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Terrible FPS issues and ability lag in Warzones.


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Im willing to give it a few more months, but if not much ahs improved by then, it'll be EXACTYL like WAR...killing a game off at the start leaving it to slowly trickle its lifeblood away over 2 years until theres nothnig more.


Diablo3 is coming soon, and if these hardcore pvpers are what they say they are, they will go there.

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I really don't care if they call my computer a low end machine if they fix the problem for a low end machine then my computer will run it even better than if they just focused on otherwise.


Personally if they fixed it to where the lowest end machine at minimum requirements could play the game without FPS issues I'll be happy because it will mean that my computer will run it even better.


But all and all I don't think the "machine" is the problem that needs to be fixed and when you took that quote was it distinctly about the fps issues or something else?



I don't put negative spins on things like you though :)


"Something else?" Sorry, what do you mean? :)

I just think that they should deal with this issue "face to face", not dodging it to make it seem like a low-priority problem.

You know, if I didn't have this problem prior to this statement from James, I wouldn't think of this issue as a big deal since he puts it in that way, but in reality it is.

That's really annoying, atleast for me.

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"Something else?" Sorry, what do you mean? :)

I just think that they should deal with this issue "face to face", not dodging it to make it seem like a low-priority problem.

You know, if I didn't have this problem prior to this statement from James, I wouldn't think of this issue as a big deal since he puts it in that way, but in reality it is.

That's really annoying, atleast for me.




I find it pretty insulting that a lead person would try to spin it like it's "only" low end machines having issues. I can run any other game on high, but get 30-40fps in the open world, and pootastic fps and lag issues on the station and in pvp, when the game tells me I have a 60-80 ping. That's not even counting the abilities wasting GCD's without firing.


Man up Bioware and stop blaming your customers for your engine's poor optimization. Also, I'd agree that I didn't have FPS/lag issues in the few Huttball matches I played in beta. And yes, I have upgraded to ATI's 12.1 preview, didn't really help that much. I also have shadows off and all settings at low.

Edited by redheadedtim
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I just wish they would fix this already.


Valor rank 31 atm, playing through every Warzone at 5-15 FPS with ability delay as high as 4-5 seconds EVERY SINGLE GAME.


My specs are:

MSI GTX560i(just upgraded from Radeon HD 5800).

Q6600 2.4

8GB DDR2 Ram


I'll be upgrading my computer further next month - swapping out my Asus P5K Premium/WIFI-AP, P35, DDR2 motherboard with the ASUS P8Z68-V/GEN3, Socket-1155.

In addition I'll get the Intel® Core i5-2500K Processor and a SSD hardrive for Windows 7 & Swtor only.


If that doesn't fix the issue, I probably will stop subscribing. I just wish the devs would address this issue, as it is quite troublesome for many of us.

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I just wish they would fix this already.


Valor rank 31 atm, playing through every Warzone at 5-15 FPS with ability delay as high as 4-5 seconds EVERY SINGLE GAME.


My specs are:

MSI GTX560i(just upgraded from Radeon HD 5800).

Q6600 2.4

8GB DDR2 Ram


I'll be upgrading my computer further next month - swapping out my Asus P5K Premium/WIFI-AP, P35, DDR2 motherboard with the ASUS P8Z68-V/GEN3, Socket-1155.

In addition I'll get the Intel® Core i5-2500K Processor and a SSD hardrive for Windows 7 & Swtor only.


If that doesn't fix the issue, I probably will stop subscribing. I just wish the devs would address this issue, as it is quite troublesome for many of us.


I have the system you're going to get except I have GTX 570 and the i5 2500k is overclocked to 4.7 ghz. Although the framerate is a bit better than yours.. 25-40 in warzones mid battle, it still 'feels' like 10-20 fps.


I cancelled my sub after two WZ battles, The engine is obviously poorly coded/optimised when more than a couple of players are on the screen.


A system like mine should not be micro stuttering and feeling really choppy. How the hell are low end systems coping lmao.

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I have the system you're going to get except I have GTX 570 and the i5 2500k is overclocked to 4.7 ghz. Although the framerate is a bit better than yours.. 25-40 in warzones mid battle, it still 'feels' like 10-20 fps.


I cancelled my sub after two WZ battles, The engine is obviously poorly coded/optimised when more than a couple of players are on the screen.


A system like mine should not be micro stuttering and feeling really choppy. How the hell are low end systems coping lmao.


Oh, that's not good to hear. Are you using DDR2 Ram as well? A friend of mine has the system I'm upgrading to/you have but with an older graphics card and 6GB DDR3 - and he's running at 50-70 FPS in Alderaan Civil War(which is the worst zone for me) mid combat.


I'm never higher than 20-25 FPS in warzones outside of combat - everything chops and it feels like I'm playing on a 5-year old laptop.


I'll give Bioware some time to address it, but if it lasts too long I'm not sure I'll be able to force myself to play through the lag anymore.

