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Terrible FPS issues and ability lag in Warzones.


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I run 80-100fps on everything maxed in pve, when I join a warzone I get 40-60 OH the horror :p. But i did end up buying some rediculous upgrades, and u use to have the same issues w/ fps, delay, lag etc. if you want a new card and have some money to spend go for the GeForce gtx 560 IMO it's a good deal for 250-275.


I have a Geforce 560 ti, I get 20 fps in warzones.

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I have a Geforce 560 ti, I get 20 fps in warzones.


I have a 560.


This is really weird for me because 2 weeks ago I was having ZERO problems with all settings maxed out. I have moved to another city (with an even LOWER latency) since then. So I get internet in my new home (plenty of bandwidth), log in...and all of a sudden I can barely play warzones with all my settings on LOW and my res reduced from 1080p to 1300x760.


I understand new game/development/etc etc. I will never understand the "Check your settings and the required specs" nonsense people are getting from tech support. How about you check your patch? The game was fantastic, now it's laggy in an intense zone where laggy is very very bad.

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All I can say is running Crysis2 with everything set to Ultra used to be the 'test to run' - now the joke seems to be if your machine can run SWTOR. :-D As it stands today, I think it would be an understatement to say that Crytek's CryEngine 3 is a bit more 'advanced' than what we have from Bioware with SWTOR's engine.


My machine summary


Dual Xeon 6-ways overclocked to 3.8ghz (24 cores)

64gb RAM

Dual Nvidia GTX 580's running in SLI

Dual OCZ Revodrive X2 SSD PCIExpress boards - striped at Raid 0


This machine cost more to build than a small new car (thanks to my job always upgrading my machine every few months) and I have no performance problems running SWTOR.


I run in 2560x1600 resolution without any frame rate issues.


A couple of things that I can tell you from running it on this machine... I've never seen a game that uses so many CPU cores while simultaneously pushing the video cards so hard. On a dual core machine, I would imagine this game would not perform well.


A few weeks ago, I switched from OCZ SSD's running via onboard SATAII to these new onboard PCI Express x4 SSD drive cards (700+MB/s instead of 200MB/s like the stand alone OCZ Vertex 3 SSDs) because of another project. The drives are so smoking fast that they make "normal SSDs" look slow. SWTOR still pauses not just when loading a new instance, but sometimes in the middle of things like a warzone. I'll see a 2-3 second pause - like it is waiting to get something from the server (and I see a brief drop and then spike in network traffic). Now granted, this could be a driver issue with these new drives that are so new that I'm testing, or it could be periodic internet lag (I run on a 110mb/s internet connection to my house - but IT IS with Comcast... ) but these drives have worked flawlessly with everything else including testing SQL2008 and MYSQL doing huge random disk I/O without issue. I mention all of this because I do not see these "pauses" with any other game. I thought that these new drives may make the loading time less, but it had no effect. That tells me that this is likely a network issue - not a local issue.


I'm sure there is optimization to be done, but I think those of you that are running on older dual core machines are fooling yourself if you think it's still fast enough. Remember - when Crysis 2 came out, everyone started upgrading their PCs because it just required more hardware than anything else up to that point. There were people then that complained "this game sucks because it won't run on my machine". Perhaps that's what we are seeing here? Combine that with code that is still buggy and network traffic shaping with Bioware's servers that hasn't really been optimized yet, and you have the perfect storm - for now. I don't know who is hosting their servers, but I'm sure they have been scrambling trying to balance server and network traffice to make performance more consistent.

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Schweddy, sounds like you've got a nice system. And if games keep throwing insane processing demands at you, you will likely keep your head above water. I have an i5, which I might upgrade to an i7 in the next year. It's a computer I just bought 5 months ago.


What's weird is how dramatically everything changed just since patches hit in the past few weeks. I mean, same warzone went from 30-50fps to 10-25fps AFTER lowering everything from maxed out 1080p to low graphics and low resolution. There's no point debating that more money could solve my problem. But I don't think Bioware expected that a million people would have to shell out a coupla grand AFTER they were already happy with the performance at launch.


PATCH NOTES: You will now need to buy a new computer to PvP.

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I'm having the same issues as the OP severe lag worse when in a warzone and getting disconnected. my latency goes from 30 ms average and spikes to 36000 ms where i usually get booted from the server. my internet connection is steady.


While my pc is probably on the low end of the requirements, I was not having this problem until Update 1.1


All my graphics settings are on minimum. (either low or off)


I have an AMD Radeon 6520G and tried different settings but nothing seems to help.


If anyone has any suggestions please pm me as i'm not sure i'll be able to keep up with the thread.





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I have a 560.


This is really weird for me because 2 weeks ago I was having ZERO problems with all settings maxed out. I have moved to another city (with an even LOWER latency) since then. So I get internet in my new home (plenty of bandwidth), log in...and all of a sudden I can barely play warzones with all my settings on LOW and my res reduced from 1080p to 1300x760.


