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So I was on the fence


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about resubbing and after the transfers went so well and the fact that 1.3 is coming this tuesday im sure I can speak for alot of people and say Bioware you won over my $15 for the month. Goodjob!
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Welcome back. By the way, do you plan to join ranked warzones with the same 7 other players or with 7 puggers?


I plan to do ranked warzones with my guild. Doing it with pugs is just asking for trouble lol

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about resubbing and after the transfers went so well and the fact that 1.3 is coming this tuesday im sure I can speak for alot of people and say Bioware you won over my $15 for the month. Goodjob!


i know right i resubbed too!! i cant wait for the backlash on tuesday

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"transfers went so well "

speak for yourself...I had to change legacy and character names. Months of time and story invested and now its some other character, SWTOR probably lost a subscriber here. Worst server merge I have experienced,

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"transfers went so well "

speak for yourself...I had to change legacy and character names. Months of time and story invested and now its some other character, SWTOR probably lost a subscriber here. Worst server merge I have experienced,


I see. I hope you'll have fun in other mmos then.

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"transfers went so well "

speak for yourself...I had to change legacy and character names. Months of time and story invested and now its some other character, SWTOR probably lost a subscriber here. Worst server merge I have experienced,




So your character looks the same, has all the same progression. Because is he now "Bill" instead of " Bob" it negates everything you have done? - Maybe time to go back to console gaming.


The server merges were only fail for people unable to read and comprehend the information put forth.

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"transfers went so well "

speak for yourself...I had to change legacy and character names. Months of time and story invested and now its some other character, SWTOR probably lost a subscriber here. Worst server merge I have experienced,


Sometimes you guys take RP waaaaaaaay to far.

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about resubbing and after the transfers went so well and the fact that 1.3 is coming this tuesday im sure I can speak for alot of people and say Bioware you won over my $15 for the month. Goodjob!


Oh 1.3 comes out on the same day as the Dawnguard expansion for Skyrim....

Glad you are back, hope you have fun.

Edited by Tuscad
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"transfers went so well "

speak for yourself...I had to change legacy and character names. Months of time and story invested and now its some other character, SWTOR probably lost a subscriber here. Worst server merge I have experienced,


Sounds like your names weren't original or unique. Creativity would of solved that problem. But nope it's the evil Biowares fault!!!

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"transfers went so well "

speak for yourself...I had to change legacy and character names. Months of time and story invested and now its some other character, SWTOR probably lost a subscriber here. Worst server merge I have experienced,


...then clearly it's the only server merge you've ever experienced, because the way Bioware handled names is the way pretty much everybody else has handled names during a server merge.

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"...then clearly it's the only server merge you've ever experienced, because the way Bioware handled names is the way pretty much everybody else has handled names during a server merge. "


nope but it's the first time I cared about my characters names...

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"...then clearly it's the only server merge you've ever experienced, because the way Bioware handled names is the way pretty much everybody else has handled names during a server merge. "


nope but it's the first time I cared about my characters names...


I know it isn't the perfect solution but for example, instead of Figwit, would Fig'wit be close enough for you?

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