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This is becoming less and less fun


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PvP is usually the most fun aspect in games for me. And while SWTOR PvP is still kinda fun, the bad aspects of it are becoming more and more frustrating. I'll try to elaborate, and hopefully do so constructively, as I have no interest in whining. I do realize that not every may feel the same. These are simply MY opinions.


Stuns - I used to play a rogue in WoW, so I'm well aware of stuns, and that they can be used well in MMOs. They're never fun when you're hit with one, but they're there. They exist. Fine. My issue is with the over-abundance of stuns in this game. EVERY single fight I'm in there are stuns involved. I'd love to see stuns get a huge nerf, and simply remove some of the positional requirements for classes that rely on being behind their target.


Slows/Snares - Again, there are far too many of these. A friend and I are constantly saying that in this game, in PvP, we feel like we have less control of our characters than our enemies. Again, this is speaking as a former Rogue, who used crippling poison. I understand why there are some slows/snares, but this many? It's simply not fun.


Healers - I know this is a sensitive issues, but still. If this game had arena style PvP, I wouldn't have an issue with healers. But it doesn't. It has objective style pvp, which I love. However, that's where I feel healers are too good. Because they take longer to kill, they have more time to disrupt the opposing team from completing their objectives. In a game like Voidstar, this usually means that by the time the healer is killed, there's a fresh batch of his teammates being released from their cage. While I don't see anything wrong with the healers themselves, I think there are major flaws with level design when you take healers into consideration.


Gear - 1-49 pvp is simply much more fun than level 50 pvp, which is very sad to me. The stat boost system works surprisingly well, and then as soon as you hit 50, you're going to get demolished by anyone in decent gear. I recently hit 50 on my Commando. I bought him all the pvp gear I could afford, which left me sitting around 14k health. I feel absolutely useless in every warzone. I get ripped to shreds by anyone who looks at me, and can't do enough damage to make any difference. I feel like my job is to suicide bomb anyone trying to take one of our objectives.



Anyway, those are my issues. As I said before, yes I realize that these are exactly that, MY issues. It's still a fun game, and I hope it gets better, which is why I feel it's important to voice our opinions and concerns. I've e-mailed Bioware's feedback about these issues, but that was a while ago. It's always best to get more feedback than from just one source anyway.

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So basically, anything that doesn't benefit you blowing people up in 3 seconds is bad. Too many snares/slows? LOL, sure there are, that's why kiting doesn't exist in TOR right?


I'm about to change my sig to "Bads will be bad"

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PvP is usually the most fun aspect in games for me. And while SWTOR PvP is still kinda fun, the bad aspects of it are becoming more and more frustrating. I'll try to elaborate, and hopefully do so constructively, as I have no interest in whining. I do realize that not every may feel the same. These are simply MY opinions.


Stuns - I used to play a rogue in WoW, so I'm well aware of stuns, and that they can be used well in MMOs. They're never fun when you're hit with one, but they're there. They exist. Fine. My issue is with the over-abundance of stuns in this game. EVERY single fight I'm in there are stuns involved. I'd love to see stuns get a huge nerf, and simply remove some of the positional requirements for classes that rely on being behind their target.


Slows/Snares - Again, there are far too many of these. A friend and I are constantly saying that in this game, in PvP, we feel like we have less control of our characters than our enemies. Again, this is speaking as a former Rogue, who used crippling poison. I understand why there are some slows/snares, but this many? It's simply not fun.


I'm on the fence. A lot of bad players use stuns as a crutch. I've been in a lot of scenarios where stuns are the only reason I LOST a 1v2 or 1v3. That said... They're necessary to kill other good players, too.


Healers - I know this is a sensitive issues, but still. If this game had arena style PvP, I wouldn't have an issue with healers. But it doesn't. It has objective style pvp, which I love. However, that's where I feel healers are too good. Because they take longer to kill, they have more time to disrupt the opposing team from completing their objectives. In a game like Voidstar, this usually means that by the time the healer is killed, there's a fresh batch of his teammates being released from their cage. While I don't see anything wrong with the healers themselves, I think there are major flaws with level design when you take healers into consideration.


