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Terrible FPS issues and ability lag in Warzones.


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I had many performance problem when the game started and i was searching for some hours on the net found many fixes on specific setups what actually works. I'm not speaking about download driver, turn off not used processes and such.

Those solutions fixed my problems completely, i raised my fps in WZs from 8-12 to 30-40.

Yes the game is broken, it shouldnt be a problem but it is there from the start so the best you can do is try to do something on your side as the lack of answer from BW or just unsub till they do something. Sad to say but yeah.


My setup is:

AMD Athlon II X4


Geeforce GTS 250 512Mb

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My rig isn't the best, but it sure as heck is way better than the recommended requirements to run the game, even before i laid out the $200 to upgrade it because I thought my PC was the problem with bad FPS in warzones, not the dang game itself.


I'm very disappointed that I just spent so much money and it didn't resolve the problem AT ALL. Game runs flawless at highest settings, soon as I get hit with a lightning bolt or a fight starts in the warzone, the FPS plummets to 5-10 FPS. I'm sick of this crap.

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Does anyone know if this issue has been acknowledged? I know that they know of the FPS drop within small indoor areas for some people. But have they actually confirmed the fact that warzone fps is horrid even of the best of systems?


Last I heard Bioware claimed we're only a small portion, like 5% of the entire swtor pop, who are having this issue. Guess they don't really care and/or don't want to admit how severe the issue is.


I'll tell you this though, it has been nice going back to wow this week for the sole purpose of playing a game that actually runs smoothly. No framerate drop to 0 FPS when doing simple things like opening the character sheet, no lag whatsoever when around a crowd of other players in towns, world pvp or in BGs. No ability delay. I'm not getting dismounted if I start riding the instant I mount up.


This issue is truly the most disappointing thing about swtor.

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Add me to the list of the 5%. 1 to 2 FPS in PvP. My system was a bit older 2 Gig of ram and an Nvidia GT9800 video card with an AMD quad core processor. Tried all the fixes on the web and got nothing. Upgraded to 8 gigs of ram, got nothing. Upgraded to a GTX 560 Ti video card with 448 cores and got nothing.


Whats most interesting about the new Video card is that when I run Battlefield 3 I can run on settings just below Ultra at 2500x1600 with fantastic frame rates and the video card's fan kicks up its speed. In SWTOR putting my settings to max, doesn't make my video card work harder. It still appears that all video processing is off loaded to the CPU instead of the GPU.


Bought a SSD and I am doing a fresh rebuild, I now have Windows 7 64bit, origins (needed for the digital down load), the newest NVidia drivers, and SWTOR on my PC nothing else. I am putting money on it that it still runs like crap.

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Add me to the list of the 5%. 1 to 2 FPS in PvP. My system was a bit older 2 Gig of ram and an Nvidia GT9800 video card with an AMD quad core processor. Tried all the fixes on the web and got nothing. Upgraded to 8 gigs of ram, got nothing. Upgraded to a GTX 560 Ti video card with 448 cores and got nothing.


Whats most interesting about the new Video card is that when I run Battlefield 3 I can run on settings just below Ultra at 2500x1600 with fantastic frame rates and the video card's fan kicks up its speed. In SWTOR putting my settings to max, doesn't make my video card work harder. It still appears that all video processing is off loaded to the CPU instead of the GPU.


Bought a SSD and I am doing a fresh rebuild, I now have Windows 7 64bit, origins (needed for the digital down load), the newest NVidia drivers, and SWTOR on my PC nothing else. I am putting money on it that it still runs like crap.


The CPU being overworked and the gpu doing all but nothing, that's the key. Complete and total lack of optimization, or even correct code.


What gets me is the people that say they didn't have this issue in beta but then it started in early start, what the hell did BW change, and why are they acting like its a non-issue. It's painfully obvious there are significant problems with the engine.

Edited by MartyrLXXVII
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Add me to the list of the 5%. [...]

Whats most interesting about the new Video card is that when I run Battlefield 3 I can run on settings just below Ultra at 2500x1600 with fantastic frame rates and the video card's fan kicks up its speed. In SWTOR putting my settings to max, doesn't make my video card work harder. It still appears that all video processing is off loaded to the CPU instead of the GPU.