I understand new game/development/etc etc. I will never understand the "Check your settings and the required specs" nonsense people are getting from tech support. How about you check your patch? The game was fantastic, now it's laggy in an intense zone where laggy is very very bad.


I've had this terrible performance since day 1.

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My FPS in WZs are decent, but what pises me off is the random lag and when people will simply port around. Like trying to root someone on the fire trap in hutball, I'll time it right, but then the person ports forward because of lag. That combined with LOS issues with people staying still but actually being out of sight, my knockback missing because the enemy is not actually close to me yet though the animation is, and general ability lag is getting me killed. It is frustrating when you play well and still get screwed because what's on your screen is not correct.
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Just have to say that I and my 8 friends all have this same problem. All of our pc's fill up the requirements shown on the box and on internet. Also passing canyourunit with full recommends. Fps drops to under 10 when WZ starts. The game works very smoothly everywhere else than War Zone. Also played many games which require much more and with 0 lag. Time to get fix :(
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+1 this is most noticeable for me in Alderaan. It's fine up until the turrets are capped and shooting at the ships. Alderaan turns into a slide show for me, from that point and it gets so bad that when I die, the speeders forget to load up, resulting in a war zone drop pretty damn often. I drop A LOT of games from alderaan, and every time I let my team know "I can't see the speeders!" There's usually some one else in the game that can relate, so it's not just my problem alone.


Remove the turrets firing animation and substitute a cinematic at the end of the match, or something. See how well the war zone runs.

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+1 Sir. There are many of us with this problem. BW has yet to say anything other than they are going to post a "Guide on how to optimize performace on our low end machines"s . Gl, and have a nice day. Look at Dev tracker for the post.
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I for one don't think this is a great game. Honestly, it's annoying and insults my intelligence. They're clearly aiming to juke us into thinking this is a MMO when it's simply a Bee-S pile of dog doodoo. Soooo many problems with this game that I honestly don't see fixed for a loooong time. Anyways, once my month is up im not resubscribing. My frustration due to this game has reached an all time high. Enough is enough. I game them a chance, reached lvl 50 with full champion gear and pvped and, well...I've seen enough. Edited by dbseeker
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I was wondering if it was just me. Once 1.1 came out, warzones seemed to become alot laggier, to the point where I just give up because I can't move, let alone fight


If you open your graphics options and don't see an option for AA there is a couple of files that you need to delete and let the game remake them. This returned my framerates to pre 1.1 levels. I am at work right now so i can't tell you what the files are, but if you do a search you should be able to find it.


Found it for you:


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Sorry for my bad english 0/



I have terrible slide show at warzones (huttball and map with doors are performing better but map with turrets is a hell for me) .Tryed everything for better pc performance , I don't have a high-end PC , but still above official req , same problens have my friends . Right now I am 50 lvl , and interested only in PvP , but I suffer to much becouse of fps issues , so do my friends . I just hope Bioware can fix it somehow , maybe optimization is a key ... but If nothing will change , we all (4 of us) will cancel subcribe . I haven't tryed Ilum , it is a open PvP zone i suggest , maybe it performing better , and maybe will stay for some time . Thx for your time .

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While my warzone FPS is bearable it is much lower than I would like. Changing graphics settings doesn't effect FPS at all.


60+ fps outside warzones.

20-30 in voidstar/huttball

10-20 in alderran


My rig is slightly above recommended.

intel quad core @ 2.7ghz

ATI 4870 HD 1g

8g ddr2 ram

Edited by Moddim
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Bio you need to respond, seriously. This is ridiculous, Im running a rig that is well above the recommended specs and I still cant run this game without serious lag and fps issues in both warzones and fleet.. still. If you can't respond I dont mind one bit going back to WoW. If I can run FFXIV on normal settings with my computer, I should not have a problem with this (anyone thats played FFXIV knows what I mean). I could care less about the quests or PvE content. Im a PvPer, if I cant PvP then what the he** am I playing this game for. RESPOND BIO or Im out. Edited by Hurpd
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This started up for me about 3 weeks ago? I think it was around the time of the 1.1 patch. Before the patch I had no problems with framerates. Since then it's become unplayable. It's a shame since this is the only real opportunity to PvP outside of dedicated servers.


I have all my graphics settings turned to as low as they can go and I am getting about 5-10 FPS while anywhere else I get 40+.

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Yeah, tried that to no avail. Its not our computers, we have got to stop thinking it is. Thats exactly what they want you to think. They have a screwed up engine or servers or something. This game is not that graphic intensive. Requiem has better graphics, Aion does, Rift does, FFXIV (LOL makes Crysis look like a cartoon) does. If I can run these there is absolutely no reason why my computer can't handle this game, which may be 1 step above WoW in terms of graphics. We are still cartoons! Anyway Im not buying into the statement that its our computers, they know da** well its not. Theres a reason they still havent responded to this thread and we are what, 50 something pages into it? Anytime you have that many responses saying the same thing... theres a problem.
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