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Marauders get no love in 1.3?


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I've had some thoughts about this and had some solid ideas I hope the devs will consider towards Marauders/Sentinels.


I think Undying Rage would become a more useful ability if you lowered the cooldown to 30 seconds. It would also be nice if it healed you for 3% per second while active for those 5 seconds since Juggernaut's Endure Pain does that and lasts twice as long.


I find Ravage is getting interrupted, as one of my better abilities I think a good workaround is to reduce the channel time from 3 seconds to 1 second. This shouldn't be free of course, but should be added to the buff you get for spending points in the 1st tier Rage tree ability Ravager.


I don't find Vicious throw to be all that useful. I like the 6 second cooldown and high damage, but it requires the target to be under 30% health and only has a 10 meter range. I would find it much more useful if you changed it to 50% health and increased the range to 30m like the Juggernaut saber throw.


Force Camouflage needs some love too. Sometimes I still die to a lucky AoE when I pop it to get away. I think damage reduction should be increased to 80% and the speed boost increased to 60%. I also think it should be changed from 4 seconds to 6 seconds. Of course there should be a tradeoff to this buff, I think spending 2 rage to activate it should be a sufficient cost.


I also feel we need more Utility, since other classes can spec into different roles. How about changing Bloodthirst from a 300s cooldown to 90? It does take 30 stacks of fury to use which is a lot, and would give us more desirability for ranked warzones when they come out and raids.


Thanks for listening :):):)

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I've had some thoughts about this and had some solid ideas I hope the devs will consider towards Marauders/Sentinels.


I think Undying Rage would become a more useful ability if you lowered the cooldown to 30 seconds. It would also be nice if it healed you for 3% per second while active for those 5 seconds since Juggernaut's Endure Pain does that and lasts twice as long.


I find Ravage is getting interrupted, as one of my better abilities I think a good workaround is to reduce the channel time from 3 seconds to 1 second. This shouldn't be free of course, but should be added to the buff you get for spending points in the 1st tier Rage tree ability Ravager.


I don't find Vicious throw to be all that useful. I like the 6 second cooldown and high damage, but it requires the target to be under 30% health and only has a 10 meter range. I would find it much more useful if you changed it to 50% health and increased the range to 30m like the Juggernaut saber throw.


Force Camouflage needs some love too. Sometimes I still die to a lucky AoE when I pop it to get away. I think damage reduction should be increased to 80% and the speed boost increased to 60%. I also think it should be changed from 4 seconds to 6 seconds. Of course there should be a tradeoff to this buff, I think spending 2 rage to activate it should be a sufficient cost.


I also feel we need more Utility, since other classes can spec into different roles. How about changing Bloodthirst from a 300s cooldown to 90? It does take 30 stacks of fury to use which is a lot, and would give us more desirability for ranked warzones when they come out and raids.


Thanks for listening :):):)

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I as a marauder think that we didn't need love in this patch, our cool down defensives are fine and certainly don't need any buffing. I do find this relic and adrenal adjustment as a nerf, but then it's across the board, so can't take to personally. I think there will be less qq about ravage if we can't active dump before piling it into someone.


I am looking forward to the changes to assassins/shadows, I still hate that force cloak....dispell and immune to force, cc; wow.

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Force Camouflage needs some love too. Sometimes I still die to a lucky AoE when I pop it to get away. I think damage reduction should be increased to 80% and the speed boost increased to 60%. I also think it should be changed from 4 seconds to 6 seconds. Of course there should be a tradeoff to this buff, I think spending 2 rage to activate it should be a sufficient cost.


There basically already is something like this.

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Heck, they should just go for gold, since the devs obviously like Marauder more than every other class.


Remove all our offensive abilities except Deadly Throw, and make Assault a 1 hit KO.


Extend Deadly Throw's range to 30 meters, give it 100% healing reduction for 60 seconds, and a 50% chance of a 1 hit KO (gotta make those chumps who didn't reroll think they have a chance, amirite?).


And screw cooldowns, just give Marauder a passive buff that makes them evade 100% of attacks and gain 100% elemental and internal damage resistance.


EZ PZ, class is fixed.

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Heck, they should just go for gold, since the devs obviously like Marauder more than every other class.


Remove all our offensive abilities except Deadly Throw, and make Assault a 1 hit KO.


Extend Deadly Throw's range to 30 meters, give it 100% healing reduction for 60 seconds, and a 50% chance of a 1 hit KO (gotta make those chumps who didn't reroll think they have a chance, amirite?).


And screw cooldowns, just give Marauder a passive buff that makes them evade 100% of attacks and gain 100% elemental and internal damage resistance.


EZ PZ, class is fixed.

They'd have to nerf all defensive's like Dodge and Deflection first just because they can potentially parry our 1-button kills.

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