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DPS on Commando, How u Feel about it?


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Hello all you troopers out there, just a question to all about how you feel about your DPS?


For me, im never gona play any other class for DPS, i love trooper! but i do feel our dps lacks slightly on most boss fights.


Do you feel the same?


I dont know if others feel that way but i do see shadows and sentinels pully away on the DPS meters (MOX or on swtor.askmrrobot.com/)


Yes Yes, u can say its my rotation/Setup, but mine is setup exactly the same as every forum write up here


I'm not saying I'm lacking DPS but it seems i have to really work hard to match or keep within and acceptable level of dps where the other 2 classes it seems they are casualy clicking way without a single worry

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You are absolutely correct. I roll a gunnery and I have messed with everything (rotation, gear, stats, etc) I could think of and I am always way short on DPS compared to other DPS classes. I was hoping 1.3 was going to address this, but from what I have read it doesn't seem to be the case.
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You are absolutely correct. I roll a gunnery and I have messed with everything (rotation, gear, stats, etc) I could think of and I am always way short on DPS compared to other DPS classes. I was hoping 1.3 was going to address this, but from what I have read it doesn't seem to be the case.


Agreed, no slight increase in overall DPS, i did feel it needed it in the rebalance but hell, we will survive

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Mix of rakata/columi/BH gear, 2150 aim 40% crit 80% surge etc. I do around 1300 on a test dummy and 1100-1200 in a real fight. That's enough to beat the timers in HM denova, and that's really all that matters. Now, my equally geared watchman friend can do 300-400 more dps than I can. Is that fair? Absolutely not. But, as has been shown by every other MMO in history, there must always be an "I win!" class. Otherwise you lose a huge % of the better players. Some guys need the deck stacked in their favor, and if you do, commando dps is not for you. We do although get to carry the coolest weapon in the game. It all balances out. Gold plated cannons ftw.
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I feel like maybe I am doing somethinig wrong....I am gunnery spec and my DPS is friggin awesome and I love it!! I am typically in the top 3 dps and kills in any WZ and pretty much top off DPS on OPS. I have gotten huge crits since the patch like 5-6 k in PVP. I am not bragging because I dont think I am very good. I have BM and WH gear for PVP and full rakata for PVE, I have mixed around some of my mods but nothing fancy. If you are constantly dying in WZ maybe you arent kiting, and yes you can kite in gunnery, save your HIB and and demo round and other instant casts for emergencies or as a fininisher when you are kiting unload explosive round on who ever is hitting you.
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I feel like maybe I am doing somethinig wrong....I am gunnery spec and my DPS is friggin awesome and I love it!! I am typically in the top 3 dps and kills in any WZ and pretty much top off DPS on OPS. I have gotten huge crits since the patch like 5-6 k in PVP. I am not bragging because I dont think I am very good. I have BM and WH gear for PVP and full rakata for PVE, I have mixed around some of my mods but nothing fancy. If you are constantly dying in WZ maybe you arent kiting, and yes you can kite in gunnery, save your HIB and and demo round and other instant casts for emergencies or as a fininisher when you are kiting unload explosive round on who ever is hitting you.


Well that kind of defeats the purpose of Gunnery, why not just go with Assault?

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Before 1.3 I min/maxed a lot and could never quite let go of the feeling that I was being carried in ops.



After 1.3 I don't worry about that at all. The changes to gunnery have given us a VERY sizable boost to DPS imo. Loving the new changes overall, though I'll admit it's hard to get used to not having an on use power relic anymore (replaced it with a PVP power relic).

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With 1.3 I feel better about it then I did before.


With the large stat boost I was able to get (adding 200 aim and over 400 power) over what I had before. I've noticed all my attacks hitting harder (grav round critting for 3.5k+, HiB for 5k+).


During a SM KP run tonight with my guild (trying out the lfg tool for the daily), on the fabricator droid, demo round was hitting for over 14.5k on the burn phase. Felt like the old days right after 1.2.

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Mix of rakata/columi/BH gear, 2150 aim 40% crit 80% surge etc. I do around 1300 on a test dummy and 1100-1200 in a real fight. That's enough to beat the timers in HM denova, and that's really all that matters. Now, my equally geared watchman friend can do 300-400 more dps than I can. Is that fair? Absolutely not. But, as has been shown by every other MMO in history, there must always be an "I win!" class. Otherwise you lose a huge % of the better players. Some guys need the deck stacked in their favor, and if you do, commando dps is not for you. We do although get to carry the coolest weapon in the game. It all balances out. Gold plated cannons ftw.


I understand what you are saying here. i dont make this Char to have the desks stacked in my favor, i dont need any other class, i love my trooper, i will continue to play my trooper and always will, i put this post up to see if i was infact correct when regards the amount of dps and if we are lacking, i have read some ops groups are refusing to take the Troopers along, how sad, i have read that some ppl have left thier troopers behind due to lake of healing and dps, once again how sad. but like you say in your comment 300-400 more DPS over a fight adds and seem a hell of a lot


I'm not cheese off, if anything i sit there pushing myself that little bit more because i have lower dps, the new stack of Augments has had a possitive effect but overall i was always happy, just making a obeservation.

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Before 1.3 I min/maxed a lot and could never quite let go of the feeling that I was being carried in ops.



After 1.3 I don't worry about that at all. The changes to gunnery have given us a VERY sizable boost to DPS imo. Loving the new changes overall, though I'll admit it's hard to get used to not having an on use power relic anymore (replaced it with a PVP power relic).


Post numbers. Because there was NO dps improvment. If you added 14 augments then yes but everyone got that. And it still leaves us 400 dps under the rest.

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I'll counter and say you post numbers since you're making the assertion.


HiB and FA are both hitting much harder than they were before 1.3, HiB and all CoF procs can all be used on cooldown without having to worry about building charged barrel stacks, and ammo management has become much better.


And this is on a class that for people min/maxing were still able to match any other class in ops. Now it's become that much easier for everyone else to match that.

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With Gunnery spec on the ops test dummy i can consistently do dps in the1470's using 10 minute fight duarations. Our Sentinel does over 1700dps on the Ops test dummy. But i'm sure he used his inspiration and adrenals and an Exotech stim while i only used a reflex stim no adrenals and no inspiration. While we do more damage now solo we do less damage now in Ops.


In Ops my Tech abilities hit for quite a bit less now except Full Auto is close to the same. Not seeing any more 7k Demo crits nor 6k HiB crits in Ops for example. Both dropped about 1k each. So in Ops i'd say it's a dps loss vs before. Also HiB is used more and grav Round is used less now. Which is better btw. So we hit for less but our rotation changed a bit and the change was for the better. This almost but not quite makes up for the lower damage. I will have to admit i do prefer 1.3 and how it works now rotation and ammo regen vs 1.2. I can live with the slight damage nerf as it effected all classes for Ops.


In Ops we're still seeing Sentinels on top followed by sages. Everyones dps is lower. Some more so than others. Since we got a buff the nerf effected us a lot less then some classes. So i think the gap between us being at the bottom is now a lot closer than it was prior to 1.3.

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Keep in mind that sentinels get a boost on the ops dummy vs real enemies since ops dummies don't dodge so they aren't getting their inherent accuracy penalty for the off hand sabre.


Also I have to agree about the DPS loss, but only for 16 man raids, or 8 man raids where everyone could focus on one boss where you happened to have all the armor debuffs.


Since I only raid 8 man I'm only noticing the increased dmg from the armor pen buffs and augments have made my damage equal to pre 1.3 where I was used to having only one other debuff (gunslinger) on my mob anyway. At least in HM EC.

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