Edited by GyroGate
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upgrade your system

i have 0 problems with any zone pvp, planets or space missions.

i also happen to run on max settings.

my video card was also only a $100 card but runs like a $500 one.


Did you even read our posts? What specs do you run the game with? We ARE upgrading our computers to play.

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Oh, that's not good to hear. Are you using DDR2 Ram as well? A friend of mine has the system I'm upgrading to/you have but with an older graphics card and 6GB DDR3 - and he's running at 50-70 FPS in Alderaan Civil War(which is the worst zone for me) mid combat.


I'm never higher than 20-25 FPS in warzones outside of combat - everything chops and it feels like I'm playing on a 5-year old laptop.


I'll give Bioware some time to address it, but if it lasts too long I'm not sure I'll be able to force myself to play through the lag anymore.


It's brand new with 8gb DDR3, The strange thing is the first few battles will be around 50-70 then slowly as the battle wages on the framerate dips up and down like a yo-yo, after a few minutes it gets down to around 20-25 fps during heavy action


Out in the open world my fps sits at around 110fps which feels great, but the second a few people come along it will drop to 60 fps fast. The drop is very noticeable. The fleet is a nightmare, around 15-30 fps when flying around with 250 people there. With lots of stutters.

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It's brand new with 8gb DDR3, The strange thing is the first few battles will be around 50-70 then slowly as the battle wages on the framerate dips up and down like a yo-yo, after a few minutes it gets down to around 20-25 fps during heavy action


Out in the open world my fps sits at around 110fps which feels great, but the second a few people come along it will drop to 60 fps fast. The drop is very noticeable. The fleet is a nightmare, around 15-30 fps when flying around with 250 people there. With lots of stutters.


Before people tell me my system is borked, it runs Crysis, skyrim and every other heavy resource game at 60-90 fps maxed out and smooth as butter.


Even weirder, the framerate in ToR is exactly the same on all low settings as it is on high.

This screams shoddy optimisation. I think bioware are underestimating how many people will leave because of this.

Edited by Thegroundissour
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My FPS apparently trying to stay in the 30-40 range but it keeps dropping down to 5-15-ish constantly. When I say constantly I mean if I even tap W it drops, if I want my FPS to stay up I basically need to pick a spot and sit there.


I've found, though, that playing late at night when there are only around 15 people in my zone that I get more stable FPS. It stays more around the 20s.


And like everyone else the fleet, WZs, and most towns go into slideshow mode.

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Thought I would throw my two penenth into the ring aswell.


My FPS issues tend to come around when I go into place, such as buildings or caves. Oddly enough, where lots of people say they have prolems, like outside on tat, it works fine.


Seems to follow no logical pattern either. E.g. On jedi knight ship, go into cargo hold area, runs smooth as silk. Turn around to leve that bit, and FPS drops off a *********** cliff.


Frustrating? Just bloody slightly!!!

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same problem... 100+ fps everywhere but alderan 5fps... one bioware GM told me in game to post this issue on forum, that he thinks it will be about server position... after weak of bumping i quit... no respond from anybody... looks like bioware is just trying to look everywhere else just not about this issue... and if its server position... will be some free migration...
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They add a new freakin flashpoint instead off addressing these HORRIFIC fps drops and ability lag in warzones.


****ES ME OFF!!!! :mad::mad::mad:


They had the FP already created before the game launched. I hear they have over a years worth of content already ready to go. So, this is probably a scheduled release that was going to happen anyway. That said, I agree they need to make FPS and lag issues priority number 1.


BTW, I am running a dual-core CPU @ 3 Ghz with an old Geforce GTS 250 video card and I am getting better FPS than a lot of the people with high end systems are getting. One thing that helped bring my FPS up was to go into the Nvidia control panel and turn everything OFF. Most importantly set your "texture filtering quality" to "high performance." I think it defaults to "quality" which hinders FPS a bit. A lot of people may look at the in game settings and think that is all there is, but tweaking the nvidia/ATI control panel helps too.


I also didn't realize for a long time that I was running with shadows set to "low" instead of "off." Everything else was set to "low" so I assumed that was the lowest setting for shadows too. Turning them off helped immensely.


Prior to these changes, I was getting 5-10 FPS in Alderaan Civil War. Now I get 20ish even in the heat of combat with all the canons firing. It's not great but playable.


One thing that kills performance in this game is blaster fire of any type. This is why the Alderaan WZ is so laggy -- those three canons firing destroy FPS. It's the same story with hand held blasters as well. BW really needs to look into that and see if they can't optimize those animations for better performance.

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New driver just came out for my Nvidia MSI560i - solved my problems pretty well. I also changed some things in my Nvidia Control Center - mainly changing everything to performance over quality.


I can now play Warzones without the 4-5 seconds delay - and the FPS I'm getting represents my machine's speccs more than it ever did.


Might want to check it out guys, could help out.

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