You're doing it backwards, kill the healer first.


Gear - 1-49 pvp is simply much more fun than level 50 pvp, which is very sad to me. The stat boost system works surprisingly well, and then as soon as you hit 50, you're going to get demolished by anyone in decent gear. I recently hit 50 on my Commando. I bought him all the pvp gear I could afford, which left me sitting around 14k health. I feel absolutely useless in every warzone. I get ripped to shreds by anyone who looks at me, and can't do enough damage to make any difference. I feel like my job is to suicide bomb anyone trying to take one of our objectives.


Well, you're a commando. Nothing I can really do for you. Against average players you'll probably still feel like this WITH gear.


Anyway, those are my issues. As I said before, yes I realize that these are exactly that, MY issues. It's still a fun game, and I hope it gets better, which is why I feel it's important to voice our opinions and concerns. I've e-mailed Bioware's feedback about these issues, but that was a while ago. It's always best to get more feedback than from just one source anyway.



Edited by Kehtal
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So basically, anything that doesn't benefit you blowing people up in 3 seconds is bad. Too many snares/slows? LOL, sure there are, that's why kiting doesn't exist in TOR right?


I'm about to change my sig to "Bads will be bad"


I thought I was on the WoW forums for a second after reading your reply. Such a valuable response to one voicing his opinion.

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found your problem, you're using a DPS commando in PVP. didn't you get the memo? even in full war hero that class is trash until you go healer.



just to clarify so this can be "constructive"


you're using a class that is heavily reliant on casts, has a limited battery of stuns and snares, and officially demonstrates (much to the chagrin of all the powertechs are OP in heavy armor QQ'ers) that heavy armor makes no major survival difference in team based pvp.

Edited by KBSIP
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Healers - I know this is a sensitive issues, but still. If this game had arena style PvP, I wouldn't have an issue with healers. But it doesn't. It has objective style pvp, which I love. However, that's where I feel healers are too good. Because they take longer to kill, they have more time to disrupt the opposing team from completing their objectives. In a game like Voidstar, this usually means that by the time the healer is killed, there's a fresh batch of his teammates being released from their cage. While I don't see anything wrong with the healers themselves, I think there are major flaws with level design when you take healers into consideration.


Are you high? my sorc dies SOO fast in open ground anymore it's silly. I can get crit for 5K+ back to back to back and i have 1300 expertise.


Also if you just hit 50 you have no place complaining that you can't kill a fully war hero healer.. there is a reason that healer is way stronger than you.. its called he has done about 1000more warzones and got the gear as reward.


A healer that doesn't have a tank babysitting him is basically just a deadweight on your team. damage is so unreal high you just get crumbled the moment 2 competent dps get on you.


It's funny that you complain that CC is to good in the game and then you go on to mention that healers are unkillable a juggernaut with all his cd' sup can almost solo a healer before they can get off a single spell..

Edited by TheEvilEeyore
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found your problem, you're using a DPS commando in PVP. didn't you get the memo? even in full war hero that class is trash until you go healer.



just to clarify so this can be "constructive"


you're using a class that is heavily reliant on casts, has a limited battery of stuns and snares, and officially demonstrates (much to the chagrin of all the powertechs are OP in heavy armor QQ'ers) that heavy armor makes no major survival difference in team based pvp.


Um Assault spec is the most snare heavy spec in game... you should reword your comment to "gunnery commandos" are terrible in pvp.. assualt commandos are pretty decent.

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Um Assault spec is the most snare heavy spec in game... you should reword your comment to "gunnery commandos" are terrible in pvp.. assualt commandos are pretty decent.


They really aren't. Assault VANGUARDS are more than decent. They can perma snare. Assault commandos don't have that same luxury. They have to rely on plasma cell to proc by itself. Vanguards MAKE plasma cell proc with their main attack, every time.

