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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Consolidate Servers ASAP


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I see 9 Servers Listed as Heavy+ and 1 listed as full. On a Friday Night of all nights. I was on my server as both Republic and as Empire they totaled less than a dozen players combined. Every server that was not listed as Full were listed as Light. 3 Months before D3 came out Master Zhar Lestin was always full, but now I log on and I can't even find enough players to run a Flashpoint. I believe I saw a L19, my L29 L45 & L50 on Republic and less than that on the Empire Side. I enjoy this game but if some drastic and serious changes do not happen soon I might leave for a few months to light a fire under Dev Tushes.


I enjoy playing when there are players that play with but............ empyt servers means No One to play with.

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I see 9 Servers Listed as Heavy+ and 1 listed as full. On a Friday Night of all nights. I was on my server as both Republic and as Empire they totaled less than a dozen players combined. Every server that was not listed as Full were listed as Light. 3 Months before D3 came out Master Zhar Lestin was always full, but now I log on and I can't even find enough players to run a Flashpoint. I believe I saw a L19, my L29 L45 & L50 on Republic and less than that on the Empire Side. I enjoy this game but if some drastic and serious changes do not happen soon I might leave for a few months to light a fire under Dev Tushes.


I enjoy playing when there are players that play with but............ empyt servers means No One to play with.




Transfer, enjoy... hopefully :)

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The OP has a point. After the initial transfer buzz, things are still looking grim. Maybe this is why they are rushing 1.3 out.


Edit: Are they still broadcasting server transfers in game?

Edited by wutru
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Was just about to say who necro'd this old thread, but oh.


Makes me think, how many other people have been living under a rock for the past couple of weeks? I mean it tells you on launcher, and there were emails.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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The OP didn't mention transfers, and it seems like he missed the whole buzz completely.


This can happen... to those who don't look at the forums regularly. I know an e-mail was sent out too, but that doesn't mean someone looks at it seriously with all the spam / phishing scams going around.


Hopefully now that the OP has brought it up though, they will look at the replies and find out what that whole buzz was all about. :)

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I talked to a couple of people in-game on my origin server tonight, and they knew almost nothing about the transfers. Even though a red text bulletin goes out once per hour - they still didn't know. Somewhat mind boggling, but the OP goes one better by ignoring all the stickies and posting a plea for consolidation. +10 for Gryffindor.
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Wait all this transfer stuff is plastered all over the loader when you start the game?? How can you login and not see it?? They put it everywhere!!


I guess it is possible.. I suppose.. I just don't see how.. :confused:

Edited by MajikMyst
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I can see that some people seem to think that Server Transfer will relieve this situation, it will not. Character Transfers is putting a band-aid for a paper cut on a laceration by a rancor. Reducing the servers to a handful by doing exactly what Sony did with EverQuest when subscribers either stopped playing or simply changed games. If you are serious then make it Guild Transfers, but simply combining all the Extremely Low Servers into one would be using the correct format to fixing things. Single Character Transfer is nothing when you get down to things. They could always split servers if things got hairy but at this point in time single character transfers is not the way to do things. Make it Guild Transfers or simply combine multiple low servers into a few servers. Dev's can tell how many people have logged on to each server everyday and combine the servers so they are at least Standard Rating.


I don't want to see SWTOR fade away, but things need major fixes not minor attempts. So either make it Guild Transfers or grab 5-10 Low Servers to make one Standard Server. Yes I knew about Single Character Transfers when I wrote this, sorry if I wasn't clear on the meaning. I see a number of people attempting to insult me because "I failed to post about Single Character Transfers", I assumed people would realize that I knew that I was well read on patch notes sorry that the old saying about assume: making an *** out of you and me, Too bad so many of you proved the saying true. For this game to survive Servers need to close down and have all characters from said server be transferred to another server or to one of the Original Servers. 124 US Servers and 91 European Servers is simply overkill now., reduce the numbers to say 20 to 25 US Servers and 15-20 European Servers. As I said before you can always re-open old servers if and when SWTOR gains more subscribers. I've heard player responses but I'd like to hear a Developer's comment on this.

