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Show the name of the person that scores when they do it.


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I'm sorry, but that's crap. People who protect the ball carrier do just as much if not more to make sure you make it to the goal line in one piece.


I mean. come on. Should my smuggler get an announcement every time she tosses that flash grenade that stops a mob from beating on the ball runner so they can score? Or every time she uses her knockback to clear the way for the carrier? What about rooting the other side's ball carrier in the fire? Or when she helps kill the other team in the middle so you can grab that ball in the first place? What about my healer when she heals you the whole way? Or when you get pulled into the fire? Etc... etc..


Playing good support roles in order for the team to win is already a thankless enough job. I don't really think this is necessary. Everyone already knows who is running the ball and who isn't, and usually you get the MVP vote anyway. This is just extra asspats for one small part of what's needed to win.


Well said!

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Agree. The MVP will really be the MVP.


While I like the idea of the OP the MVP should be more then just who scores! Why were you able to score how many passes were made to be able to score? How was the team organized to accomplish the goal of the match. {My Favorite} Why was the healer able to keep everyone alive so well when everyone knew who was doing the healing for over 600k...Hmm someone with 80k damage compared to everyones 300k but what is this 300k protection man they guy didn't do anything NO MVP votes for you!


Personally I think the worst part about the MVP system is that you don't HAVE to vote. Not that it is wrong because you may think that your team was a bunch of missfits and no one deserves an MVP that is your perogative, But that people leave the match before you can give them a deserved MVP vote. Instead of taking away the vote choice when they leave the match why can't it stay until you vote? If you don't want to vote then you can still leaave but is someone thinks you deserve it you could still get it?


I'm sure it is part of the award system as in you must be present to win kind of thing. There are even times that I want to vote for the other teams guys cause they were giving mush more effort then anyone on my team! Sometimes the guy who left the match early cause it looked hopeless only to have a guy join and you turn it around and win! Maybe they guy that left earned the MVP!


I know when I want to pick the MVP I try and take into account all aspects of the match, what I saw and what I can see in the stats. But too often when I go to pick the persone I find most deserving they leave right before I click the vote. So then I am left chasing the vote button as everyone flees the match. Then you are left with the guy you think obviously does not deserve the MVP but inorder to see if you got any you have to vote! And of course you want to see if you got any! So they get your vote.


Personally I feel that there should be a statistic MVP generated automatically and that person should be noted at the end of the match that way you can say "well yes statiscally you did great but the key player to the match was really this other person so they are gettingmy vote!"


At any rate I do like the idea in OP!

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I'm sorry, but that's crap. People who protect the ball carrier do just as much if not more to make sure you make it to the goal line in one piece.


I mean. come on. Should my smuggler get an announcement every time she tosses that flash grenade that stops a mob from beating on the ball runner so they can score? Or every time she uses her knockback to clear the way for the carrier? What about rooting the other side's ball carrier in the fire? Or when she helps kill the other team in the middle so you can grab that ball in the first place? What about my healer when she heals you the whole way? Or when you get pulled into the fire? Etc... etc..


Playing good support roles in order for the team to win is already a thankless enough job. I don't really think this is necessary. Everyone already knows who is running the ball and who isn't, and usually you get the MVP vote anyway. This is just extra asspats for one small part of what's needed to win.


I couldn't agree more.


PvP in this game is a team effort. Flashing one person's name across the screen only further encourages players who only play for medals, glory hounds, and ball hogs.

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