crusade or Cenarian Circle/Expedition), and with proper faction rep, to be obtained through a long term story driven quest, the player would be able to queue PvP with that faction rather than their own faction, for the purposes of a three-way PvP warzone. Later, an expansion might allow character creation of a full fledged faction member from level, with a proper legacy requirement.
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If I were designing a third faction, and I'm not, it wouldn't be the Hutts. It'd be the Mandalorians. They do have the power to challenge the Republic or the Empire militarily, or at the the very least, play one side off against the other. I'd design them like one of the more prominent WoW factions (Argent Dawn/Crusade or Cenarian Circle/Expedition), and with proper faction rep, to be obtained through a long term story driven quest, the player would be able to queue PvP with that faction rather than their own faction, for the purposes of a three-way PvP warzone. Later, an expansion might allow character creation of a full fledged faction member from level, with a proper legacy requirement.


A Mandalorian faction would be interesting. Though most of the Mandalorians were decimated by the great Mandalorian wars.

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I think they are planning on it. Because I read in some leaks that a Hutt homeworld fully questable planet called "Varl" is coming out close to Makeb to. Varl is the ACTUAL Hutt homeworld. It would make sense to fight for the Hutt Cartel and not give a damn for the Republic or Empire though. Here's to hoping they do it.
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If I were designing a third faction, and I'm not, it wouldn't be the Hutts. It'd be the Mandalorians. They do have the power to challenge the Republic or the Empire militarily, or at the the very least, play one side off against the other. I'd design them like one of the more prominent WoW factions (Argent Dawn/Crusade or Cenarian Circle/Expedition), and with proper faction rep, to be obtained through a long term story driven quest, the player would be able to queue PvP with that faction rather than their own faction, for the purposes of a three-way PvP warzone. Later, an expansion might allow character creation of a full fledged faction member from level, with a proper legacy requirement.

Correction: the Mandalorians DID have the power to challenge the Republic or Empire militarily. At this point in the Old Republic's lore, though, they are essentially wiped out as a true faction. Revan and Malek saw to that with the Mandalorian War prior to the events of KOTOR, and the Mandalorian faction is currently a sliver of its former self, with individual clans essentially falling back to life as mercenaries in service of larger, more powerful groups, or individually simply freelancing as guns-for-hire.


I would nominate an "Underworld" faction as this game's third faction, comprised of the following groups of NPCs:

  • The Bothan SpyNet
  • The Hutts (as the prime movers in the Outer Rim)
  • The Mandalorian Remnant
  • Various information brokers, spice traders, and crime lords and cartels


Bounty Hunters and Smugglers would be obvious choices for player-character classes. If a third faction were introduced, I would suggest creating a mechanism in which existing BH's and Smugglers would be given the choice to remain within their Republic or Imperial factions, or to switch allegiance to the Underworld Faction. I would also introduce an Imperial Stormtrooper class, simply because the Empire needs its Stormtroopers, while the Republic would also be allowed to recruit its own Bounty Hunters-type character class: the Mercenary.


And I would flesh out the Underworld faction with a new pair of Force-Sensitives: the Wild Force Wielders. Hunted by the Empire, yet unwilling to submit to the asceticism of the Jedi Order, they often find themselves shunned within the Republic due to their "special" talents, which some attempt to conceal while others abuse them freely. This rootless existence makes life a dangerous gamble for them. On the one hand, finding suitable tutors for the furtherence of their talents presents a formidable challenge, while on the other, they are at great risk if they confide about their talents to the wrong person.

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I don't want to burst any bubbles, but they've been using the hutts as neutral enemy that both the republic and empire can fight in things like Karagga's Palace, and as a lore reason that they're making GTNs cross-faction. I'm pretty sure it's not to set up a third faction. If they made a Hutt faction, what would they do when those characters went to do things like KP?


I think the Hutts are a convenient group that can be adversaries for both factions. That being said, there's plenty of lore reason to make Empire enemies for both factions (which they certainly do in the flashpoints, and I think soon will in the next Operation). So I guess it's a possibility. But I don't think that's what they're setting up.

If the Hutts are folded into a third faction, that would make Karagga's Palace even more of a target for both Empire and Republic.

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Why can't we just accept the Star Wars IP for what IT is: one of this world's few (relatively) family-friendly IPs?


I stopped reading your point when I got to this.


LGBT content IS family-friendly. If you want people to believe that somehow it's improper for children or families to acknowledge that LGBT issues and people exist, then you are not promoting family-friendly values but rather a close-minded and narrow view of the world.


In other words, it seems like you are suggesting that there is a "right" way (a "no gays-allowed family-friendly way") to live one's life and that anything else is somehow wrong or perverted. This is wrong and goes against human rights to freedom of sexuality.


In any case, your argument is like a glass house: easily shattered. In this game, you can commit all kinds of attrocities (including genocide) and generally commit acts which might not be considered family-friendly. In fact, even the good guys frequently kill people. Furthermore, you can engage in relationships with other members of the opposite gender! Won't somebody think of the children!