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Gear - 1-49 pvp is simply much more fun than level 50 pvp, which is very sad to me. The stat boost system works surprisingly well, and then as soon as you hit 50, you're going to get demolished by anyone in decent gear. I recently hit 50 on my Commando. I bought him all the pvp gear I could afford, which left me sitting around 14k health. I feel absolutely useless in every warzone. I get ripped to shreds by anyone who looks at me, and can't do enough damage to make any difference. I feel like my job is to suicide bomb anyone trying to take one of our objectives.


This is the worst part of the game. It takes hundreds and hundreds of warzones to get WH. Then you have to spend millions of creds to get augmented gear. Then you need to farm warzones again to get the better mods.


Don't even think about gearing for another role.


This may get better with ranked warzones, but you can't really get into ranked warzones without the best gear, right?

Edited by lpsmash
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This is the worst part of the game. It takes hundreds and hundreds of warzones to get WH. Then you have to spend millions of creds to get augmented gear. Then you need to farm warzones again to get the better mods.


Don't even think about gearing for another role.


It is relatively easy to get full BM gear, which doesn't require 60 anymore (which, conversely, isn't time consuming to get anymore).


Augments, meh, I like to min/max as much as the next guy, but I think if you're a decent enough player the difference between augmented gear and non-augmented gear is minimal.

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It is relatively easy to get full BM gear, which doesn't require 60 anymore (which, conversely, isn't time consuming to get anymore).


Augments, meh, I like to min/max as much as the next guy, but I think if you're a decent enough player the difference between augmented gear and non-augmented gear is minimal.


Yeah, I know BM isn't so bad to get. I got a full set in about 1-2 weeks, I believe (minus the relics, which are still champion).






You're just not useless and a free kill if you wear BM, doesn't make the gear actually good. It just means you can kill stuff in a team fight and you don't die when an enemy looks at you. It's last season's gear, there's quite a difference compared to WH.


Not only do WH gives more stats, it typically gives better stats, like crit/surge (although if you min/max, it won't matter that much in the end).


There will always be bad players who are geared and that you can kill, and that you couldn't when you were wearing recruit. But you can't deny that WH is tedious to acquire and it gives a pretty strong advantage.


That's why I cancelled my sub. Honestly. When they bring out the new gear, it's going to be another grindfest, which is quite annoying. Leave the grinding to Asian games (not racist, they tend to be a lot more "grindy").

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Yeah, I know BM isn't so bad to get. I got a full set in about 1-2 weeks, I believe (minus the relics, which are still champion).






You're just not useless and a free kill if you wear BM, doesn't make the gear actually good. It just means you can kill stuff in a team fight and you don't die when an enemy looks at you. It's last season's gear, there's quite a difference compared to WH.


Not only do WH gives more stats, it typically gives better stats, like crit/surge (although if you min/max, it won't matter that much in the end).


There will always be bad players who are geared and that you can kill, and that you couldn't when you were wearing recruit. But you can't deny that WH is tedious to acquire and it gives a pretty strong advantage.


That's why I cancelled my sub. Honestly. When they bring out the new gear, it's going to be another grindfest, which is quite annoying. Leave the grinding to Asian games (not racist, they tend to be a lot more "grindy").


Yeah, I'm not disputing the grind on WH gear. Granted, it's not "terrible" given the queue times on newly merged "transferred" servers, but it's still pretty bad and more than most people want to go through.


Figure, 30,450 WZ comms at a 3:1 conversion just to get the chestpiece, and main/offhand weapons. Not counting dailies/weeklies, of course.

Edited by Kehtal
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To the above posts:


Optimize your BM gear instead. Not nearly as expensive. You can even get augmented oranges and put the mods you really want into them and have the best of both worlds; War Hero is NOT a big advantage and some pieces, for some reason, have slightly LESS main stat in exchange for more endurance. Endurance is the biggest advantage when going from BM to WH, but stats, primary, secondary and expertise, are so similar as to be a negligible effect in PvP. That extra 10 damage per ability will NOT turn the tide in your favor nearly as much as maneuvering so that the guy doesn't get optimal damage chains in on you.

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