Bought a SSD and I am doing a fresh rebuild, I now have Windows 7 64bit, origins (needed for the digital down load), the newest NVidia drivers, and SWTOR on my PC nothing else. I am putting money on it that it still runs like crap.


Make sure you're playing in full screen mode, not full screen windowed mode. It seems to lock the NVIDIA driver at 2D clocks or something unless you play in full screen mode. YMMV. I have the same card on an E6400 @ 3 GHz. no SSD. XP SP2. 4GB of RAM. with a mild overclock to 819 core with only .06mV added in Afterburner, I get around 100 FPS just riding around unpopulated areas. In Voidstar though, it gets rough, like 10-25 FPS sometimes, but very variable; sometimes it's okay. I used a little program called CodecTweakTool to, probably lol, remove some redundant directX filters and it helped with my FPS drops in combat. Give it a shot maybe.

Edited by Jarvus
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Just did a full system rebuild and still no luck. 2-3 FPS in PvP


"AMD Quad Core Processor"


let me guess. a bargain basement Phenom or Phenom II.


TLB Fix.


Four guildmates had this problem, all of them with Phenom or Phenom IIs.


Four guildmiates flashed their BIOS to do the TLB fix.


Four guildmates no longer had this problem.


(and this doesnt necessarily pertain to you) but anyone who is like "I HAVE A GREAT RIG" and has an AMD CPU.. no. just no. Even if you have the best consumer CPU AMD makes, you're running a budget CPU.


You dont have a pimpin rig.

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Last I heard Bioware claimed we're only a small portion, like 5% of the entire swtor pop, who are having this issue. Guess they don't really care and/or don't want to admit how severe the issue is.


I'll tell you this though, it has been nice going back to wow this week for the sole purpose of playing a game that actually runs smoothly. No framerate drop to 0 FPS when doing simple things like opening the character sheet, no lag whatsoever when around a crowd of other players in towns, world pvp or in BGs. No ability delay. I'm not getting dismounted if I start riding the instant I mount up.


This issue is truly the most disappointing thing about swtor.


There is no possible way that we're only 5%. (Denial)

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It's funny when you can play BF3 and get 70+ fps but play this game and get like 20 fps in warzones. Another major problem with this games engine is the mass a lot of graphic shuttering it's very annoying. Edited by Paralassa
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Well, im guessing that a 5% drop in subscriptions renewal isnt much of a thing...


As far as im concerned, i hate the ideea of makin my game look like quake 2 or even worse, just to be able to melee a damn player in pvp and not feel like im playing a jpg based game. No matter what it brings as a game, if one of the things i enjoy most gives me only anger, frustration and this because off poor performance, i find no reason to keep paying for it, as i can never be satisfied. I'm not gonna pay a fee to play DOOM with lightsabers. The 2nd thing i like is that i dont HAVE to raid twentyfourseven, read the damn wow community forums devs, read well and dont go there! Stay away from it! and stay original, this universe deserves it! The lore of SW cant fail! You have an unending space to shape as you see fit.

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People playing in the 1.2 test server, reported a fps increase, especially in warzone. I hope it's true (I'm going to find it now...)


Might be because only a handful of people actually play on PTS. I sometimes play at odd hours, and on live, between 4 and 6 am if I manage to get into a WZ match it plays as smooth as PVE maps. But on top hours the FPS is horrible.

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I can confirm a roughly ~50% increase in FPS on Civil War. Where I used to have about 12-18 FPS on live I had 20-25 on the 1.2 PTR, while playing with higher settings.


Even the new warzone ran fairly well despite higher visual settings.


There is definitely a measurable improvement.

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+1 this is most noticeable for me in Alderaan. It's fine up until the turrets are capped and shooting at the ships. Alderaan turns into a slide show for me, from that point and it gets so bad that when I die, the speeders forget to load up, resulting in a war zone drop pretty damn often. I drop A LOT of games from alderaan, and every time I let my team know "I can't see the speeders!" There's usually some one else in the game that can relate, so it's not just my problem alone.


Remove the turrets firing animation and substitute a cinematic at the end of the match, or something. See how well the war zone runs.

Type "swtor alderaan pvp lag" in Google and you'll get back 452,000 results. Edited by SwordofSodan
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