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bioware please stop screwing your PVP player base


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Ranked/rated warzones were supposed to be the PVP game saver in 1.2... you lied to us then...


ranked/rated wz's are supposed to save 1.3... but we're only getting group ranked/rated wz's... no solo q?


and open world pvp is still 100% meaningless and pointless in this game. PVE has a billion ways to get better gear and things they can do, they have exclusive item drops, exclusive gear, etc. PVP players have... well the same 4 warzones and 3 sets of gear? war hero being the hardest and longest gear grind in the game? nice.........


thanks bioware for making my entire PVP guild unsub. thanks for making over 100 people I know quit the game due to lack of encouragement to PVP. please fix this, i LOVE playing this game but you're running off all of my buddies and the whole point of 1.3 is to be able to play with your friends, right?

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*Insert inane statement about how BiOWare doesn't care here*


*Insert asinine statement that they don't cater to PVPers here*


*Insert statement about how SWTOR is a cashcow here*


*Insert more ludicrous tin-foil hat statements here*


^Your entire thread from this point forward.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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no reason to maintain 3 separate brackest (pugged RWZ, mixed unranked, ranked premades).


they did server transfers, so if you're having trouble finding a group you're probably a class/spec that has no place in PVP on the ranked level (DPS mercenary, engineering sniper)

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Calling your bluff on this.


You claim your pvp guild quit because there are no solo ques for ranked wz's?


Do you understand why this doesn't make sense?


In fairness, he said they quit because of lack of encouragement in PVP (more equipment, maps, ranked, etc).

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Calling your bluff on this.


You claim your pvp guild quit because there are no solo ques for ranked wz's?


Do you understand why this doesn't make sense?


Most 100+ player guilds have a hard time fielding a group of 4 for PVP.








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ranked/rated wz's are supposed to save 1.3... but we're only getting group ranked/rated wz's... no solo q?


rant rant rant


thanks bioware for making my entire PVP guild unsub.


THEN he says.


thanks for making over 100 people I know quit the game due to lack of encouragement to PVP. please fix this, i LOVE playing this game but you're running off all of my buddies and the whole point of 1.3 is to be able to play with your friends, right?


That's the thing about rants, they are rarely coherent or have any logical order.

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Gkick your inactives and rebuild. It is what it is and you are better off trying to find new blood then crying over those who have quit.


Who me? I'm not the one complaining my 100 friends and entire pvp guild quit because 1.3 was coming...


That was some other dood. :p

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thanks bioware for making my entire PVP guild unsub. thanks for making over 100 people I know quit the game due to lack of encouragement to PVP. please fix this, i LOVE playing this game but you're running off all of my buddies and the whole point of 1.3 is to be able to play with your friends, right?

100 people in a PvP guild and you can't put together groups for PvP? If that's true you probably need to be asking yourself the question of whether you are actually in a PvP guild in the first place.

Edited by RangerRobEU
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trolls are out in the morning i see.

clearly making a case for PVP as a whole not just for my guild. I play 4man pre's regularly and have rotating teams 'ready to play' for 8man ranked/rated all that jazz... if you'd stop being a troll for 2 seconds you'd understand what i'm saying......


we don't get the gear options the pve'rs get, we don't get the amount of content, etc.


they cater to PVE and give PVP the 'step-son' attention...


i <3 trolls

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no reason to maintain 3 separate brackest (pugged RWZ, mixed unranked, ranked premades).


they did server transfers, so if you're having trouble finding a group you're probably a class/spec that has no place in PVP on the ranked level (DPS mercenary, engineering sniper)




probably the best argument on the post, this is not the case... i am a spec that everyone wants in their warzones... but good point

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troll post? really? nope... the way to "get things done" is to QQ on the forums, i'm just trying to get more attention for PVP'ers... i guess a broken attempt at ilum that they pretty much gave up on is alright for everyone else but in a game where the Daniel Erickson guy or whoever the lead designer is claims is the 'FOREVER MMO' is it wrong to expect more stuff to do with PVP?


should PVP really be warzones then zerg open world with 100 imps vs 20 republics? i mean if that's fun to you then so be it but shouldnt the 'end all for MMORPG's' take aspects of other MMO's that actually worked and put it in their game? see warhammer.

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I hope that how pathetic and entitled this sounds isn't lost on anyone. Seriously, people need shineys to PvP now? I say good riddance.

Well PvP in these games isn't actually designed for PvPers or it wouldn't reward gear in the first place. It's designed to give people who enjoy gearing up their characters (quintessentially PvE-minded players) an alternative way to progress outside of end-game PvE which is why it appeals to lots of people. The real PvPers (those who play for the challenge and would do so even if everybody had the same gear as them) are few and far between.

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Well PvP in these games isn't actually designed for PvPers or it wouldn't reward gear in the first place. It's designed to give people who enjoy gearing up their characters (quintessentially PvE-minded players) an alternative way to progress outside of end-game PvE which is why it appeals to lots of people. The real PvPers (those who play for the challenge and would do so even if everybody had the same gear as them) are few and far between.


if gear didn't matter and it was all skill then we'd be in a much better place... but that isn't the case, sadly.


the gear grind + the long wait for xfers = much more imp players with full WH sets and higher valor ratings... wouldnt mean anything if there wasn't a gear grind...

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Calling your bluff on this.


You claim your pvp guild quit because there are no solo ques for ranked wz's?


Do you understand why this doesn't make sense?


the only reason i complain about solo q's is i personally would like to do both... imho there are two totally different skill sets going on with an 8 man premade vs 8 pug players... 8 man is chemistry, familiarity, strategy, etc. the pug groups is how well can we communicate with strangers while staying on objective... feel me?


solo q's you can't set your team i.e. 2 assassins 2 pyrotechs 2 sith warriors 2 healers... or whatever you so choose... solo q you just get whatever you get.

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the only reason i complain about solo q's is i personally would like to do both... imho there are two totally different skill sets going on with an 8 man premade vs 8 pug players... 8 man is chemistry, familiarity, strategy, etc. the pug groups is how well can we communicate with strangers while staying on objective... feel me?


solo q's you can't set your team i.e. 2 assassins 2 pyrotechs 2 sith warriors 2 healers... or whatever you so choose... solo q you just get whatever you get.


Solo rank queuing is more like an arena, and I'd rather be ranked by that than a bunch of tards in a pug who don't even understand what "objective" means.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Hello everyone!


We do appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we also ask that this feedback be constructive. This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful.


With that in mind, we're closing this thread now. We do have an ongoing discussion on ranked warzones, including the announcement of solo-ranked warzones, so please continue your discussion here:


Team Ranked Warzone Update on PTS! Solo Ranked Announced!


If you have more specific feedback, you may also create a thread in the PvP forum, but please keep it constructive.


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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