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If you are serious then make it Guild Transfers, but simply combining all the Extremely Low Servers into one would be using the correct format to fixing things.


"Correct" only if you haven't thought things through. At all.

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No game-company can do magic. I'm sure they'd like to merge server, or something akin, but perhaps they lack time and resources to do such? Thus they have to do something, like FREE server transfer. How is that not enough for the moment? I mean, what more REALISTIC demands can you make? I don't get this "issue" with server transfers (it's always something, right?)
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The problem is that these were server merges in the disguise of transfers. Until they admit that and shut down all the dead servers we'll keep having these problems, because there's not indication in game that 90% of the servers are officially dead now. I feel sorry for the people who somehow missed the transfer info and especially for new players who happen to pick a light server.
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The problem is that these were server merges in the disguise of transfers. Until they admit that and shut down all the dead servers we'll keep having these problems, because there's not indication in game that 90% of the servers are officially dead now. I feel sorry for the people who somehow missed the transfer info and especially for new players who happen to pick a light server.


Perhaps they haven't shut down the barren servers yet because they have something else in mind. I can hardly speculate on what that could possibly be, though. I think it's too early to judge Bioware's efforts in this spicific topic, as we don't know what the future holds, considering this game's young age. Still, as long as there is a notice on the launcher and a possibility to move to a more populous server, I don't see how new players will suffer. Perhaps you could say that the server transfer is the best way to merge servers, considering all of the circumstances.

Edited by Shimmerstrike
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I can see that some people seem to think that Server Transfer will relieve this situation, it will not. Character Transfers is putting a band-aid for a paper cut on a laceration by a rancor. Reducing the servers to a handful by doing exactly what Sony did with EverQuest when subscribers either stopped playing or simply changed games. If you are serious then make it Guild Transfers, but simply combining all the Extremely Low Servers into one would be using the correct format to fixing things. Single Character Transfer is nothing when you get down to things. They could always split servers if things got hairy but at this point in time single character transfers is not the way to do things. Make it Guild Transfers or simply combine multiple low servers into a few servers. Dev's can tell how many people have logged on to each server everyday and combine the servers so they are at least Standard Rating.


I don't want to see SWTOR fade away, but things need major fixes not minor attempts. So either make it Guild Transfers or grab 5-10 Low Servers to make one Standard Server. Yes I knew about Single Character Transfers when I wrote this, sorry if I wasn't clear on the meaning. I see a number of people attempting to insult me because "I failed to post about Single Character Transfers", I assumed people would realize that I knew that I was well read on patch notes sorry that the old saying about assume: making an *** out of you and me, Too bad so many of you proved the saying true. For this game to survive Servers need to close down and have all characters from said server be transferred to another server or to one of the Original Servers. 124 US Servers and 91 European Servers is simply overkill now., reduce the numbers to say 20 to 25 US Servers and 15-20 European Servers. As I said before you can always re-open old servers if and when SWTOR gains more subscribers. I've heard player responses but I'd like to hear a Developer's comment on this.


I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're oblivious instead of trolling.


The single character transfers have, in practice, amounted to nudge-nudge-wink-wink server mergers. The combine a bunch of low pops to make one big server has, in a practical sense if not a technical one, been done. The origin servers, last time I logged into the two I had chars on, have nothing more than level 1s and 2s logged in to check if errant guild members who didn't migrate happen to be on and a few level 45-48 who clearly only want to finish the story then unsub. All in all their were less than 15 on each at peak.


You're saying transfers wouldn't be enough. Well, they already did them, they're enough. Anyone complaining about populations being low is choosing for the populations to be low at this point. Really, fleet lag is a far more realistic problem than populations as of today, and that's a small price to pay for 10 second warzone queues and the ability to group for any flashpoint on any planet at any time of day in a couple of minutes.

Edited by Larry_Dallas
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