Putting same gender romances into the game will not make this game unsuitable for families or children, assuming you are okay with your children seeing quite a lot of violence and death. Actually, if you're okay with your children spewing death but you don't want them to deal with issues of genuine sexuality, then that's quite disturbing.


I don't mean this to be an attack on you, but please rethink your points as they're incredibly misguided and quite prejudist against the LGBT community.

Edited by llesna
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Sadly, a third faction will NEVER happened, you guys are forgetting about Mr. George Lucas.


Mr. George Lucas is the reason for Mandolorians, Hutt Cartels, Pirates, Star wars gangs. how can we forget, which supports the reason of a third faction.

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If they make a 'playable third faction' it'll be akin to monster play in LOTOR:O and not in the manner that many seem to hope for.

And that's still a pretty huge if.


LOTOR:O ? Is that Lord of the onion rings online?

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Mr. George Lucas is the reason for Mandolorians, Hutt Cartels, Pirates, Star wars gangs. how can we forget, which supports the reason of a third faction.


Maybe players could be given the choice to defect to the Hutt Cartel?


From a story perspective they could build the first 'Galactic Trade Federation' (more awesome than just Neimoidians and battle droids this time though) defending against interference from the Empire and Republic in their business.


e.g. Agents and Smugglers take on a hutt navy/pirate theme and Troopers and Bounty Hunters are the base of their army. They'd have hutt vessels now instead of their 'old faction' ships.


Fitting the a large number of Sith and Jedi into that situation could be a stretch though. Can't think of a reason they'd work together.

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Does everyone forget the Black Sun? Ya know, the most powerful crime syndicate in the galaxy?...Well not in this era, but it was by the GCW era. So that could be another canditate, but this is about Republic vs Empire so a third faction as playable isn't likely. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Correction: the Mandalorians DID have the power to challenge the Republic or Empire militarily. At this point in the Old Republic's lore, though, they are essentially wiped out as a true faction. Revan and Malek saw to that with the Mandalorian War prior to the events of KOTOR, and the Mandalorian faction is currently a sliver of its former self, with individual clans essentially falling back to life as mercenaries in service of larger, more powerful groups, or individually simply freelancing as guns-for-hire.


I would nominate an "Underworld" faction as this game's third faction, comprised of the following groups of NPCs:

  • The Bothan SpyNet
  • The Hutts (as the prime movers in the Outer Rim)
  • The Mandalorian Remnant
  • Various information brokers, spice traders, and crime lords and cartels


Bounty Hunters and Smugglers would be obvious choices for player-character classes. If a third faction were introduced, I would suggest creating a mechanism in which existing BH's and Smugglers would be given the choice to remain within their Republic or Imperial factions, or to switch allegiance to the Underworld Faction. I would also introduce an Imperial Stormtrooper class, simply because the Empire needs its Stormtroopers, while the Republic would also be allowed to recruit its own Bounty Hunters-type character class: the Mercenary.


And I would flesh out the Underworld faction with a new pair of Force-Sensitives: the Wild Force Wielders. Hunted by the Empire, yet unwilling to submit to the asceticism of the Jedi Order, they often find themselves shunned within the Republic due to their "special" talents, which some attempt to conceal while others abuse them freely. This rootless existence makes life a dangerous gamble for them. On the one hand, finding suitable tutors for the furtherence of their talents presents a formidable challenge, while on the other, they are at great risk if they confide about their talents to the wrong person.


I agree... The Mandalorian age has come and gone. Revan put an end to that chapter in Star Wars history. The time of the Hutts are upon us now.

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Looks like you haven't look into SW lore enough or even consider what else lucas can make up out of his imaginative brain of his.

Of course there is only 2 factions and no other faction are big enough to rise against it, /sarcasm. There is so much in SW that it will survive for hundreds of years. For example lucasarts are working on making a Bounty Hunter game called Star Wars 1313. They can make more and a perspective of a Mandolorian Character, you will just never know until the game/movie/book makes it's debut.


No just Lucas, in the EU there's plenty of instances of a "faction" magically appearing for plot/story reasons..... or rather for commercial reasons to allow a plot or story to be built around it.

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I don't want to burst any bubbles, but they've been using the hutts as neutral enemy that both the republic and empire can fight in things like Karagga's Palace, and as a lore reason that they're making GTNs cross-faction. I'm pretty sure it's not to set up a third faction. If they made a Hutt faction, what would they do when those characters went to do things like KP?


I think the Hutts are a convenient group that can be adversaries for both factions. That being said, there's plenty of lore reason to make Empire enemies for both factions (which they certainly do in the flashpoints, and I think soon will in the next Operation). So I guess it's a possibility. But I don't think that's what they're setting up.


Neither I want to burst their bubble but you are completely and utterly right. The reason other powerful factions are introduced in MMOs is VERY simple and ONLY to make things on developers easier. The reason is only to justify same Op/Flashpoint/dungeon/raid or whatever PVE content to work for both factions. Otherwise they need to create double content for every side. How ONE SINGLE OP/flashpoint will work for both factions if they don't have same enemy? Some ppl are really naive.

Edited by SnkByte
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